Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear all,

If this is posted, know that I am out with some mates doing stuff to herald the coming of the new year, or to be more accurate, the arrival of. Also, if I know you, why the hell are you not out celebrating it with me?

Anyhoots, Got tagged on a brilliant videoblog by Robin Sharma and finally answering his questions for the best damn year so far.

1. Celebrate:
- Finally getting my Open Water Diver's license.
- Finishing the Advance Diploma in Interior Design awarded by Raffles International College.
- Interning at Veritas Interiors for 2 months.
- Meeting and bonding with a bunch of amazing people.
- Getting rid of the nonsense persons in my life who were there to pull me down.
- Finding the thing I would PAY to do because it makes me happy.
- Limited my facebook meanderings to 'strictly business'.
- Successful parties and gatherings.
- Got accepted into RMIT for the ID Degree.
- Got a Distributorship in my personal business.

2. Education:
- The universe loves me.
- I love me.
- Mother is always right, don't fight her. Even if she's wrong she's right.
- When people say something contrary to your beliefs, it's merely an opinion they're allowed to have so you don't have to take it to heart. What you want to do is what you want to do. Nobody can convince you otherwise.
- Always do what is right. Never do something merely because it's easier.
- You are judged by the company you keep so keep the best company around you at all times. That or diversify.
- What was I doing when I acheived my best results from the past year? I was diving headfirst into a multitude of projects, successfully dividing my time for each task and focusing on each project with all my being to get it done.

3. Clarification:
- Big 5's for the new year:
   -- Become completely self-dependant.
   -- Fall in love
   -- Make a multitude of new friends and contacts in Melbourne
   -- Be an efficient businesswoman
   -- Ace all my subjects.
- Top 5 values for the new year:
   -- Honesty
   -- Passion
   -- Tenacity
   -- Creativity
   -- Audacity.
- 5 goals for the next 12 months: 
   -- Find someone who captivates my body and mind so entirely that I cannot imagine life without him/her.
   -- Reach RGSA status in my personal business.
   -- Get a project showcased in the University Gallery.
   -- Have an amazing 24th birthday in a new location with new friends and an amazing housemate (MAY OMG MAAAAAY!!!).
   -- Be healthier than I ever was.

4. Graduation and 5. Visualisation
- Will be done continuously and fluidly.
- I need to start waking up early again... Like 8AM (though the recommended is 5AM)
- Be totally badass again because being irrefutably awesome is not enough anymore.

Ah, yes, and a year in quotes by yours truly:

"I hate cowards... With the heated passion of ten suns. I thought I'd add that in to show how intense the hatred is."

"Also, trust your instincts. They never lie."

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,"

"I want to take your brain, clone bits of it and transplant it into... someone else's body, can?"

"I think I need to recount the point system. HAHAHAHH 10.5? HAAHAHAHAHA..."

"Yep, Imperial March is my theme song now."

"I feel bloated. Shark week sucks balls."

"I had another zombie apocalypse dream and it wasn't scary at all!"


"Corporate heresy and deskjobs are bad for my soul."

"Or, in my case, brain synapses which cause varying degrees of dopamine, norepinepherine, testosterone and phenylethylamine to be produced which generates a feeling of comfort and fluffy wuzzy bubbles... a.k.a Butterflies."

"I make it sound like I'm keeping a journal for the zombie apocalypse."

"Consider my ego stroked."

"You know, you really only have 10 years or less after graduating to make enough to live la dolce vita. I am not interested in the rat race."

"Listening to Incubus's cover of Turning Japanese before listening to The Vapours doing the original throws you off balance."

"Financially independant at 35."

"I am also so sick of apologising!"

"And I have acquired The Vampire Diaries season 1 to keep me company while I try and negate the existence of stupid people."


"I create my own happiness, I relish in my own joys and I'll revel in my own awesomeness!"

"At least my Bullshit Lobe on the middle of my brain still works."

"My subconscious is creepy... and weird."

"My hair is really nice today. I've been flipping it over shoulder and saying "Psheaaaaaa..." because it sounds really funny."

"How come nobody ever get's a misscall in a horror movie?"

"I don't know. My subconscious is weird."

"Jiggly butt... jiggly wiggley wiggley butt."

"More so the shenanigans that comes along with the territory of being disabled."

"It toggles from really heavy to mockingly light at whim. I also think it doesn't like me very much."

"Why does weird shit happen when I dream?"

"I have this uncanny ability to dig my own grave."

I can't write because I just woke up and my thoughts are segmented so until it gets more fluid, it's going to look like my plurks.

I dreamt that I went to a Slipknot concert in Genting when I was on the way back from somewhere and Adam Celup was there. *shrugs* So weird...

And now I'm singing the traffic report I made up to the tune of George Michael's Faith.
I'm so weird. I love it! hahahaha...

My dad opened the door to everyone's room this morning and went "Elloelloelloelloelloelloello..."

I will listen to more Robin Sharma stuff becase he's a genius when it comes to bringing out a person's full potential.

Hot bath and serious scrubbing time,
Wash hair,
Smell nice
Sort out bits of room and do some filing,
Rinse out the dust and pack for tonight's meanderings
Go to Junee's

I want KFC Chikins...

Oh, yeah, and hello leaving-the-country stress. :(

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Went for lunch with Zita, Christina and Iski because Zita is leaving for UK tonight at 9PM. Won't be seeing her for the next... year. D:
Anyway, the topic of conversation was how people need to learn to break up permanently and stop complaining about their chosen mate. They also need to learn that being alone is not necessarily a bad thing.

Me: Alone time is good.
Iski: ... If you have a vibrator.
Me: *blink blink* YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!
Hilarity ensues.

I hung out at Zita's after lunch with Christina just talking and laughing and watching her pack.

I can't believe I just translated 'the cat is on the chair, the monkey is on the branch, the mouse is under the table'. Hahahahahahah... I think I'm going a wee bit mental.

Whoops, the computer just swore at me in French.

I hate cowards... With the heated passion of ten suns. I thought I'd add that in to show how intense the hatred is.

I need to get out of this city.
Also, apparently I'm less badass.
Also, trust your instincts. They never lie.
Especially mine.
Epic rant post on the secret blog. With obscene amounts of colourful swearing this time.
I'm damn well getting my badassness back.
And the walls are coming right back up to full power.

- Reformat computer after backing everything up
- Clean room properly and sort out everything that stays and goes
- Read more
- Go back to being Zen
- Find appropriate guy to hit on and invest a month and a half worth of energy in
- Buy new external hard drive

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday left tentative for Meers and Syaf to be fed by yours truly before convening to the TV room for a movie. Tentative because Wednesday is my brother's birthday and I'm not sure if we're going for dinner or if he wants to do anything in celebration of him turning... 18? Yes, 18.
Whelp, turns out the mates have to come after 10 cos I'll be out eating sushi at Hajime to in celebration of. :D

Still have to figure out what to watch that night and I have to hook the laptop up to the TV for viewing pleasure. It's really uup to those two what they wanna watch actually.

Need to clean room some more, rearrange a lot of stuff, go to Ikea to buy boxes to store a lot of stuff, rearrange my charm bracelet to accomodate a new piece of trinket.

Ah, I started a new book, L.A. Banks' The Huntress, and am watching all the movies in my hard drive that I've not watched. A month and a half. Wow.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tron is gooooooooooood... Especially because Jeff Bridges is in it. He's sooooo cooooooooooooooool... hehehehheehhehehe...
If you don't know why you should watch The Big Lebowski.

I is need to go huntings. WARGH!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lovely Christmas Eve with a full day of epic fullness, Christmas Day just chilling out with Mo and Post-Christmas this year with the TTDI Clan.
Now who the toss gave me a giant lolly for Christmas? Some people give the strangest gifts...
Oh, and My team won for Charades. In as well were Danny, Ikhsan, Nawi, Faheem and Faheem's girlfriend, Hana. We has kink-link. It's weird. Auto-gel.

Anyway, it's nigh 3AM. I feel an itch that needs to be scratched because it seems that I have not been in the presence of enough intellectually stimulating individuals. I probably need to get back to the amazing world of being busy.
Have stimulating conversations often enough and one tends to forget about the itch.
Stay alone at home long enough and you get this aggravating rash of an itch that craves to be scratched and speaks to you. And trust me, it speaks volumes.

I... have less... tummy fats. YEAY!

People say that a large forehead means you are intelligent/smart/bright/wise/etc.
And fat earlobes mean that you will be prosperous/well-off/financially free.
I have both.

I have Sara Bareilles stuck on repeat.
I wish I was as poetic as she is. So awesome. So so so awesome.

Backtrack to Christmas day when I hung out with Momocat. We bitched as usual but the topic that came out more than once was about stimulating people and how we both feel that we're pretty smug that we were the weird kids in school. Well, I was anyway. I still am pretty smug -- and according to Junes, pretty condescending.

We're all probably going to be at Grass of Patch again for NYE. It's now a tradition that everyone might not be likely to break any time soon. So this time, more twister, charades, taboo? Perhaps someone to snog when the ball drops? Definitely Chicken this time and not pizza. Pizza gets cold fast... and kinda gets not tasty anymore.

And a side note saying how I get somewhat jealous of the couples I'm in the same room with mainly because they found someone they could boss around, get bossed around and/or act like a complete retard with. May their love and adoration NEVER end because they GMH. :D

Countdown to Melby: A month and a half.
Yeah, and Momocat said I'm less badass and I've become mellow. I told her badassness only came from the fact that I intended to be on the same badassery level as the bloke I was seeing, or higher.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I had a weird dream again. This time there were two of us moving into one apartment and at the same time I was getting used to being an ID consultant working with other people, especially suppliers. I can't remember what my colleagues looked like, nor can I remember the faces of anyone else but the point is... I tried to pick up a hot supplier. Hahahaha... Wow, if I don't shark in life my dreams shark for me? hahahahaha...

Anyway, Supplier guy was actually across the table from me while we were dealing with the price of his wares and he decided on 220/sq feet. I made the giant goo-goo eyes and he brought it down further to 200/sq feet. I wasn't sure what went on there but I took it as a cue. He was still pussyfooting around. So what did I do? We were walking in this area that looks like a really old park with moss growing over the stairs (new dream scene, yay?), chain link fence overhead with a small opening and a large van/lumbago/trailer parked outside that said 'Try-outs for Alice In Wonderland" and I asked him if it was weird if I asked him to go out with me. He smiled and asked me if I was trying out as Alice. I told him I've been in AiW thrice and wasn't interested anymore. He wanted to check out the scene so he stayed in line. I waled ahead to check out the people, walked past the chain link fence, down a step and the scene changed to the apartment. I don't like the apartment, it's pretty ugly. The bathroom is really REALLY ugly and wet. Ergh.

Skip to the bit where I come back to the trailer/lumbago/van, he was still there and I was holding something, I think it was cloth. Really super soft cloth. I went up the step through the chain-link fence, realised that auditions were over but he was still there waiting for something. He smiled at me from far away and suddenly acquired a posse and we walked past him singing The Wizard of Oz's We're off to See the Wizard. Strange. He sang along at one point too, I mean who doesn't sing along to that song??

Good question: Who are these people in my dream sequences and why am I trying to pick them up? He's really cute though.

June's place for makanans and minumans and general sessions of chillouts with the TTDI Clan today. For a happy boxing day celebration hahaha... Junee's last makanfest with the KL kids for the next 5 months.

Should I make profiteroles this morning? Hmmm... Yes.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Alright, might not make Oyster Party Part Deux because I don't feel like it. Of course there's still a matter of going to Cherating for a break in January for 2 nights.

Oh, man, January is going to be amazing!

Liza gave me a locket that you can keep pictures in so what I'm actually going to do is NOT put a picture in but write a note to myself, roll it up and put it there, a little prayer so to speak. A prayer for myself that I shall keep with me all the time. I'm fiddling with the trinket right now while thinking of a quote to put in. It's much too small for me to write a letter to myself for the future.

Haha... I'm sentimental like that. It would also make a kickass present in general. Heart with a note.

"Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long,"

Sara Bareilles love.
Momocat love, too!

People to meet up with:
Adam, Michelle Lee, Mountain Man, Ninatoods, Mark.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Shitty deal is a major fuck-up the day after your birthday.
You live, you learn.
So, where was I in all this rubbish?
Getting antsy as usual because the sure-fire way to make me anxious and worried is to keep your phone off and inaccessible to... ME. And, there's no other way to get a hold of you.
Those who know me know how much I freak out.
And trust me, I called a billion times. Okay... five, or something, but who's counting?
It was a damn good thing I was ridiculously busy today otherwise I'd be out of my mind and consumed.

That said,
I need to shark... The itch is so amazingly potent to get me off me arse.

TFM Official Launch 9:45AM, Lunch with JY 1PM, breather 3PM, Grammas for cousin's birthday 4PM, Liza's birthday dinner 7PM, smokes with RSGC Clan 10PM, breather12AM, Judge and Bishop comes over 1AM, day finally over 2:30AM. Sleep at 3-ishAM.

If I had a *koff*boyfriend*koff* he'd tell me to get off the farken laptop and do something productive like read a book.

Note to self: tell Bishop bout the 'burping guy'.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here we are, the last week of 2010, and it's time to get rid of last year's junk, celebrate the winnings and achievements, be grateful for what you have and will have, for the people you live with and the ideas you live by and to plan the coming year  to be as fruitful as it could ever be.

Life doesn't come if you don't grab it by the balls.

60 Tips for a Stunningly Great Life by Robin Sharma
Read it and try make it happen though my hangups will be on numbers 9, 14, 15, 24 and 54.
You know why lah.

Watch this video too! Get your shit in gear for the new year. :D

I sit here, thinking about the questions he posed for the 5 key steps to making your life wonderful for 2011 and so on and it's actually not that hard, I'll post it up as my New Year's post and trust me, the prospects for 2011 are delicious.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Much love for the talented Sara Bareilles.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday = Office X'mas party at 6.
Wednesday = waking up in the morning and morning is 1PM
Wednesday = laziness ke tahap karma.

Dear Douchey,

I want to take your brain, clone bits of it and transplant it into... someone else's body, can?
And, no, I'm not going to get sucked into Reddit.
Also, bring Noisypoppy to Melbourne in March! You guys can sleep on my couch.

Your most favourite person in the world.

Anyway, Malay food not as daunting a task as I had imagined. But I did mix up Masak Darat and Gulai Siam because they've got the same ingredients except Masak Darat you fry in oil and is chicken based and has potatoes and Gulai Siam you boil, is beef based and no potatoes... So, I ended up making Gulai Siam Chicken. hahahahaha... Dad had seconds so I win :D

Why do I write?
I'm not quite sure but it makes me feel better. It's like unloading all my worries into a neat little folder so I can cross reference it later.

Lemongrass tea is delicious with a little bit of honey and ice on a hot day. Problem is, it's cold outside. WTF, Malaysia? WTF?!

Also, have I mentioned how much I love Christmas? I gawt presents, yo. :D
I so happeh. Skinfood, earrings, bathbombs, trinket box, glass swan, t-shirt... MOAR MOAAAAAAR!!
I love presents... <3

Oh, and I have a crapload of candycanes to go around. yeay!

... I want the 'Everyday Looper' for mah iPhone. Hamagawd! :O
*sings* Mec, qu'est c'est bon?...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A mediocre Tuesday morning starts at half-ten.

The curtains are left undrawn, light diffusing through it like liquid gold through rose coloured glasses.
It's going to take me a week to get my systems back to full gear since I shut it down over the weekend.
My sister once exclaimed rather loudly that I was like a machine. I do admit that sometimes I do have a tendency to plow over work with the determination of a cat in heat -- I couldn't find a better synonym -- but I am not a machine. If I were, that would explain why it's taking such a long time for my brain to reboot... Must be the bug fixes and anti-virus running amok.

I have projects lined up, one after another, to keep me in sane mind for the next month and a half, before I depart to Melbourne for another few years of school. A degree in Interior Design that I had been accepted into. So much to prepare and I'm rather looking forward to it.

Your life's calling is something you love to do so much that you don't mind doing it for free.
You don't mind that you might end up living in a box at the side of the road because of it.
I'm 23, 24 in April, and I found mine.
Best Christmas present from myself... EVER!

Monday, December 20, 2010

This is too funny, my friend is a genius.


its funny...i wanted to dl some house music...and i accidently download some spanish acapella beach song...THE WHOLE ALBUM...
im forcing myself to like it now
it took me about 30mins to dl this thing AND IM GONNA LIKE IT!


30 mins... is not alot
you can just delete it
is it any good?


i guess its good
i downloaded 3 of their album




coz its in 1 zipped file


if it's good passs to me


wait..let me give u a sample



(You need to click this link to fully experience what I experienced.)


mkkkhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... i kenot.




im too busy laughing


i cant believe i just downloaded 3 of their albums.
It's a well known fact that I love to eat.
It's also a well known fact that I love to cook.
So, if something isn't cooked properly you can hear me gripe about it endlessly.

I do one of two things at a restaurant if I don't like something:
1. If I'm hungry, I eat it begrudgingly, inform the floor manager to get the chef and tell him/her off but pay anyway because I was hungry and I ate it.
2. I shove the food to the side, glare at the waiter, tell him/her to get the floor manager/chef. Scold the chef because my culinary intelligence was insulted. Leave and never go there again then proceed to tell people about what a shit deal the restaurant is.

I can't stand wrongly cooked food, bad ingredients and untrained staff.
And most of the time, if I can cook it and serve it in proper form and you can't, you're in trouble.
I almost never complain about a food I've never eaten unless I've had it at a place and it was done better.

Beware the educated irate customer for she brings wrath upon the restaurant that insulted her tastebuds.

Kazzer, bring me home my kind of good looking Scotsman when you return. :D
Ah, yeah, and make sure he can drive and has a car di KL. hahahahaha...

Visa, I get you soon!

Goal: Read four books this week.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Had an amazing roast beef dinner with part of the RSGC Clan (seeing as how some of them are not at the tanahair).

Third time's a charm for the molten chocolate cake and it was GOOOOOORGEOUUUUUUS.
Apparently I'm making people fat.
It's not my fault most of them decided to go for seconds.
We makan so much we forgot to eat the trifle but I'll bring that one for them tomorrow when we all go for early smokes.

I lied when I said I was going to be an unemployed bum mooching off my parents for a month and a half because I have my own business to do. :D
Grandsun will be on the forefront for the next month and a half as will be exercise regiments, catching up on reading and prepping to go to Melby.

Sister's friend, Patrick:
Can you go to Australia and make me Trifle?
I am going to Australia but not to make you Trifle.

It's now time to eat lunch,
Then calculate expenses,
Then clean the room,
Then update all social activities,
Then update exercise regiment,
Then read book.

Ah, holidays.
I like Christmas holidays, I get presents and give presents. :D

I'm being consumed by puns.

My passion is feeding people good food and I'd gladly do it for free if I had the money to spend.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I have come to realise why I over analyse everything.
It's because there's always a security issue.
I know myself so well that the arguments I have with myself are rendered moot to the original idea.
I know myself so well that I know most of my strengths.

It's taking me two days to write this post, started yesterday and today is Friday.
So, today is my last day at the office and I'm waiting for it to be 6 o'clock.
Should I go to Hartamas? Should I not go to Hartamas?
I wonder if Judge is free... Hmmmm...

Waiting for 6... waaaaaaaiting...... foaaaaaaar siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix...
(had written 'seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex' first but it looked suggestive)

Perhaps I have gotten too used to using 'noob' for anything dumb. I need a better word.
Found a delightful little video from CollegeHumour... Look for "PWN'D Support Group". *smirk*
7|-|47'5 50|\/|3 1337 5|-|17, y0.

I still haven't got my confirmation of enrollment letter. BAH.
X'tina owes me smokes. ha ha ha ... yeah, I'm dull as a brick that way.

KIV Tabs for my month and a half break from being a student. Starting tomorrow, I am hereby a JOBLESS BUM mooching off the lovely parental units.

Finally, welcome to the Last-day-of-work's 'NAK' session. It's got pictures...

Five Finger Death Punch Hoodie... NAK!

The Full Daria Animated Series Boxset... NAK!

The end. Good day to you. Whatever.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Goddamn groupie genes make me completely under the spell of most men with mad guitar skill and an amazing voice.

So, after an initial maximum score of 10,
+2 if he plays guitar/bass/drums/triangle
+3 if he has the kind of personality that leaves you wanting more
-2 if he has no personality
-ALL POINTS if he's a total douche
+2..5 if he has his own place
+2.5 if he has his own car
-2 if he made many 'fails'
+1 if he's a chef
+1 if he has a gorgeous rich deep baritone voice
-1 if a year younger
-3 if more than 2 years younger
+1 if older

Mr Tashtybum started at 6
and stayed at 6 to be honest.
Well, no. He failed so he's now a 4... but... wait...
He's a chef... he is now a 5.

Douchey started at 4
his voice got him bumped to a 5
then I got to know him better and it bumped him to an 8.
Pastu he started playing guitar, singing and playing bass sometimes.
Sial la. 9.

Mr Pointyelbows... started at 5
ended at 1... Because he is him.

Ewok... 4
and 4.

Piggy started at 5
+2+3+2.5+1-3 = 8.5

Celup Italy Initially about a 6
+2+3+2.5-2-1 = 10.5 ...
whoaaa that's not right... hahahahahaha omg HAHAHAHAHA...

I think I need to recount the point system. HAHAHAHH 10.5? HAAHAHAHAHA...
I needed to do a short write-up but my mind was drawing a blank.
I needed to start writing soon or I was doomed.
Also, there were hunger pangs.

I finally started writing but I got distracted by blogging and realised my spelling has gone out of whack.
But it's okay, I'm about done.
Aaaaaaand I'm done.

Imperial March madness.


As an addendum to my Wednesday misery which is soon to be cut short because I have a long day of wonderful things to do after I hand up. Looking forward also to a good Affogato at the Terrace! Just lovely.
Anyway, The Terrace @ Hock Choon tonight for TFM's Pre Launch at 7PM. What to wear, what to wear? A dress?
I need to find something to put on inside the dress that I have, like inner lining kinda thing because it's pretty see-through. :(

Yay, done! Print, bind and send. Then turn brain off and work on auto at the office.
Oh, and Lunch.

I'm on a Star Wars bender. Time to watch the whole thing back to back over the holidays. :D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Imperial March should be my theme song, damnit.
And Epica is awesome because they totally awesome'd the Imperial March.

Yep, Imperial March is my theme song now.

Malasnya nak BQ... urghhhhh all I wanna do is sleep now. :(

Monday, December 13, 2010

This is what I spent my weekends doing.
Unedited. DONT. JUDGE. ME.

Reception/Cafe Area sans artwork and other brain hurting things. Also, the table is hovering a foot and a half off the ground, you will not question this fact because it's a magical table. Shut. Up.

Then you walk upstairs to the 1st floor and you see the Lounge Area where the women go and relax and you realise the kaki kerusi terpesong abit. Damn.
*shifty eyes*

And finally, a keras looking massage bed in the Pamper Suite on the 1st floor.

I have just learned how to illuminate the whole room... 30 minutes ago. GRARRGHHH *flips table*
I need more Perspective skills, man.

Hope you HAD a good weekend. I know I didn't because it was only moderately good. Bah.

P/S: Fuck the other two scenes, it's not so important.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm supremely annoyed with V-Ray. I'm about THIS close to flipping something and taking a screenshot.

*swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear*

I HAVE AT LEAST THREE SCENES TO RENDER THE LITTLE *swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear swear* BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... IT GIVES ME A BLACK SCENE EVEN IF I DID THE *swear* LIGHTING PROPERLY AND DID EVERYTHING I COULD DO TO FIX IT....


AND I HAVE TO HAVE IT READY BY TUESDAY BECAUSE *swear* HAND UP IS ON *swear* WEDNESDAY MORNING and dh, I'm going Christmas shopping today. Yay! :D

Friday, December 10, 2010

My lower back...


Reasons why I look fine but secretly I want to maim you in the most violent possible manner:
1. I am in pain.
2. You are stupid.
3. Crappy radio music in my ear that I somehow am unable to block out.

I'm doing my 3D stuff today.
I have to try and block out the annoying pain. Let it get nice and numb. Let me get into the point where I am not distracted. I have 5 scenes to build and a day and a half to do them because rendering is going to take the whole goddamn weekend...

As I've requested you check back, there will be update continuation.

I... am in less pain and will have a chocolate mousse cake for tea.

@ 1:57PM, 3/5 3D modelling bits done.
@ 2:34PM, 4/5 3D modelling bits done.

I feel bloated. Shark week sucks balls.
I'm getting some new piercings... But that would mean no swimming for a month. No, kenot.
I'll get new piercings... eventually.

@ 3:40PM, 5/5 3D modelling bits done.

Chillin now and reading posts on Bad_Sex because it's all either hilarious or totally gross.
I resume work eventually and have at least 2 pieces ready for rendering while I'm out shopping for Christmas presents. Yeay!

Ah mess douchey. Next year I go to his gig... and throw rocks at him. hahahahahaha...

Beli-ing more albums when shit is done, yo. :D
Need to dance to Jamiroquai.

I feel my heart sinking into my gut. Something don't feel right.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

This'll be the last month, well, maybe most of next month too, that I'll be wearing contacts of different colours.
My money, no need to fly everywhere, start by cutting errant spending.

Speaking of errant spending, CHRISTMAS IS UPON US!
Time to buy stuff for people!

That 12 days of Christmas song can go suck it. What if you don't have a true love?
On the first day of Christmas my lover gave to me...
Absolutely nothing, the tosser.

Oh and by the way,

On a more random note...
She is me and this is he.
Who is he?
I have no idea. 
All I know is that I want this.

Comic hail: Meredith Gran (Octopus Pie)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Ibanez BTB670 Bass.




Holy shit I want to play bass. Cos bassisst do it deeper... hur hur hur...
seriously, want!

and off it goes into the wishlist... hahaha...
Yesterday was a really, REALLY productive day and now I have a week to finish my BQ, which is another one day job, and the 3D renderings.


The perspectives that I'll be rendering: The room for both massage and bath, the room with bath only, the 2nd floor lounge, the disabled bathroom and the main entrance/cafe area.

I have fond Tulamben diving memories. Especially of the cute guy divers. *wiggles eyebrows*
6 more dives to do before I can go for my advance open water certification!
One dive trip per year, yes?
I want to dive in Vietnam, Kongkong says it's nice.

Lunch is making me sleepy.
I need to cut the frizzy bits off my hair.
I need to do some 3D.
I need to be at work before 2.
I need to clean up some of the sheets and prepare the schedule for the submission and oral presentation.
I need to call the urut/lulur lady and make an appointment for the 20th.
I need to get impartial third party to pick names out of the hat for the Secret Santa.
I need to narrow down impartial third party.
Impartial third party would probably be my brother. Duh.
Secret Santa names will be out tonight, get your shopping ready.
I need to... figure out my theme for the Pre-Christmas Christmas Dinner.
I need to distribute candycanes to people who don't get a designated gift from me.
I need to go and BUY said candycanes...

I love December.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Today, I slog, and possibly not sleep... But I'll have naps.
WOOO!!! Adam's back on the 15th!
I think... it's journal entry day today... Soooo...

Woke up to take a piss
Brushed teeth and all that
Hit the laptop because facebook is oh so important...
Turned on AutoCAD
Stared at assignment
Spoke to Jon after soooooo long over Skype.

Finally started work?
No, still trolling the net.
Stare further into the abyss that is my assignment.
What shall I have for breakfast?
Mom interrupts to tell me she's making Mac'n'Cheese for dinner. Yum!
The hunger, it commeth.
Did some work, finished some sheets, finally.
Goes to kitchen to find food.
Breakfast. Crackers and tuna spread. Could use some cheese slices.
Hmmm... Jacob's crackers surprisingly tasty.
Continues working.
Reads article about Shahidan Kassim making a fuss about how he wants FB banned because of 'National Security' -- How about I shove his national security up his butthole? Fascist pig.

Eats a cracker
Do some work
Plurk updated... twice.
Checks Twitter
Wonders why I lose interest in things so quickly.
Tangents into the internet again.
Thinks of Skyping Douchey. He is not online -- He never is because of his BBM. Baaargerrr...
Almost fell off chair while stretching.
Finished another sheet.

Checked FB
Kaz is online, speaking to her about girly things men shouldn't know about.
Finds the Malay Language less stimulating.
Decides to stop hunting men until next year.
Listens to Lynard Skynard's Free Bird
Discusses the complexities of the characters in Daria.

Finishes another sheet.
Starts on Sectional Elevations -- Finally. *sigh*
Psyches self up.
Damn. Floor and Wall coding isn't done yet.
Listened to Jon Cage's 4'33 masterpiece. Was a total wreck by the fourth minute and thirtysecond second. Amazing.

So... tedious...
Another sheet done.
Resumes Sectional Elevation work... le sigh...
Some phrases, the more you read the more grammatically wrong it starts to sound.
Perhaps Wednesday night is for smokes?
Fesbuk... I check you.
Did dad pay the book guy yet?
He didn't... -_____- SORRY FAIZAL! Esok bank in duit!
Things in my head need to be sorted out.
Walked around the house to de-brain the stress?

Half one, came back to elevations. ergh. Found Timesavers G to ID, referring to it now.
Eating Moussaka whiile working = Bliss.

I cannae escape this sinking feeling... It feels like... sinking. It's a goddamn sinking feeling, leave me alone!

Watched one episode of Daria.
I hate doing the last few bits of the 2D CADs.
Watched random Youtube vid Neil Gaiman posted on his Twitterfeed.

Still on the elevations. mainly because I got sidetracked for too long. 2 out of 4 done.
Remembered that I wanted to read Make Room! Make Room by Harry Harrison, I think I have it somewhere in my computer.

Still not finished yet. About to flip table.
Sick Sad World is the shit.
One more elevation to go and we can move on to detailing *shudders*...
Peppermint tea.

Elevations are done! Take a breather and then detailing. it's 6:09 btw. Yeahhh...
Space out.
Does the sheets for the Elevations as a means to space out.
But momma, I don't wanna do detailing :(

Have decided to resume working after dinner and a nice hot bath... or dinner, work then nice hot bath? Or just nice hot bath tomorrow? Showers just doesn't cut it anymore.
Dinner done. Slothing whilst figuring out how to arrange the detailing into at most 2 pages. Because I'm special like that.
Kaz passed me The Difference Between 'Cute' and 'Hot' and I read it and... nodded in agreement to be honest.

I've been at the computer (sporadically meandering into the outside world) for more than 12 hours and that makes me sad.
Listening to The Kinks' You Really Got Me... Then on to Van Halen's version :O
See, I could have done all this in a day on ANOTHER day but I couldn't be arsed so I didn't.
I feel like YTF. May, min, Friday YTF jom...

Listening to Incubus's I Miss You, live at Bakersville.
Doing Detailing and getting rather bored and stumped. I can't believe I've been at it for 12+ hours.
Incubus bender because I am bored and I can sing the songs without deathgrowls and pigsqueals.

Fugg dees sheet. Dah cukup tu update by the hour. Cam sial.
Eat shit and die.
No, I joke. I love you.
I really do.
This is my love for you...
It's theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees big.
No? Whatevs.
I'm going back to work.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Del Amitri's Roll to Me is still music to my ears.

People, go bring your ears to the wash and make sure you get to that bit where it makes Rihanna and Beiber sound nice... Because, really, it doesn't.

So, yeah.

10 days actually.

I think I have too many Arctic Monkeys songs in my musiclistenigapparatus.

There, some music just for you.

Jane Lane is talking in my head.

By the way, New Year's Eve is for Oyster Pahteh 2010/11?
No fireworks but it's gonna be fun
But, damn, I want fireworks. And oysters..
And someone to snog when the proverbial ball drops for the new year.


Sunday, December 05, 2010

Good Sunday, people.

I, like Firt, have pre-monday blues.
Also, I'm hungry.
I had a lovely time on Friday night (and most of the morning) with May and Ikhsan and Min and some others. It wasn't a totally bitchin party but it was good. Taboo at the end of the night made up for crappy drinking games that I would rather have not done.

Dad commented on riffraff boys that we shouldn't be dating.
I guess the prospective boyfriend/mate bar just got higher.
If it's one thing I'd like is to be able to parade the male in front of my parents with pride which would prove to be a Herculean task.

I may or may not be damai-ing tonight. Might as well just bum around and work in the home library. I get work done there because my room is far too distracting.

I forgot who I had this conversation but it went something like...

Me:                       You know what I have a hankering for?
Other Person:        What?
Me:                       A really good Frittata...
Other Person:        Why don't you just call it a fucking omelette?
Me:                       Fine, I want a loaded fucking omelette.

By the way,

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Sha, on why she hates office/desk jobs... Yes, even the glorified ones.

  1. You sit all day.
  2. You don't get enough water.
  3. You're in a dry cold environment all day.
  4. Food is unhealthy if you don't bring something from home and excessively expensive for something non nutritious and tastes like crap.
  5. You can't eat when you want where you want.
  6. Your time is constricted to working hours.
  7. You're used and abused by your superiors who earn more than you yet do less work.
  8. You get your soul sucked out of your body little by little every day.
  9. You become fat, wrinkley, lethargic and pimpley.
  10. You make up excuses to not go exercise because you're brain-dead from workplace drama and politics -- Oh, and work, too.
  11. Lunch is an hour short.
  12. You may or may not dislike your colleagues. Most of the time it's the case of the latter.
  13. Your nights usually end at 11PM
  14. Your youthful demeanour takes a turn for the worst and you start behaving like a cranky old lady/man.
  15. You feel like snacking all the time.
  16. Some people who use the restrooms either don't flush or they flood the whole place.
  17. There's. Not. Enough. Spoons/Cups/etc...
  18. People shirk duties after they find out you pick up their slack.
  19. NOBODY owns up to their mistakes.
  20. It feels like kindergarten but the prison version because everyone behaves like a bunch of five year olds.
  21. Sometimes there's no work and other times work is flooding your space, mind, thoughts, dreams and you have to work overtime and often stay overnight.
  22. Most clients are a bunch of self-righteous, self serving morons.
  23. You lose your humanity in the monotony of Sleep-Eat-Work.
  24. You can't play games at work when you're so saturated and you need a break.
  25. No. Headphones. Sucky. Radio. Crap.
  26. Irritable colleagues who are overworked.
  27. When one person gets sick, everyone gets sick in succession.
  28. No. More. Social. Life -- Well, less than before.

So there is an inconclusive list of why I wont be a 9to5er for too long. I'm going to damn well be on the right side of the cashflow quadrant.
After I finish with work, I'll finally be catching up on the reading list and going back to the usual exercise routines of physio/occu, stationary bikes and swimming sessions.
It's great.
I know where I stand.
And sit, and lie.

2 weeks before my Internship ends,
3 weeks before the term ends,
4 weeks to the new year,
Hello, 2011, I can see you peeking around the corner!

Listening to Dire Strait's Money For Nothing because my brain doesn't work.
AutoCAD is on so I can start working. I don't feel like going out.
I blurcase.

Hanging out with Meers at Damai tomorrow with my laptop, some music and lots of work. Most of which I will have to finish today.
I can do this! I can!
I'm sorry, Wil, but I guess I won't be hanging out with you lot today.

Damn, I feel like an ice-cream sundae, a bath and a nap. Damn, you assignments, damn you...
*shakes fists towards heavens*

Diving at Sipadan in 5 years. I need to get my Advanced Diver's Cert by then.
Yay! 6 more dives before I can qualify.
One diving excursion per year for the next 4 years.

I don't think very highly when it comes to the sanctity of marriage but I am toying with the idea of a life-mate a'la domestic partnership.

I need new black leggings.
I dread packing for Melbourne.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The internet is being blasphemously slow.

I have a billion parts of the assignment to complete soooo...
Not going out (except with the parental units to a movie) starting Sunday.
Because I'm booked solid until then...

See, if I focused reaaaally hard I could finish all the 2D crap in a day.

I need people to go do work with me at Damai. Seriously, the situation is getting dire. DIRE, I SAYS!
Okay, Sunday I'm parking my butt at Damai.


Ah feels so pohpularrr! tch.
Pre-Christmas Christmas Dinner on the 18th with my RSGC babes.

December, like The Bloke said, we have a love-hate relationship with.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Fatherling made Prawn Aglio Olio last night and it was delicious! Finished off with the leftover Almond Bread & Butter Pudding eaten with a little bit of accidentally homemade Dulce de Leche and some whipping cream. Ah, bliss.
I win at desserts.

Kaz's BBQ tonight but I have no time to make Banoffee Pies so I'm not going to.
Work is at the forefront today, going to finish up the lighting points and M&E.
Plumbing, RCP, Coding and Sectional Elevations to be done tomorrow -- If I finish the Lighting and M&E early, this might get bumped up to today provided I don't have anything at the office to do.
Detailing, Codings, B&C, Mood & Material Boards and starting on the 3D over the weekend to be rendered throughout the next week while I'm at work.

3D spaces to render:
- Entrance
- Room 1 - Bath
- Room 2 - Massage
- Room 3 - Both
- Lounge looking towards the water feature and planter box
- Toilet

Once, everything is done, prepare the PP for week 11's oral presentation.
Ha-ha Oral. *Ken Sebben's voice*

Timetable for next week and the week after is done. Work. Le sigh.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hawa is so amazing she's like Chuck Norris.

A taxi ran over Hawa and the taxi kemet.

Hawa went into the X-ray room and ended coming out with an x-ray of the machine instead.

Hawa got run over by a taxi and all she complains about is a sore throat.

The only painkiller Hawa needs is Panadol *koffPlacebokoff*

Hawa wins at life. Get well soooooooooooooon!
We love youuu!!!


On to more serious things? There isn't anything more serious than a friend in the hospital recovering from being trampled underfoot by an errant and moronic taxi driver. Sekian, until I find something else to write about.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Seeing Hawa tonight at the hospital.
Hope that she is doing well.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good day, fellows.

Today I see the grandmother who is back from Haj, Make bread and butter puds, and later tonight go out for dinner.
I was supposed to make chilli con carne but since everyone is not having dinner at home I figured I'll just make it next time, like on a Saturday or something.

So many things floating in my head that I can't begin to put on paper... uhh... blog.
Also, I can't wait to go away for a few months and miss my lovely ol' KL. Waxing poetic about my favourite city when I'm in the throws of winter. Walking around in Ugg Boots until I find comfier+prettier boots.

New hunting grounds. *grins like the Cheshire Cat*

Momo said "A lot can happen on three years. Look how much things changed since last year!"
I agree, Momo, I so agree.

I still don't want to have THE TALK. Nuh-uh... Nossir.

Dylan Moran speaks truth... Also, he's funny as hell.
"Seriously, you need to have THE TALK," said several people on different occasions.

"Uhh... No, I don't," Said I in utmost seriousness, fear seeping through my pupils like water through a hole in the glass.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I had another zombie apocalypse dream and it wasn't scary at all!

Starts off with me and 2 women at a lift hacking at undead things. I was pissed because I had a blunt parang. Like wtf? Also, luckily it was all crawlers. I think there only were crawlers in my dreams. As well as other non native earth animals... Fantastical ones. *confuzzled*
It's like freakin X-men or some rnadom turf war shit.

Anyway, elevators finally open as I try to hack at some dead old woman's neck -- She wouldn't fucking die for the second time and the parang was really blunt so I ditched the parang and went into the lift where there were several other people. Noticeably a man  who's in his late fourties, good looking with greying hair, his son and his son's friend. My two friends were always there in the background by the way, never really popping up in the conversation. So I started planning to hit the roof carparks, steal a car and run. Why was I in a mall?

Old man, let's call him James. James suggested we take his car. I said okay.
In the mean time, and somehow, I started getting rather close to his kid's friend, Tom. The dad and the kid were having some sort of strange conversations and I was getting snuggly with Tom. Stranger things have happened in my dreams. Oh, and I found a small axe and put it in my bag, it was really sharp. Tom was not my kind of guy but he was lovely and amazingly clingy, like saran wrap. Throughout the dream he had never left my side.

So the lift doors finally open to an empty carpark. We had some major discussions and I walked down a slope. Walked back up cos some people were being slow and walked back down the other side to the car. James and son were nowhere to be found so we ditched them and went to the cars. Cars had plastic barricades which Tom tried to lift, breaking some other car's fender. I took out my axe and told them they loved me. They agreed, I got the most amazing kiss I've NEVER had from Tom before he went off to chop the barricade down. Again, my 2 girlfriends were always in the background.

Change to a different scene, we were all chillaxing at a plastic table in a commune where there aren't any zombies. I say something like 'Wow, a zombie apocalypse and I'm not dead yet... Awesome!' to Tom. I needed to pee so we went into this house... The same house I see in most of my dreams. It's luxurious and ugly. I don't like it it's like some crappy rich guy with no taste built it.

Anyway, I went to pee and I saw in the reflection someone in the Jabberwockeez dance crew mask. Bloody hell, scary dowh, cos the guy looked at me through the reflection and looked in another direction slowly and mechanically as if he wasn't alive. Then I woke up and really went to take a piss. Ha-ha-ha.

Why do I get zombie apocalypse dreams so often now? Because nothing else scares the fuck out of me.

Watching The Ruler at Actor's Studio with Mo, then dinner at Tapas place with my womens Khaleeg and smokes. :D

Friday, November 26, 2010

Yes, it's another meme. Instructions for, I will ignore indefinitely.

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out these questions and make a new note called "ABC About You." Then tag 25 people (randomly). If you got tagged by me, you have to take this survey and re-post it! Don’t forget to tag me because I want to know more about you!

A - AVAILABLE : Depends, what for are we talking about?
B - BIRTHDAY : April 16th
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD : Some sugar water with colouring I had diluted 3 times but still was so sweet.
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT : I... have no idea... :|
I - IN LOVE WITH : myself
J - JUGGLE : two apples... and I multitask.
K - KILLED SOMEONE : In my mind... *squints*
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : omfg HOURSSSS... I swear my ass was so numb after I had to flex it a multitude of times before it finally woke up.
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : chocorate, plskthxbai
O - ONE WISH : whirled peas *twirls hair*
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : Haive gawt a laverly bunch of coconuts...
V - VEGETABLE : Is good for your poopie times!
W - WORST HABIT : being frank. Well, no most of the time I'm sha but you know...
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY : those that determine the extent of my scoliosis and lordosis
Y - YOYOS ARE : yoyos, wtf you want with them... I can probably strangle you with it.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN :ARIES, BITCH! hahahaha...

Your favorite number/s : 7
What color do you wear most : neutral colours
Most favorite color : red
What are you listening to : the fan whirling overhead.
Are you happy with your life right now : yes, quite.
What is your favorite class in school : Lunch.
Who is/are your best friend/s : Don't get me started on this it'll take FOREVER.
Are you outgoing : Yes, so much in fact it's hard to stay still at home. Opposite of outgoing... Inhoming?
Favorite pair of shoes : Slipa getah banana peel. I hate shoes I wish I could walk around barefoot.
Can you dance : nope. I dance like a white guy. It's sad.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth : Yes, because I am pro.
Can you whistle : Yup
Cross your eyes : Yup
Walk with your toes curled : You mean some people cant do that?

Do you believe in life in other planets : it's possible
Do you believe in miracles : Depends, the goddamn song is now in my head. Thank you.
Do you believe in magic : YAAAAAAR...
Love at first sight : Nope. It's called lust, kids.
Do you believe in Santa : Nope
Do you know how to swim: Yes
Do you like roller coasters : Does it help if I said i'm terrified of them but love to go on them? I guess it doesn't help.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows : They ate durian and balked. Bunch of pussies.
Have you ever been on a plane : Yeah
Have you ever asked someone out : I'm the one asking someone out usually.
Have you ever been to the ocean : Yeah
Have you ever painted your nails? : Yeah

What is the temperature outside? :  decent
What radio station do you listen to: BFM 89.9
What was the last restaurant you ate at: Khaleeg. Had the munchies, someone kept stuffing food into my mouth.
What was the last thing you bought : food for lunch, tapao
What was the last thing on TV you watched : some food thing on AFC

Who was the last person you IM'd : G'paaaaaaaa
Who was the last person you took a picture of : Thats a very good question. People take their own pictures using my picture taking apparatuses.
Who was the last person you said I love you to : everyone? In a completely not serious kind of way.

Ever really cried your heart out : No
Ever cried yourself to sleep : No
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder : No
Do you cry when you get an injury : Nnnn-yeaah... but only once.

Are you a happy person?: I revel in my unearthly positive attitude and general sunny disposition... Until I feel like killing/maiming something.

What is your current hair color: Brownish

What shirt are you wearing : Baju panjang putih
Pants : leggings
Shoes : Barefoot... barefeet?
Necklaces : Tarak

Favorite eye color: brown
Short or long hair : longgggg
Height : talllllerrr than my dad less he gets harassed by the fatherling's ability to make fun of short people.

Been to jail: Nope
Mooned someone: hahahah... nope. My ass is too precious to moon errantly.
Thought about suicide : never.
Laughed so hard you cried : daily
Thrown up in a store : nope
Wanted to be a model : never
Seen a dead body : yeah, cadavers.
Been on drugs : nope.
Gone skinny dipping : maaaaaybe... *twiddles fingers*

Pepsi or Coke : water
McDonald's or Burger King: Alexis's Bluecheese burger
Single or Group Dates: whatever fits
Chocolate or Vanilla : chocorate.
Strawberries or Blueberries: blueberries
Meat or Veggies: both
TV or Movie : Laptop
Guitar or Drums : I play guitars but shtoink drummers.
Adidas or Nike: Your mom.
"Eat, you're thin," said the bloke, or something like that.
"Whaaaaaaaaaa?" said I in utmost befuddlement.
That's a first.

Prior to that, I had a douchebaggery kind of Thursday evening. Catchwords for that night were 'Irate and Morose'... At one point Meers pointed out that 1. You could see the frost come out of my mouth while I talk, I don't remember being that biting. And 2. "For a split second there you had the glint of bloody murder in your eyes," Paraphrased of course, and for the record, I did want to beat the shit out of something, anything! Even a pillow. Pillow be damned.

After a few minutes of smokes and chats I was alright though, prior to that you were in the presence of the Third Reich incarnate.

And now I'm hungry.
Would like bed, cookies, cuddles and sleep in that order. But nooooooooo... Bedblocked by office work.

One factor contributing to the iratenessness... Have I mentioned how us siblings take turns kena baham by the mother? Yes, tis the season my brother is taking the brunt of the crap but he's off for camp so I'm getting the load of shit. Little brother, come back soon so I can stop being pestered?

Definitely moving out after Melby.

OMFG Damn You Auto Correct!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

GenY, or since I read the wiki page on it 5 minutes ago, Echo Boomers. Sounds kind of cool -- Echo Boomers.

You can spot us through our ever changing and fleeting interests, headphones blaring in our ears, how we pick things up as fast as we forget what it's for, how we spout nonsensical facts about Politics and Religion and how we claim to know ourselves inside out. But. Is that really true?

I had recently acquired a two day stint in massaging a space within a shopping mall -- and I'm not sure how many times I've told people how much I dislike shopping malls -- and part of the criteria would be the ability to attract my fellow EchoBoomers.

Let me point out the most obvious thing about EchoBoomers, we are more individualistic than the GenX which makes isolating various groups a daunting task at its best because you can't make everyone happy all the time, hell, you can't even make everyone happy some of the time. So what's the best bet? Make some people happy all of the time? Possibly so. Sadly, though, that option gives rise to the biggest problem of my generation. Sure, we no longer are in the pursuit of freedom and love and pot, instead we strive to be in all the time.We want to be seen, we want to be heard, we want to be better than you and have you hate us and love us at the same time. It's one of those strange things in life where hyper-individuality gives rise to Sheeple. One person makes a trend and the rest follow, hoping within all hope that they may surpass the original style-setters. Wishful thinking on their part because what really happens is that the original style-setters get bigger and bigger because what they really do is feed on the envy/love of their fellow limelight whores.


There's 80 MILLION of us, maybe more, born between 1982 to 1994-95. We vary in our trending interest and our herded attitudes, maybe about 10% of us actually don't give a shit about trends (like me for example) but the rest are being sucked into the whole notion of being herded. It's a generation of people who don't use their god given brains much, sadly.

Although I am a part of this generation - statistically - I refuse to be goaded into a trend and I refuse to be part of the Boomerang Generation. SUCK ON THIS, BITCH!
It's Wednesday and so I am doing work in the form of assignments.

So, yeah, on to Book Nerdisms...

Have you read more than 6 of these books? The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books listed here.
Instructions: Copy this into your NOTES. Bold those books you've read in their entirety. Italicize the ones you started but didn't finish or read an excerpt. Tag other book nerds. Tag me as well so I can see your responses!

1. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
2 The Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series – JK Rowling
5 To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee -- I read a few chapters and decided it's not my thing.
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
8 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell
9 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
11 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
15 Rebecca – Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
17 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulks
19 The Time Traveller’s Wife – Audrey Niffenegger
20 Middlemarch – George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell
22 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House – Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
26 Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis
34 Emma – Jane Austen
35 Persuasion – Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin – Louis De Berniere
39 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
40 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
41 Animal Farm – George Orwell
42 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown -- Read A little bit it wasn't as good as Angels and Demons so I put it down.
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving
45 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables – LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
48 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies – William Golding
50 Atonement – Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi – Yann Martel
52 Dune – Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen
55 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
58 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time – Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
62 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History – Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road – Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding
69 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
70 Moby Dick – Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
72 Dracula – Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett
74 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
75 Ulysses – James Joyce
76 The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath
77 Swallows and Amazons – Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal – Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession – AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple – Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web – EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
91 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
94 Watership Down – Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet – William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables – Victor Hug

Books I want to buy and read:
Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Good Omens
More Tom Holts
More Neil Gaimans

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why is it so hard for me to start work on my assignment but everything else is finished so quickly all you can see is dust.

It's the curse of the assignments, yo.

I look out the window and what do I see?
No sun, no rain, just haze.
Gray, gray and more gray 'til you want to cut something just to see colour!
The cars below look like the ants that trek into my keyboard, yes, my keyboard is the home of ants, I can't be arsed to kill them anymore, they just keep coming back... WITH CAVALRY!
Also, I'd like them to take every crumb or morsel of food ever dropped into the damn thing by the previous occupants. Clear it up, boys -- uhh... I mean girls!

Also, I can't go out tonight because I have to finish my assignments. Yay!
I need 80% of it done, or at least close to done so that I can show my face in class tomorrow for 6 minutes and show something instead of waltzing in without anything and making a fool of myself.

So many things to do, so many many things to do.

Also, someone owes me cookies...
*smiles demurely*
*twiddles fingers*
*smiles again knowingly*

Whoops, it's raining again. November, how are you so wet? *le sigh*

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good day to all!
I remembered I hads teh photobukkits and OMG YAY DIMSUM FOR LUNCH! wait... yeah, so teh photobukkits has teh emoticons. Photobucket And I'm gonna be using it more now, because you need to know what my facial expression is.

4 more weeks of internship to go.
Last month and a half of classes.
Paying RMIT deposit next week.
I'm so excited!

TEDxYouth@KL was good :D
Was a Delegate, thanks to JY.

November will be over in a week and a half which means paycheck and pocket money. Ha-ha.
Paycheck will not be saved because it is peanuts and I need the dosh right now.

Out with Meers and Panda tonight, hoping more will come and join.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes I wonder why I torture myself by watching certain types of movies. You know, the ones that give you an inkling of HOPE. As if I thought I could take it to heart and suddenly become all flowers, butterflies and unicorns.

The prospects of such a thing is a wonderful thought but it's also terrifying.
Ideas of a shattered barricade, a failed great wall in shambles.
No more laser beam super forcefield that deflects the kind of feelings associated with...

...  that.

*tilts head*
I can't even say it without feeling my throat sink to my gut.

I get panic attacks just thinking about it.
Something I cannot predict or prepare for.
An idea that would, more often than not, leave me in severe discomfort.

I can say it in jest or to certain people but I have never really meant it in respect to... Oh, screw it.

My fingers run over the keyboard, dictating the thoughts that fill my head but some words don't fall in line and changed, get written and then erased or were just never put there in the first place. The word that everyone shouts, screams, whispers, mutters and boldly states on the rooftops towards the world.
It's terrifying. It's so terrifying that I make myself not want to get into that situation because I have only myself to protect.


I find myself in the uncomfortable throws of stimulus. Uncomfortable. Unpredictable. Unrelenting. Possibly unreq-... No, the last one isn't it.

Number of mini panic attacks today?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Delayed Gratification

An everywoman
The everyman
The poet
The pauper
The king.

The youth,
An abundance,
What is wanted,

The wait that was once done
No more
We do not wait for those things,
They wait for us.
For us,
So long,
So far,

We change,
We wane,
We slack.
And hack-
And hack-
And hack.
Our soul consumed
An eternal fire of complications.

We cannot wait.

General ignorance to time.
But we cannot wait.

We want
We want
We need
We want.
Nevermore the waiting game.

Summary: In light of the youth's inability to process delayed gratification (as well as other more important things in life), we're all fucked.
Christmas presents list! WARGH!
Gotta write down that list and go present hunting for both the Secret Santa AND the usual presents.
*checks who's been naughty and nice*
The bad kids get... NOTHING!

Also, cos I'm kind of... bajet... your presents wont be expensive but know that I still love you. :D

Also wik,
My friends are awesome. Like, so totally awesome.
*hair flip*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Had a jamming session with my once-a-year-only-meet (well, now twice) second cousins, the boys probably wont be meeting up with so often but Elissa, definitely. Her house is behind mine. Got to check if the drum kit is fixed but me and the littlest brother are going to visit one a week or once every two weeks for repeated jamming sessions.

I es vocalist, going to test my pig squeals, death growls and melodious tunes behind the mic.
Maybe I can try playing the bass and relearn some guitar as I go along.

I miss jamming sessions.
I want more jamming sessions.

Littlest brother's friend, Mikey, is a drummer. We drag him go jamming now.

Oh, I forgot to say that the usually quiet Raya Haji was suddenly full of visiting people... Manly because these rellies didn't do anything for Raya Puasa.
And... I... Ate... ALOT.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quite is actually quite interesting :)
I'm glad I went.

Had a quick smoke session with the girls and the bloke.

In Kim's words: Canoodling.

Ha-ha very funny, Kim, very funny.
There was something but it definitely wasn't canoodling.
Half day omg yay!
I get to loaf around at home... yay!

Things I cannot do... Yet...
- Paintball -- Actually I could always go with my scooter and armour. I'm a tank pew-pew!
- Rock Climbing -- which, if I tried, would turn into 'Belay pull me up to the top so I can touch base' No climbing involved.
- Wear killer heels -- I will... eventually. There's a reason why it's called killer heels. You can stab someone on the jugular with it and they'd die. *shrugs*
- Run up a flight of stairs -- I. Hate. Stairs.

WTF where do all these ants come from?! And why are they marching towards my keyboard and going nowhere in particular? AntCon? *flips table*

P/S: Corporate heresy and deskjobs are bad for my soul.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Memo note to self: Sunday dinner, 21st November, Bangers and Mash with grilled vegetables and onion gravy.
I'm cooking every Sunday now until bibik comes back. Perhaps week after next i'll try to make some Malaysian dishes intead of relying on super simple matsaleh dishes.

Going to Quite (The art exhibition) on Tuesday evening, I think. OMFG! QUITE!
I'm kind of excited to see the exhibits. Ehehehehe!
Can't go on Wednesday because it's Raya Haji whereby I'm not sure if I've got anything or not. Should ask dad.

Kaz's Mediterranean-Middle Eastern Pre Christmas BBQ on the 3rd of December!
Yay! Confirmed except for the budget. Is the +1 confirmed though? Will ask later.

I'm seeing Mark on the 27th of Nov, Adam's back on the 15th of Dec. :D

Things that frequently happen to me:
- Being carried while on a chair (doesn't matter what kind of chair) by the blokes because I refuse to move from that spot. Meh.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A friend of mine had a weird dream last night and I was in it, set five years in the future.
*gets permission to post*

X:(10:34 AM):
*I had a weird dream last night

Me:(10:34 AM):
*oh yeah?

X:(10:35 AM):
*You know one of those set in the future but feels super real as if you were actually awake and you have false memories of the time between you fell asleep and when the dream began.
*You were in it though

X:(10:36 AM):
*Set 5 years in the future. I was working at the travel company still and was also just starting up my company.

Me:(10:37 AM):
*fwoaarr... i get dreams where it's set in an alternate earth... everything's sort of different but it feels the same and usually... there are zombies. hahahaha
X:(10:37 AM):
*Mostly it was me going to peoples weddings traveling and working
*I missed your wedding

Me:(10:38 AM):
*my wedding?

X:(10:38 AM):
*Yea xD

Me:(10:40 AM):
*omg... what a ... weird thing for me to do in 5 years
*the guy had better be up to par

X:(10:41 AM):
*It was (person's name here) hahaha

Me:(10:41 AM):
*tak leh blah....

X:(10:41 AM):

Me:(10:42 AM):
*mainly because i have obscene standards if i had to marry the guy
*and... well... no one's come close to the batting range yet
HAHAHAH (person's name here)

X:(10:43 AM):
*Yea.... It was shotgun

Me:(10:43 AM):
*that is so strange
*what else?
*surely there's more to it

X:(10:44 AM):
*You were upset with me because my ex was at the wedding
*You didn't like the guy

Me:(10:44 AM):
*which one is this?
*stalker boy?

X:(10:45 AM):
*Nope a future ex

Me:(10:45 AM):

X:(10:45 AM):
*5'10 Malay guy

Me:(10:45 AM):
*good looking?

X:(10:46 AM):
*Pretty good according to you... He brought his new gf

Me:(10:46 AM):
*omg now you have to tell the whole thing -- even if it's segmented and you don't remember-- in complete sentences and arcs

X:(10:48 AM):
*Okay so it starts with me waking up in my very own apartment. (wooo!!) get into my car and head to the gym (it's a Sunday) and you ring me while in on the treadmill telling me off
*You are saying I'm awful for not turning up for the wedding and I was all "it was an emergency I had to go to (random Chinese sounding place name) to sort out the factory.. I got back this morning" and then you were ranting that my scummy ex brought his new gf to your wedding (days after he broke up with me) and that all hot guys were jerks

Me:(10:52 AM):

X:(10:53 AM):
*After that we met up for lunch and saw Skankyhoe* in a distance pushing a baby stroller and you were shaking your head

Me:(10:53 AM):

X:(10:53 AM):
*Then we end up going shopping for your wedding gift (I didn't get one yet)

Me:(10:53 AM):
*it had better not be a vase

X:(10:54 AM):
*Hmmm.... Freaky
*During lunch I was like "about your wedding gift" and you were like "no vase please"

Me:(10:54 AM):
*i think i say that one too many times
*your subconsious picked it up

X:(10:55 AM):
*You made me buy a washing machine

Me:(10:55 AM):
*omfg hahahahahahaha
*i doan know how to use a washing machine
*im useless that way

X:(10:55 AM):
*Yea it had one button that says start/stop that's it
*Anyhow afterwards I travel around for work and meet an old guy friend who is from the future (he just got divorced) and I go for dinner with him I wake up

Me:(11:00 AM):
*i hate waking up from movie dreams

Anyway, shortly after those lines she explains that it was shotgun cos I got preggers by the FWB and decided, and i quote, "What the hell let's get married could do worse."

The best part though? In that dream I had to only work 2 months a year. Score, bitches.