Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tao of Sha

Technically it's sort of a Manifesto.


1. Laugh.
Surround yourself with people and things that make your heart feel so full that you need to express it in various degrees of movement and sounds -- sometimes the quiet ones are the best.

2. Eat, Drink.
If you can, try and have a taste of everything. Nothing brings you closer and tells you more about a community then what sustains them daily.

3. Play.
Never ever forget what playing feels like. Life is a game, you lose when you willingly stop playing.

4. Listen.
When you stop talking, that's when most of the magic happens. Everything around you will impart to you a lesson.

5. Throw Your Judgements Out The Window.
Yes, defenestrate that which keeps your mind shut to people not of your own, experiences outside your own, objects away from their common use.

6. McGuyvering.
I didn't know 'McGuyver' could be a verb until I was in my first year in design school. In a pinch, you can always find some way to complete a task, it doesn't have to be beautiful, it just has to work.

7. Make friends.
People always underestimate the importance of a vast community that you have curated and made significant efforts in maintaining. These wonderful people will be the net that brings you a wealth of ideas, knowledge, expertise, and sometimes even time.

8. Relax.
There's no such thing as doing nothing. Even when you're resting you're allowing your mind and body to consolidate it's daily experience and do maintenance on itself so that you can function properly later.
