Tuesday, August 28, 2007

nyuk nyuk

I put pictures in the "Sha Roose" section...
*points to the top*

It's not a permanent though,
Will add more...

Monday, August 27, 2007

zenity of it all

I sit staring at the screen and it's past noon. The sun glared at me through the window plane, the inticate designs on my window grills imprinting a shadow on my tanned skin. I was deep in thought.

Well thought out plans never become a reality without some sticks and stones and other strange, heartwrenching hurdles along the way. I guess I had it all mapped out once upon a time. Heck, I still do. The step by step guide of what I was to amount to, by hook or by crook. The little memo note I made myself years ago so that I would be someone when I grow up and not a nothing. A mere speck of dust in the ever changing ever moving world that is now.

The bright colours of my earring chain catches my attention. The intricate designs of each accessory plays on my creativity. The gentle hues of reds, blues and silvers, the occational pinks and greens that is the spectrum of my nature.

It's 2pm now, lunch. The mundaneness of the day somewhat terrifies me. What also terrifies me is that the insane need for coffee strikes me at the oddest times. Coffee Bean would be a fast cure but is there anyone out there available? No. Sleeping, busy, preoccupied with something else, out of the country. The list is endless.

Results are out in 2 days. I'm quite happy the waiting is almost over. I'm happy that now I know what the horizon holds. Happy that I wonth ave to worry myself to sleep about results. Exam is the epitome of scum.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Kyna's leaving on Monday.
Hung out at her place til 4 30 am.
Thanks Shrav for being the Designated Driver.
We really appreciate it.

I'm having result anxiety.
Bad result dreams...
Well, decent ones.
Don't want to be deluded by them so...

Going for lunch with the girls now.
We're having Korean food.

loves the sexy beast.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


is fine when you dont have the job of peeling and deseeding it.

The rubber just gets to you.

The fruit...

Babe, come here and help me practice my french.
Come... coooooooooooome...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

oi mangkuks


Took me 2 weeks wondering if I should.
Took me 1 day looking for a good general template from Blogskin.
Took me 2 days to tweak it and do up the background, colour scheme, and everything else that matters.

The bunga-bunga thing is MINE OKAY.
Jangan sesedap hati say I copied the artwork.
I'll kick you in the shins.

Queen Bitch by David Bowie is the shit!!!

hearts for my love.

oh, and by the way...
comment please.

Friday, August 17, 2007

we are ordinary people

We are also very irritated as of late.

Women's Problems.

malasnya nak go cynna bar...
And frankly, I don't give a tosspot over freaking clubbing.
Sial la!
I dont even like the music!

(miss you babeness.)


I is NOT going to Cynna Bar.
I can't be arsed to appear in a niche where i hate to be there.
I have absolute distaste over House music and I don't dance.
I refuse to be the bag person
I'd rather not drink
And the piece de resistance?

It's amazing how stupid people in construction here are.
Assuming I actually LIKE to go to benda macam tu.
Assuming I were in a wheelchair completely unable to go any flights of stairs.
Assuming someone gets so pissed drunk they break their neck going down the stairs.
Actually I wait the last assumption with baited breath.
Can sue.

I think this summer is for being over analytical.
This summer is for loafing around.
This summer is for meaningful chatter.
This summer is for pointful bonding.
This summer is one for my close friends.

I know who the Amigs are.
I know who the confidants are.
I know who the rest of the lot are to me.
To those who know me well, yea. stuff it.
To those who don't can bugger off.

I want you to be here with me. We need to find your fetish...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

skittle ickles

My head says its time to blog so I logged onto Blogger and lo and behold...

The vast.
ludicrousness of nothing pours out.

Great start.
And I'm feeling sick too.

On the assumpsit that something bad happens to my papers,
Like say, examiners DOG ate it...
Shall I change course?
If Yes, to what?

Some thoughts on your part please,
Especially those who know me all too well...


Friday, August 10, 2007

break bubbles

If I can't bust a cap in yo ass can I at least break your bubble?

Exam's: Take 2...

I have minimal faith in my Criminal Paper.

I hope I make it. Pray for me.
God, please?

I is the missing my look-blue-car-king-kong-kepala-hotak-kau.

Mortein. Menghapusi Lipas.
Racun Serangga Aerosol...
Does that mean we have aerosol bugs compressed into cans just to irritate the f-shit out of people like the snake-in-a-can?

Oh, oh!
Met up with Ezzy and Sara today for pancakes at Plaza Damas.
I didnt end up watching Simpsons cos I can't be arsed to fight the PC fair crowds. Monday morning movie sounds nice though.
Hung out with Michelle the whooooooole day.
Half the day with Mo.
Tried to call the guys out but Sid had jamming at 10, Hakim had study group and Shar was no where to be found. Sooooooo... no sheysha til Sunday night probably.

Reformatted the comp andn ow its clean...

I look forward to worryless long gayuting on MSN with my Perth Correspondant.
I hope he is well this morning.

I also plan to post letters to Australia. Hyun Kyung has yet to receive a belated birthday gift from me.

The Rock and the Hard Place,

Sunday, August 05, 2007


2 days until i'm piped up on Redbull.

3 days of slogging my ass off and probably getting around 3 hours sleep.
Unhealthy, I know, but I'm a law student and thus is my duy to...

Le sighhh...

If I should just kick it halfway,
know that i will see all your baargers soon.
Malam 9th, pergi sheysha...

Friday, August 03, 2007

Statues Vs Monkeys

I had an interesting debate with Shravan. read on. See how profoundly wonderful tactic advisors we are. We rock and we are jobless.
We are jobless rocks.

Shrav says:
If all the statues in the world became "alive" & waged war on all the monkeys in the world... who would win?
i say statues

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
monkeys cos we're technically apes as well
Shrav says:
Statue of liberty, that Mother Russia thing in St. Petersburg, Christ the Redeemer
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
and we've got BOMBS! Nuke liberty and christ! Yay!
Shrav says:
no monkeys that are in the nude, scratch their butts and pick things of their bodies and eat
i don’ mean hippies

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
oh... liberty and christ is too big to notice, apollo and adonis have no arms and so does every other greek statue
Shrav says:
venus has no arms but nice boobs

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
and the statues with heads only what’re they gonna do? harp?
Shrav says:
the monkeys would be distracted

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
ooo ooo eee aaa ooo. bitch gimme my banana *munch munch*
Shrav says:

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
banana peels make good weapons against those made of stone, slippery much, the bigger they are the harder they fall
Shrav says:
this is interesting we need a very in depth discussion about this

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
that we shall. And the sphinx would sink and decay and what not cos his stone is flimsy that’s why his nose fell off... porous rock
Shrav says:
the sphinx has survived for 4000 years a bunch of monkeys with interesting conks and backsides can't do worse damage than what we do
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
you may be surprised, they pick at everything
Shrav says:
i certainly shall be, we are horrible cretins

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
i is not a monkey
Shrav says:
k lemme think of a proper statue to scare the living daylight of your monkeys

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
though cretinous behaviour, i does so do
Shrav says:
easter island statues would be off no help

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
whatre they gonna do? talk monkeys to death?
Shrav says:
unless them funky eyes can come up with something

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
eep! oo oooo... oooo... *climb on head*
Shrav says:
the voice they generate will scare the monkeys shitless and with my army of smiling little buddhas waiting in the rear and their deceptive smiles shall crush the uncultured foe

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
its monkeys.
Shrav says:
but there are more monkeys than little buddhas no? in the world ?
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
yes, unless you count all the statuettes ppl have in the house... garden gnomes and the likes what if the statues were monkey statues?
Shrav says:
k bronze statues will mean certain, instant and definite victory for the statues

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
do they maime themselves in the honor of rockdom? bronze... true... unless they feel like attacking monkeys from the other continent which would make them go into the sea and cross and sink into the abyss
Shrav says:
k we'll give monkey statues the benefit of doubt, where they go confused set up a commitee to review the situation, set up another committee to find out why the first one took so long, and it all ends up with them stoning while smoking bananas
ah damn bronze is dense

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
rasta monkeys
Shrav says:
listening to bob Marley, why not?

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
peace maaaaaan... we want no fight...
Shrav says:
shit you've got a counter for all me statues. got to think harder

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
of course all the statues can hear is "ooo... oooo... "
Shrav says:
can we clasify hippies as monkeys or is that too harsh?
what about PETA?

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
hahaha... PETA... hahaha... PETA would whoop the asses of all the statues for being useless in animal rights and statues would end up in jail convicted of animal rights issues
Shrav says:
yeah but where're you going to find a jail of that size?

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
whats PETA aabbreviated for again? well rocks can be turned into brick and metal can be melted
Shrav says:
People for Ethical Treatment for Animals

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
so the extinction of the living gollums are inevitable
Shrav says:
feck i'm losing it seems but you're using human interference, no fair
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
you brought it up... this is fun.
Shrav says:
where did i bring up humans

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
you said PETA so i uses PETA against you. I is the rock and the hard place. yeay
Shrav says:
PETA can be classified as monkeys cause everyone hates them

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
You’re giving me chances. PETA ppl are smart monkeys... they make molotovs
Shrav says:
but for burning you'll need to cut down trees, and trees have habitat living in them, so if PETA cut down the trees they're going against their word so how can they burn said bronze statues of mine?

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
they swim to the other side of the ocean. or take a boat...
seeeenk tiny bronze ppl... seeeeeeenk...
Shrav says:
the Bering strait, the statues can cross in winter when it is frozen solid
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
ocean man ocean with lots of random dark pits of doom... not to mention intense pressure that will inevitably squish bronze ppl into scrap metal are you planning on making jewellery for the fish?
Shrav says:
but bering strait does get frozen solid connecting mother Russia and shithole wilderness alaska, pristine wilderness mind you

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
physics man... gimme a map
Shrav says:
even better i give you wiki

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
i shall plot your demise... mwahahahahha...
Shrav says:
your excuse that monkeys can cause more decay in rock statues than we've done in 4000 years is not acceptable
banana peels are not a feasible answers
a shitload may trouble but we have to clarify that

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
heh? well aside from peels... monkeys are resourcefull buggers and hyper too
Shrav says:
In March 2006 Briton Karl Bushby and French American adventurer Dimitri Kieffer crossed the Bering Strait on foot, walking across a frozen 90 km (56 mile) section in 15 days.
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
and they come in packs
15 days...
Shrav says:
true i'll give them that the ones in batu caves are a horror

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
doesn’t bronze get affected by the cold?
Shrav says:
ummmm no

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
even if they are technically frozen solid
Shrav says:
feck you got me there
Shrav says:
bloody global warming

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
haha-ing much... so how?
how many bronze statues are there?
Shrav says:
let's see i got you on the stone statues you got me by proxy due to the monkeys buggering off across the ocean btw how do monkeys cross the ocean? they can’t swim
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
well there's been factual occurrences where monkeys actually float to different islands by driftwood as well as snakes and large lizards
Shrav says:
so it's sort of hit and hop that they don’t drown?

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
yea. okay assuming you do wipe out my monkeys on one continent
Shrav says:
my nonsense of crossing the bering strait makes more sense

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
how you gonna get the other buggers? on small islands?
Shrav says:
the statues in the other continent?
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
small islands, all they have are talking heads
Shrav says:
i got the statue of liberty and christ the redeemer for the americas

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
ooo... imagine the argument you'd hear from the stone heads in the states they'd sink. oceans pretty deep oh and you didn’t think of the sea-monkeys
Shrav says:
where the heck did you come up with that?
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
they're like prawns remember if you went to pet shops they’re always selling sea-monkeys
just add water?
Shrav says:
i'm guessing it's a load of crap

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
they live, friend has them... tiny plankton like shit
Shrav says:
You’re running out of ideas so in that case i win

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
Sea monkeys
Shrav says:
and then wait for the statues to destroy us all where i'll have a bunch of PETA actisvist, hippies and bono as sacrificial lamb to divert the statues attention before nuking them

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-Monkey ... hahahah
Shrav says:
WTF is that? it's a bloody shrimp and it looks like it's in a threesome lip-lock in that pic

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
You’re supposed to be trying to save the giant stone dumb butts not nuke them. That’s my job
hahah... its zooplankton... sea-monkeys
Shrav says:
i'm human after all, well last time i checked anyway

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
in which case.. .what are the statues gonna do? wade out and hope the sea-monkeys die of boredom?
Shrav says:
brine shrimp

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
ahahaha... you’re human. brine shrimp are fugly
Shrav says:
Sea-monkeys are a trifle and will have no bearing on the war so due to the imbalance in the ecosystems around the world your sea monkeys will suddenly face a drop in their population due to lack of food, and what i'm guessing is a favoured past time of theirs, threesome lip-lock, they'll go mental and kill themselves and that will be the end of the fugly shrimps
or i'll risk on of my stone creatures to plonk itself in the sea and crush the shrimp

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... they reproduce asexually and they eat plankton and monkeys have nothing to do with it
Shrav says:
the change in ecosytem will cause plankton population to drop

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
nah, never been so... though you may be right what with global warning... damn global warming!!!
Shrav says:
ah my problem has proved a stumbling block for you too it seems

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
monkeys monkeys monkeys
what can monkeys do cept act violent
Shrav says:
this won't end
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
it wont...
Shrav says:
nice discussion though... enjoyed it
(I ♥♪) Sha says:
i say forfeit and be happy statues don’t have a mind of their own
Shrav says:
yep fair enough

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
otherwise we are getting a smushed
Shrav says:
and that we got violence, spca, and tranquilizers to keep monkeys in check

(I ♥♪) Sha says:
Yep and PETA can go suck it

(The End)

Yes, we are the jobless.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I am a walrus.

*makes walrus-ish sounds*

What sounds do walruses make anyway?
And if there are alot of walrus, are they called walri like platypus and platipi?

Just kidding, I haven't gone insane.

5 days til papers.
God help me.

Roti telur: cool
Roti nasi: not cool
Nasi pattaya: very cool
Because the telur dah pecah and dikucar-kacir.

I love you in Italian...
>> t'amo
Doesn't seem like much does it?

Study group on Friday and Monday.
Tuesday is my Contract paper.
Mati aku.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

the randomest at 9:30am

Hello August,

I have a mozzy bite on my butt.
Perv Mosquito babi.
Gatal lah!!!

6 days til papers.
Le sighhh...

I finally got my flag.
What is the babi wrong with the flag manufacturers?
What happened to good ol' cotton flags?
My flag is a heinous plasticky fabric.
Another le sigh...
How to show my love for my country lyddat?

S.O-ku got a weeklong job.
I'm happy for him since that would mean he's not loafing around doing nothing.
He made more friends.
I want his job since it just means i get paid to practice my organising OCD.
Not that I clinically have one.

I like my flag.

Mark's back mid August which means a meet-up for the Cempakans who are still here.
Miss you guys like madness,
Well, kind of.

Michelle's birthday is coming upppp...
I still have Shravan's Che Guevara badge...
My bed is unmade,
I havent had breakfast
and my study group is at 10.
It is now 9:39am

Road Trip to Penang on the 15th anyone?