Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to make a shambala bracelet. Alright, this means I start beading again. And everyone gets a bracelet. HAHAHAHAH

I've still got no ideas for the mini projects that runs within 4 weeks. GOSHDARNUDDIT.

Edit: Doing some hearty, hearty research for the rest of my mini projects this semester. Kind of dying from information overload. But hey, lookie what I found to help supplement my projects. (Or I can use this to supplement my silly projects. lel.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's raining.

This was me responding to Lindsy's mini project. My project will involve the crossing of eyes... hahahahaha

Sunday, March 09, 2014

On one hand, there's that harrowing news that the MH370 flight still hasn't been found and there's not much insight on what truly happened. We keep vigilant and send our prayers to those involved and want them to come home unharmed.

On the other hand, it's Sunday morning and I can't sleep anymore, turned on MumboJumbo's 2012 pancake mix and it got me thinking about whether or not I should compile my own Sunday Waffle Mix (I prefer Waffles over Pancakes).

Let's meander on to the path of design and innovation sekejap...

So, this dude comes up with a brilliant and superbly revolutionary way to focus solar energy on a small panel. WE NEED TO FUND THIS! I actually do want to see a massive solar globe in the everyone's garden in a few years. Self contained energy would be great to replace the quickly depleting coal. Also, can you imagine if this was implemented with widespread use of electric cars and the likes? Pollution would be brought to an absolute minimum. I'm not saying there will be total eradication of pollution but it's a great start!

Back ot the Waffle Mix. I have no idea what should be in it... But I'm guessing the majority of the songs on The Blues Brothers will be on. :D

Ah, and some Bobby McFerrin for you.