Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Half day omg yay!
I get to loaf around at home... yay!

Things I cannot do... Yet...
- Paintball -- Actually I could always go with my scooter and armour. I'm a tank pew-pew!
- Rock Climbing -- which, if I tried, would turn into 'Belay pull me up to the top so I can touch base' No climbing involved.
- Wear killer heels -- I will... eventually. There's a reason why it's called killer heels. You can stab someone on the jugular with it and they'd die. *shrugs*
- Run up a flight of stairs -- I. Hate. Stairs.

WTF where do all these ants come from?! And why are they marching towards my keyboard and going nowhere in particular? AntCon? *flips table*

P/S: Corporate heresy and deskjobs are bad for my soul.

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