Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's almost 1AM here in Melbourne and I'm on the net typing this instead of buggering off to sleep. The dryer is running, drying my clothes... Obviously. The clanking noise will keep me quite awake for a while. I've so far left my Tumblr on auto-post for the next week while I settle down properly and start posting within the next... oh, say, a week and a half? Maybe two?

I'll have to make more friends. It's kind of annoying to not have a gang to go around with yet. Yeah, sure it's nice to be around Malaysians but I'm here to mix and mingle with the rest of Earth's natives. Not just my own countrymen from Bolehland... and to a certain extent, the neighbours from Kiasuland.

I'm seriously enjoying the buskers. One day I would like to enjoy a cuppa in front of some good performers with a good group of friends. Oh, and I have... news -- I'm not sure yet if it's good or bad -- I'll be staying here for 4 years, coming back once a year. Mom wants me to get a PR and I'm honestly toying with the idea. They really take care of you here. I can move around without relying on people and I already know some few who have migrated and are honestly quite happy.

Oh, and I'm catching up on missed comics.

And, oh, I don't know how I feel about restarting my degree here in Konvikstan. Yay for new starts, boo for more waiting. I could just take this in stride like I normally do. Things happen for a reason.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello residents of the intertube.

I'm in Melbourne and using my phone as a modem. It's lovely.

Now, on what planet is the word 'summer' synonymous with the word 'cold'? Only in Melbourne, cikgu.

Augh, so many good looking people here! They're so well dressed -- well, some... The rest were pretty weird. I don't like the cold. I probably mentioned it several times already.

House hunting has been a complete horrid affair. Moving up and down the block for viewings and stuff, most to no avail. Damn.

Monday, February 21, 2011

T- tonight oredi lo.

KL, I bid you adieu but only after a slew of errands I should have done AAAAAGES ago... like go to the bank. hahahaha...

List of errands:
- Go to the bank, transfer funds from CIMB to ASB account and RHB account for reasons only I know.
- Print things.
- Clean up room as best possible.
- Maul my cat.
- Transfer stuff to the hard drive.
- Clean up the laptop in prep for the handover the the faja.
- Finish packing!

And I haven't even eaten anything yet since I woke up. Blast!
Also, I doubt I'd have time to update later so goodbye, goodbye my fellows. Until I see you in December.
You lot better miss me or I am disappoint.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

T-Esok malam nak lari dah. FTW!

Tonight I'll be having my final kopeks of Ayam Penyet, I was gonna write 'kemet' hahahahahahah.

"I'm going to miss her random jokes," -Momo


Visiting rellies = good luck moneys. ahaha yeay!

I'm exhausted and finally have time for a nice, hot, long, bath with oils and mineral salts that I'll miss ALOT while I'm in Melbourne. There'll be more rellie visits later this evening.

My uncle gave me a mini copy of The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an by Yusuf Ali. I am happy cos now I don't have to bring the harassingly large one! :D

All those people important enough to me I have met or contacted and the rest don't matter. There. Well, except for Makbusu who is in Hong Kong. :(

Ughh... I feel horrid all of a sudden. I have no appetite, my stomach is doing fruit loops, I juts feel ick. Even after a nap. Maybe it's just because I'm tired... Or, like a small child, I need to burp. Maybe I should buy some 100+ or something and consume it with fervour. Or... I could just finish up these last few macarons I bought the other day that still tastes delicious. XD

Pistache, Macha, Macchiato, Raspberry. Those are the flavours I love.

Dear God! It's tomorrow and my table's still a mess!

It is sveh time!!
Name: Shroose Moose
Birthday: 16th Avril
Birthplace: In a hospital... like normal people.
Current Location: On a chair in front of a laptop
Eye Color: Blaun
Hair Color: Also blaun.
Height: 5'0"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty
Your Heritage: Pattani-Bugis-Mendeleng
The Shoes You Wore Today: Banana Peel flippy floppers.
Your Weakness: I'm not tellinggg... You might use it against meeeeeee!
Your Fears: Heightssss... and superheroes who know my weaknesses. :O
Your Perfect Pizza: Basil, olives, beef pepperoni and extra cheese.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Everything I set out to do
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
Thoughts First Waking Up: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
Your Best Physical Feature: My... ass... haha.
Your Bedtime: Usually before 2AM
Your Most Missed Memory: Say what?
Pepsi or Coke: Neither.
MacDonalds or Burger King: Neither
Single or Group Dates: I dislike eating dates.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: A capp IS a coffee, you moron.
Do you Smoke: Sheysha, but quitting soon.
Do you Swear: All the time.
Do you Sing: Most of the time
Do you Shower Daily: Definitely, busukla if I didn't :(
Have you Been in Love: Never. It's worth a try.
Do you want to go to College: I am in college.
Do you want to get Married: It depends
Do you belive in yourself: All the time. Even when I lie.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nope
Do you think you are Attractive: Very much so
Are you a Health Freak: Nope.
Do you get along with your Parents: Yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: I LOVE THUNDERSTORMS but only when I have to stay home.
Do you play an Instrument: I try to play the guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No.
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Nope.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yyyyyyno.
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Nope
Ever been called a Tease: Yeap
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Yeap
How do you want to Die: In my sleep.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ME!

In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: not blue eye'd
Favourite Hair Color: not blond
Short or Long Hair: Depends
Height: Taaaaaaaaaaalllll
Weight: Averagey
Best Clothing Style: Well dressed for the occasion
Number of Drugs I have taken: 0
Number of CDs I own: Lots
Number of Piercings: Lots
Number of Tattoos: None
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Shoplifting

Itu saja!
I feel like barfing. erghhhhhh...

Saturday, February 19, 2011


FFK'd Puppy for lunch and I feel bad. :(
Sorry, Puppy. Mum trumps you any day of the week.
Then I found out that he was gonna FFK me also because he didn't have the car for the day so I feel not so bad.
Out of which I got a bunch of random stuff to bring toMelbourne including a tiny rice cooker and an epilator. Yay, I didn't have to spend moneys! YAY!

Visited my aunt in Kajang, had chocolates and pie and tea.
Yelled and Akhbar and Kublai (her two Salukis -- which at one point I thought were Afghan Hounds. Fail) a little and left.

This was pretty much a 'Dear Diary' kind of day where all you get were fragments of a day well spent. I did also catch a brilliant picture of the sky with my lomolomo app.

Gorgeous innit?

Anyway, had a lovely Tapas dinner at Sentidos (yeah, again) with Mo and Kim with some serious lols which I will now try to remember. Most -- err... all -- of which had to do with Kim. Cos she's random like that.

Mo: Oh my god, this camera is mean.
Kim: Mean?
Mo: Mean. This camera is like Kim!
Kim: I'm mean?
Mo: Yes.
Me: Yes, it's a Kimera.
*serious lols ensues*

Drunk Kim is told to go elsewhere after she had one too many glasses to drink.
Kim's BF: Go sit down and watch the movie, I'll cut the onions.
Kim: I have to cut the onions! I'M THE GIRL OF THE HOUSE!
Kim's BF: Shut up and watch the movie!

Kim's mom called her while we were all in the car on the way back. Kim's mom was drunk.
Kim's mom: See, you talk so much I dropped my bag!
Kim: Oh my god, where did you drop it?
Kim's mom: In the car...

Kim's on the phone with the BF.
Kim: blablablabla baba... blablabla... okay ba... bee... okay, bye.
Me: Babi?
Kim: HAHAHAH BABI... HAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG BABI... hahahahahahhahaha...
*obviously lolnessess insued*

So there we go, of which you had to be there to understand. Kim is special, she has ADD.
Gawd, I'll miss them both. :(
And my cat.

Friday, February 18, 2011

T-3d OMFG.

It's a Friday and I have a multitude of tasks to be done and then go to Levain for to pick up some Macarons for home and take money out of the bank to pay for the terabyte hard drive that I owe my dad for. Figure out how to deal with some ASB/RHB stuff, get everything I need printed out, Do the collage resizing and printing

Why I don't buy pants online: Because they NEVER fit me. It's horrifying!
I hate screaming children in restaurants. Worse if they're running batshit insane. Control your children!

We might get a lovely little place after all! Hopefully nobody picks it up :D
It's a last resort, the picture looks horrid but only because it's probably a bunch of blokes living there. Obviously May and I would make it look absolutely splendid, comfy and do something about the red bedroom walls too. Like, wtf?

I've decided to read into the universe as best I can and fully trust my gut instincts. There's been too many times where I went against my gut and it all went for naught. :(
Never again.

So many things to finalise I think I'll barricade myself in the house on Sunday with some KFC and do everything... Which I can't because I have to go see my extended family!!

Which turned into... chucked Dd and Zuri into the tub for some solus per aquae-ing and then took them to Levain for a quick tea and delectable macaroons!

*does the sushi dance*

Then I must clean room. Because my room is... decidedly messy. So says me.

Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum
- Thin Crispy Apam
- Really Good Porridge (Suzi's)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- Levain (albeit multiple times)
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi
- Laksam (Thanks, Puppy)
- Taiwan Noodles

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have never had as much coffee tto drink as today and I feel like a wired coffee connoisseur! Affogato, Flat White, an Espresso, a glass of water and the difference between normal milk and texture milk. Bliss and turbulence at the same time. Like, holy hell. The barrista, Alang, is a bloke who is genuinely in love with the beans and had moved from the the commercial coffee houses to this small indie-looking shack in the backyard of my house (re: greater Ampang) and I didn't even realise it existed. It opened September of twenty-ten. He then finds himself in the throws of a quiet solace where the hipsters have yet to invade. Dramatised, obviously.

It's nice, quaint, quiet, humble and the coffee is the real stuff that comes out from a manually calibrated machine which was discussed at length between my lovely cousin, Mo, and Alang while I was being nonchalant and typing this on the phone. I await the proper article by her. Let her explain the complexities because I was too busy enjoying quiet time on a random bench (honestly!) under a payung with the fan-made breeze which messed up my already messy hair, oh, and need I add, the free coffee.

A lovely albeit harassingly tired last day at the the therapy center in University Hospital (a.k.a Free Gym), a wonderful coffee session with Mo and Alang at the Artisan Roast Cafe & Coffee Roastery and a day spent talking with my amazing grandmum who is the ONLY grandmum I know who plays with computer games. HAH! Even my grandmum is cooler than yours!

I honestly LOVE Metric's Gimme Sympathy. So catchy! I dance to it like a retarded squirrel. It looks like I'm having fits. Judge if you must. Nope, I lied. I move fluid. HAH!

Gimme sympathy
After all of this is gone
Who'd you rather be?
The Beatles or the Rolling Stones?


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"You're such a dude sometimes," -Zuri Zain

Kurt Schwitter's Ursonate is hereby my favourite 'poem'. I pledge my allegiance to its nonsense.
I didn't know he was a Dadaist. *shrugs*

The cost of studying in Melbourne is making me want to cry pretty hard.
Come back, kiss parents feet, and grandparents feet.
Thank them for raising me.
Tell them I'm never having children if it's gonna cost me that much to raise them well.
Unless I'm a bajillionaire... or am married to one. Then I'll have two... Probably.

My handwriting is getting rather rotund. It reminds me of my aunt's handwriting...
Which takes me to the days where I had to learn fractions, decimals and percentages.
I get it now and I still am severly disdainful of math.

Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum
- Thin Crispy Apam
- Really Good Porridge (Suzi's)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- Levain (albeit multiple times)
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi (Next Friday!)
- Laksam (Thanks, Puppy)
- Taiwan Noodles

Chyeaaahhh... Picking up the final transcripts and Adv Dip cert on Friday afternoon, yeay!

Today is for meeting up with more people for lunch and after dinner drinks... Well, after dinner smokes more like. Ah, bliss.

I am sorting my shit out so that when I get to Melbourne I know EXACTLY what to do first.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's a two-fer.

Anyway, I think I'll do a class on jewellery making when I graduate. I do so love jewellery, just not the super datin types of bling-bling. Mine's more rugged and out there.

Another round of Burgers tonight! Bibik's making tomato soup, yeay! And the leftover chicken pieces I'll make into BBQ Chicken with Blue cheese salad. So matsaleh one this dinner. Ah, and I want fries. Homemade fries.

Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum
- Apam (in Kampung Pandan there near MickyD's)
- Really Good Porridge (Suzi's)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- Levain (albeit multiple times)
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi (Next Friday!)
- Laksam (Thanks, Puppy)


I think about how parents usually want you home all the time and I think about how when you're home all you do is watch TV en masse. I could do that on my computer by mysel- Okay, I sound like a socially defunct hate-child. I take that back. Parents, I would love to watch random TV with you and waste the day away.

Maybe I should have a Mixtape Day on this blog where I post a mix of five songs for your listening pleasure. Each week with either a specific genre or a mix and match of my best picks of each genre that I listen to. Of course, that brings me to how I'm going to do such a thing. I could host it on another angelfire website or do a podcast of sorts... Point being I like the sound of me talking... OR Post a Youtube video with the voice and music but without the video feed which will be replaced with a photo of something that lasts the entire "show".

Looking for apartments is a hair-pulling, lip-curling, teeth-grinding affair.

10 Things that make me happy:
Orange or Mint or Hazelnut Chocolate
Guiltlessly wasting the day away
Food, food, food!
Hour spend chatting with a few good friends
When siblings/friends/family done good
Getting what I want
When other people understand what I'm trying to say just by looking at me
Wealth and health

That's 10. Obviously the things that make me happy are far beyond countable numbers. What can I say? I'm a happy gal... Well, most of the time.

I have a feeling I'd be amassing a collection of awesome kitchen stuff -- amongst other things-- in Melbourne. It's going to take a crate just to get it back to KL! I have good feelings about my stay there. I smile thinking about it.

Off I go, now, to have a hot shower then to Brunch with Ashie at the Marmalade, Bangsar Village 2. I haven't had brunch in YONKS! You may join if you wish, whoever you are.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Ash passed me the link to some lovely blogs I hadn't heard about previously:
Why is it lovely? Well, see for yourself.
One made me want to make Key Lime Pie. Mmm... I love citrus, I do.

Esperanza Spalding.
Double Bass.
Simply delightful.

It's Valentine's Day 2011.
I'm thinking about how wonderful it would be if I had that one other person I'd occasionally not deserve because he or she was amazingly adept at my behaviour, took all my shit in stride and never faltered in their unwavering adoration. It's not that I have that much of a shit to take it's just that the thought of someone being there for you emotionally AND physically is somewhat comforting.

The Fatherling is getting mah exturrrnal at LowYat now. :D HEEEE!
One bag is packed in completion. The second bag will be packed this weekend.
My final week in KL.
How many more people am I supposed to meet up with?

Brunch, tomorrow with the absospledilutely awesome Ash. Yes, I have to make up words to even attempt to explain how amazing she is.

As an artisan... I cannot get enough of working with my hands. It doesn't matter if it's making dinner or scribbling something. My hands keep moving.

Update: Got the 1tera ExtHD. Trasferring things is a beeeeeeeeeeetch.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum
- Apam (in Kampung Pandan there near MickyD's)
- Really Good Porridge (Suzi's)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- Levain (albeit multiple times)
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi (Next Friday!)
- Laksam (Thanks, Puppy)

Today is for Dimsum, the first wave of packing, doing up the finance estimations for a week, a month and a year, prepping the stuff that will be printed out for the wall collage and designing the cover of my Moleskine with a silver marker pen.

Bag 1 is for the stuff I wont be using yet and bag 2 will be for the stuff that I will be using almost immediately, see, that way, I won't have to repack when I move from place to place. :D

Memo note to self:
Do not rely solely on teh fesbuk events to invite people. Send a multitude of SMSes just in case.

After lunch, clean up worktable. Arrange playlist to last several hours of packing. Plug in the awesome soundsystem. Hit 'play'. Start with 'Flight of the Bumblebee' and some Mozarts and Beethovens, move to the heavier stuff finishing with instrumentals.

The final week's lunches and dinners are slowly being filled up with people who want to meet up. People I am close with but hardly get to see due to time constraints and work schedules that never coincide. It's always towards the end that you force yourself to meet up with these wonderful people, and by 'force' i mean actually plan so amazingly tight that you wont have much space to have a nap. Breakfasts, brunches, lunches, teas, dinners and after dinner drinks.

ODE TO JOY. I really do like classical music.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

T-9d OMFG.

If I said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I LOVE my RSGC Clan.
I know that in 20 years, no matter if we don't meet up all that often, we can still tokkok like true old friends.

Go Fly Kite is today... hehehehe... More lomos for the eventual photocollage in the Melbourne apartment.

can i have Yusnie's number please

0** **** *** i think

u think?
if i call then some cina angkat
siap u

i slalu dah siap pun. always ready to go
oh if cina angkat it's prolly Yusnie


I hate rain when there's an event where you're playing outdoors. For the first time in my life, I was one of the proginators of a really crappy outing. 10 minutes of no rain and then... RAIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN... I hate rain.
What a crap day.
At least the food was good.

OMG I MUST BUY CRANIUM! Last night's Cranium madness was... MADNESS! I buy in Melbourne and have Game Nights.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum (This Sunday)
- Apam
- Really Good Porridge
- Nasi Ayam Kampung (With Bong, Poe and May)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- The Daily Grind
- Levain (albeit multiple times)
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi (With the family - I'm sure one of my siblings will ask)
- Laksam (Thanks, Puppy)

Foooods teh nomsss...

I still have to buy the G-string for my guitar. I'm gonna miss my guitar. :(
I heart my moleskin.

Have put up album for the things and people I'll miss in KL.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


I wrote this in notepad first because the Internet connection sucks righteous balls and now I diligently type it out using my iPhone. Seriously, it's not even connecting. No transferring of data whatsoever.

I'm taking it as a good thing that I'm leaving the country for a while. Aside from studying, it's a chance for fresh starts. I am, however, well aware that Konvikstan (thanks Leeturt) is full of people I already know. It's time to expand the social circle. The process of packing luggage is also a cance to clean up all the clothes I don't wear anymore, change eating habits without having to consult other people (except the housemate, naturally) and cook not because I feel like it but because I have to.

For tea I met up with Bong and brought he to Levain where she got a cappuccino on the house and we overdosed on macaroons, dear god they are good. Oh, and Bong and mom are the sweetest ever! They got me a black moleskin as a farewell present!! Mucho love!!!

And as the piece de resistance for the day is that Puppy went out of his way to get me some Laksam and a lepak session. Will bring him to Levain on Monday evening for tea :D

Sigh, tomorrow begins the 10 days countdown with which I might make into song... Good night, good night.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Damn, I was gonna write someth- Oh, yeah...
I'm going to make my own goddamn valentine's day. It'll be on the 16th of April... No, wait, that's my birthday.
*sings* Tiiiiis the season to be sully, TRALALALALA LA LA LA LA...

I fear the future of Malaysia and her people. I have nothing nice to say about the ruling party at the moment.

Kaye, I've decided that the medium for the Tarot cards art project will be markers. I will be making the back illustrations for the complete set of cards which includes the major and minor arcanas.

* The Major Arcana (greater secrets), or trump cards, consists of 22 cards without suits: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, and The World.

* The Minor Arcana (lesser secrets) consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits of 14 cards each; ten numbered cards and four court cards. The court cards are the King, Queen, Knight and Page/Jack, in each of the four tarot suits. The traditional Italian tarot suits are swords, batons/wands, coins and cups; in modern tarot decks, however, the batons suit is often called wands, rods or staves, while the coins suit is often called pentacles or disks. (I'll be making for Swords, Wands, Pentacles and Cups)

What I haven't yet decided is whether or not the deck illustrations are going to be funny or serious, lifelike or cartoony... Or even abstract. Decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Dutifully, I update my blog. I dread the day when I stop writing. I never want it to be that this particular avenue where I construct phrases to interate my feelings and sometimes bear my soul becomes just another phase I threw away. Neil Gaiman's blog is 10 years old. That's a long time. Mine is only on it's 6th year.

Next week I'll hardly be going out since I'll be packing and checking out apartments for rent so I can book a date to go see it. I would like to get settled in within the first week.

Finished two seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I'll wait for the entirety of season 3 before I watch it. Next up is Robot Chicken Seasons 1 through 3.

I'm so very bored. I'm going to go to Sarah's and play Mahjong later with Bong and May.

Monday, February 07, 2011

There's a How To Make Laksam tutorial. I should've guessed since I was the one who said "If you thought about it and it's not pornographic you can and WILL find it on youtube." Listen to my own advice, I do not. Hmmm...

So here I am, today, writing 'Dear God,'s in my private blog because I had nothing better to do until lunch. Dear god, bla bla bla bla bla...

Also, speaking in present tense because that way I don't leave anything to err about when it comes to time.

Boring meme for today while I kill time, 2010 survey:
1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
Went on two vacations within a span of 2 months, both to the beach. Oh, and got my diver's license.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
 I don't have NY resolutions, it's a waste of time. I make a few as I go and it gets chucked into the bucket list.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Mmm... No.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My grand aunt passed away on New Year 2011, does that count? :(

5. What countries did you visit?
Indonesia, Bali!

6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
Significant other?

7. What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Tioman with the TTDI clan <3

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
DIVING LICENSE and GRADUATING from the Advanced Diploma.

9. What was your biggest failure?
I didn't bag that guy I wanted to bag.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Uhhhhhhh... BOOKS!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
That guy I wanted to bag but didn't.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Food and hanging out with people... Mostly food though.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Teach For Malaysia, That guy I wanted to bag but didn't, SCUBA license.

16. What song will always remind you of 2010?
No songs remind me of 2010 to be honest. *shrugs*

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. Happier or sadder? Happier
ii. Thinner or fatter? Thinner
iii. richer or poore? Richer

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
With a family dinner, with a bloke in tow hopefully.

21. Did you fall in love in 2010?

22. How many one-night stands?

23. What was your favorite TV program?
How I Met Your Mother.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

25. What was the best book you read?
Since forever? Tom Holt's Odds and Gods.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
The Cat Empire.

27. What did you want and get?
SCUBA License!

28. What did you want and not get?
That guy.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?
TRON: Legacy!

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 23 and I had a family dinner to get funds for my new phone but that didn't happen because I ended up chucking it into the bank. Haha.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Same as it was since I can remember. Comfy.

32. What kept you sane?
My friends, food and music.

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Mmmmmmmmmm....aaaaaaaaa... donno.

35. Who did you miss?
Douchey. I really do.

36. Who was the best new person you met?

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010:
'I'm okay!' is a damn good catch-phrase.

Anyhoots, I need to start clearing up stuff. I'm leaving in 2 weeks. I haven't started packing but the suitcase I'll be using is resting on my chair.

Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca is my current favourite piece of music. So... eclectic. Makes you want to start small trashcan fires then run around like a headless chicken on crack while knocking postboxes over with a baseball bat. Then, as if that wasn't enough, sprinkle the kitchen with bucketloads of flour so that everything is dusted white. AND THEN You sit on your chair in the kitchen with a large white bedsheet as a cape with a small crown made of aluminium and start ordering your cat around pretending to be the white queen. Yeah. Amongst other nonsense you can do and then there was...

which caused me to die from an eargasm. Thank you internet. I don't even know who played this. Whoever it is, I want your babies. Prease?

It's done by Seree Lee and I still want his talented babies. hahahahah...

P/S had a lovely time meeting up with Aaron after 11 years. :O I know, right?

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Two post day. Haha.

Mom and Dad just got back and I have in my room a pair of winter boots, a winter jacket, some socks and gloves... Oh, yeah, and two belts. Yay!

I just got back from a Brazillian. Not as painful as everyone says it is. It also helps that Tutti Frutti was in the viscinity and the downstairs is rather numb. Total spent today: RM120.00
Oh, my.

Getting married according to Malay customs is truly a tedious affair... So many ceremonies. Especially when it comes to the bit about 'bersanding' which is just to announce to the public that you have become man and wife... Also, it costs a lot of money that could be used as the downpayment for the new home. Which in my case would be a nice 3 bedroom apartment for the first five years. Why am I writing so much about marriage? I dunno, maybe because I feel like it and it seems that many people are getting hitched. I'm at that age where the world around me is involved with pairing up and spawning.
For my hantarans, I want the complete gaming system for the PS3 and 5 games of my choosing, a quadracopter and I forgot what else...

I have to now stomp around in my new winter boots.
Listening to Jack Johnson's Good People, he said 'boob tube' and the following conversation ensues...
Did he just say 'boob tube'?
Yeah, 'boob tube'.


He meant TV. The idiot box. The boob tube.


Yeah, what, you'd stare at a pair of boobs regardless...
It's a pair of boobs.


Not something you'd usually hear from two girls hanging out.
Would be more believable if it were uttereed by any guy.
It happened. True story.

The parental units are coming back today, should be reaching home at 5PM and I have acquired another habit frequently exhibited by nutter movie villain types: Listening to classical pieces and opera. Did you know there are 16 villain achetypes? No, I'm none of the villainy archetypes, I'm just delightfully mad and excitable. :D

It's going to be a busy week. I still have yet to start packing.

A friend of mine, Cellene, is getting engaged soon. I had no idea this meant an actual ceremony. I then looked up the Malay Wedding wiki page and almost headdesked at the amount of stuff you have to do. I guess I'm not much of a flashy person to want to go through all that, and it's a lot of money wasted on people who aren't really there in your life. The fatherling agrees that whatever wedding his kids will have, it'll be a nikah at the small Jalan Damai masjid with the immediate family then a dinner with at most 50 close friends and rellies. Everyone else gets a card saying "Hey, guys, I just got married!"

May's gonna be the Godmum for my second kid, the first kid's Godparent is yet undecided. You may now fight for the title. Go on, get on with it. Hahahahhahaha...

Min got me a coconut bikini top and a lip balm from Hawai'i and Nina gave me a red sari from India. I is happeeees.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

On der unpublished bucket list... Try a full Brazillian... And if it hurts, go for frozen yoghurt after to soothe whatever shame and pain that remains -- Possibly vanquishing it in the process.

It's Saturday. I don't really have anything until after lunch. Seeing Min for CNY at hers and then tea with part of the Cempakans. And my back sodding hurts.

Breakfast is 2 soft boiled eggs and I'm not too sure about lunch, oh, leftover chicken rice.

I was talking to Ezzy yesterday, she came over to see me, about how my ties to KL are predominantly about food. Its true, well, in part. When you're about half as cynical and detatched as I am it's really hard to get emotional about these things. Plus the fact that I can cook damn well.

Ah, me, the easily excited one. I've decided to design a deck of tarot cards with the major and minor arcanas for fun, it's been a while since I embarked on a personal design project. I've got itchy feet that way.

Friday, February 04, 2011

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

My mother wrote that quote down on a piece of paper and left it in my room a few years back. It's one of my favourite quotes even if I haven't committed it to memory. I guess you could call me a Darwinist, well, in part. There is a greater being, I believe, or a greater power of some sort. Some of you may call it God, some of you call it the spirit of the earth, some of you may call it fate and the rest of you may call it chance. Whatever it is you wan't to call it, you can't escape the fact that life is all about decisions you make.

Left or right? Up or down? Right or wrong? Black or white? Those aren't exactly the questions you should ask because there's never a correct answer to anything. You dictate where there's a grey area and we all know how life is all about grey areas. And then there's colour. Splashes of colour. Incoherent. All over the place. Never dull and always in your face, colour. It's as if a rainbow got really drunk and barfed all over everything. It can be nauseous, tiresome, but you know you cannot live life without it.

Sometimes you wish life was like Photoshop. Well, maybe not you, but I do. All those blemishes you have, scars, spots, minor discolourations? Gone. With a swift stroke of a mouse... Gone. No longer are the days where truth is paramount and seen in a photo. No longer. Life is rife with liars, with deep cuts of hatred in the facade of white lies. Colour once again to an otherwise monochrome world.

On one side of the world you have a woman who is stricken with the pain of leaving the familiar, just a feeling at the back of her mind and on the other side of the planet, people are losing their homes and the lives of their loved ones. I'm not talking about me leaving the country for another few years of school, I'm talking about how trivial some problems are compared to the rest who are suffering true pain, true loss. Hope lies eternal in the hearts of men. Know that whatever you may be suffering cannot be any worse than someone else. Take solace in that thought, no matter how guilty it makes you feel. I am happy. I have a home, food on my table, a family that completes me, friends that teach me about life and a brain that works well. I am happy or so I tell myself every day. As a human being are we ever truly happy?
This quote by my aunt stuck to me since the day it was spoken:
"I will bend over backwards to help people who would bend over backwards to help me,"

Knowing that particular aunt, her word is as good as done. If I had a choice, I would like myself to be as resolute in keeping promises and helping those dear to me as she is.

I am a cat person. I do love dogs, just not the little yappy-type dogs. I do so love them Bombays and the Corgis! So, I'll be having a 2 cats and a dog when I'm financially free. :D

Viber for android is coming out in March which means that everyone important (who isn't on a BB) will be free for me to call! Free texting next. Phone companies are going to cry now what with free wifi available almost everywhere.

Guess I'm sticking to the iPhone until the Android that I want becomes more affordable... Or a new one comes out.

I'm so excited to go! SO EXCITED!

Robot Chicken FTW.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Had burgers again last night... Correction. Brought Puppy, Rez, Bishop and Syef to eat the best burger tepi jalan ever ever. For 8 bucks. Got lost. Did not know the name of the mamak place... Syed's apparently. If you said Syed's everyone would know I reckon. 'Cept for me.

I'm still Star Wars fangirling. hahahahaha...

Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum (With the family when the parental units return)
- Apam
- Really Good Porridge
- Nasi Ayam Kampung (With Bong, Poe and May)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- The Daily Grind
- Levain
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi (With the family - I'm sure one of my siblings will ask)

I need to buy new G-strings... for my guitar, head out of the gutter now... Which brings me to how dangerdanger I am at Dirty Truths Black Jack. All should be aware. It's a damn good ice-breaker though if you decide not to play the 'Dirty' one.

On a completely unrelated note:
EGO B-B-B-BOOOOOST!  Ner-her-her-her...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

An empty Wednesday.
Had lunch, pasta. It was the usual one I make when I'm hungry, a.k.a fridge-raid pasta.

Ah, the boring day.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Good day to all,

I've been sleeping too much and thinking about Melbourne is quite exhausting. Parents had called via Viber this morning and told me to not buy anything until they get back and I'll definitely be staying on during winter because I see no point in coming back just for a few weeks. I'm also wondering if I should come back for summer. I should just work there. What work can I do? I wonder if they'll let me work in the library or art gallery. Hmmm... The mother had bought a winter jacket for herself in the US but the weather turned warm so she's giving it to me which means only one thing: She's also not expecting me back. Ugg-boots, specifically Dakota, Lo Pro Denim, Rylan and the Classic Mini. Wear the last one with skinnies and you cant go wrong.

I've recently come across Seven Spoons, a food blog by Tara, curtesy of Ash. She writes in the most delectable manner and the pictures in lomo quality makes it look more attractive, too. Speaking of Lomo, I was downloading a bunch of lomo apps for the iPhone and while taking pictures the iPhone would jam. Why? WHY? Damn annoying lar.

Hot cocoa for the winter months, A wine rack in the living room. No TV to clutter the place up unless it's wall mounted. I've decided that I'm definitely getting my own place when I return to the tanah air. It's just better that way. Budgeting, budgeting. I'm also thinking about working there first. I'm not forsaking my country, it's just that my country is utter rubbish right now.

Tonight is for Burgers, L4D2 and Blur with the mates. Yay!

P/S while I'm here anxiously awaiting another few years of study in a different country, the rest of the world is going to hell on a gold plate with some very pretty garnish.