Sunday, August 23, 2015

Let's just say today's main bulk of this post will go into the personal journal and the only other update is a link that's making me quite annoyed. But I'm on the rag so anything and everything is going to make me quite annoyed. Hell, I'm annoyed right now.

Here's the offending link.

Now, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just annoyed that society has, yet again, made it the utmost importance that we all mosey along our lives, expand ridiculous amounts of energy to find 'the one' and pair up. Might I stress that, yes, it is our genetic imperative -- being a part of an evolutionary species -- to procreate. I get that. BUT why make up some mumbo jumbo about there being any one particular person for another one particular person? Bit shit.

Eugh. Also had a really bad meal. What a crap night.

... Alright, everything's been unloaded. Time for some games.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

To make your night (or whenever you're reading this) infinitely more entertaining, do google Samurai Crab and Fried Egg Jellyfish.

On a more less amused note:

"Do one new thing every day!"
Okay, sure. But I also have a few things to add that is non negotiable.

I need the activity to be wheelchair friendly.
I need the activity to be mentally stimulating.
I need the activity to be easy to get to.
I need the activity to be available when I am.
Also, I would probably need an entourage.

Yes, life isn't as easy as walking out the door for some of us so be thankful for everything you have and don't be a prick about it.

Also, also, my phone decided to take a swim so I'm now on the hunt for a replacement phone.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

I few thoughtful ideas before I away to bed this cool and wet Monday night. But before that, a list of thanks for today:

- Thanks for having an entertaining family.
- Thanks for a great dinner.
- Thanks for great friends, great company.
- Thanks for life.

So I've had a few ideas while going around doing life things today (and maybe some were thought up yesterday) so I'm just going to list them out and then maybe explain them a bit...

If I had a stand-up comedy routine it'll have to be called 'If The Shoe Fits' because it'll offend A LOT of people... But only if the shoe fits. START DATE: I'm not a comedian.

I've been wanting to do a podcast for years but I haven't gotten around to doing it yet because I simply cannot be bothered. I have a few ideas on topics which include cold readings for submitted scripts -- kind of like a radio novella, Smart chats on love, life, politics and money over food and just new music discovery.  START DATE: Soon?

The Legless Adventure. Where I, a cameraperson, and one other person will embark on a round-the-world trip to experience travel on a budget as a person with disabilities. An experience with all the hardships of being a PWD. To be published as a Vlog with a sister Blog which features recipes and other secret bonus content. START DATE: April 16 2017-ish.

Sha's 35th Birthday Roast. When I turn 35 I'd like my closest and dearest 10 to go on stage and tell hilarious anecdotes about my life. I want to be made fun of, to be the butt of jokes. And then,after they've had their fun, Imake fun of them. START DATE: 35th Birthday

... Also, also, when you realise your jokes and references are too highbrow for your friends.
*cries internally*