Monday, April 29, 2013

If you must know, I've since tried to get my cat to start learning how to use the litter kwitter and eventually the human toilet.

Unfortunately, we're stuck at the cat being unable to realise that the litter tray has been raised so now I have to resort to moving the litter tray back down to the floor and gradually raising it by a few centimeters until it is flush with the toilet before moving it to the toilet bowl. This is a daunting a time consuming task.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's been a while...

also listening to Entire Gojira albums because it kind of makes sense to while doing Materialism posters and shit.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Things left to do in preparation for midterm:

- Photograph the clock and edit it. Will probably photograph it under the table with the help of the table lamp and some dark sheets of paper and have it conform to the other posters.
- Final poster? I think it's the manifesto. My manifesto for Materialism.
- Make the "golden" credit card out of copper. Will have to find the embossing machine in the uni. Ross said it exists somewhere...
- Make an umbrella-plant thingy for Nick's class.
All of the above mainly for Studio because everything else is moving along swimmingly! And not with the fish... and definitely not in concrete shoes -- Because that would be bad.

If you haven't seen,I made a short introductory video for Carlton (the suburb, not the draught)...

It was for one of my Specialisation classes and it works. Could be a little shorter though but it's done so WHO CARES!!!! :D :D :D

Sunday, April 07, 2013

There has never been a day where I don't think of you, oh, Thai Boat Noodles.

You heard me.


I will make you and I will eat you.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Three Malay songs that are just up there...

and That's today's post. Dengarlah.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

There are days when I want to sit a few of the brightest and best minds I know around a coffee table at some cafe and talk about a designated topic.

I'd like to call it "A Cuppa, A Conversation."

Which is pretty much a 20 to 30 minute video of the topic of the week amongst friends. No censors  no taboo, only intelligent arguments.

Aside from a mountain of things to do and my ever waning want to be around people, life is rather well.

I truly have nothing to complain about and if anything, most of the predicaments I find myself in are purely my own fault and no one elses, that said, I could probably have avoided it if given a thought or two. Haste is surely never a friend to logical thinking and managing risk.

I start trading classes with Lopez tomorrow. It's about time.

Until next post for now is the time for Bujang Lapok!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

I now have a cat and his name is Ilo. Pretty much just does what cats do all day... Sleep, eat, poop. I now have to clean poop twice daily and am looking for things to make the house not smell like cat. You know, not like litter. This coming Thursday will be a week since he's moved into GalHalla and is settling in nicely... albeit still skittish. Has now also decided that it's fun to follow me around and stalk people outside the bathroom.

Hello, April, it's nice to see you again. I mightn't do anything this year in lieu of my 26th since I'm just so swamped with work and am not in the mood to spend any money at all -- Since, technically, I already have. Semester 1 is lumbering along as usual, I haven't really found anything interesting to want this year and hopefully it'll stick that way. Classes are the same-ol, same-ol. Most of the time I just want to get it over with.

Oh, and I went camping on a river. Proper camping in a tent with portaloos and a longdrop... Camping toilets are AWFUL. Camp ovens on the other hand.... Sweet merciful deliciousness...

Also, it seems that I have forgotten to put money into my RHB account. Which means I owe my father 400 bucks. Yeay... Well, it'll at least remind me to bring back an extra four for next year's accounts and probably do some bank cleanups in the process.

Things to do aside from assignments:
- Make an awesome CV because my current one looks so dull
- Update all Linked-In profiles and details

Until next blog.