Wednesday, November 24, 2010

GenY, or since I read the wiki page on it 5 minutes ago, Echo Boomers. Sounds kind of cool -- Echo Boomers.

You can spot us through our ever changing and fleeting interests, headphones blaring in our ears, how we pick things up as fast as we forget what it's for, how we spout nonsensical facts about Politics and Religion and how we claim to know ourselves inside out. But. Is that really true?

I had recently acquired a two day stint in massaging a space within a shopping mall -- and I'm not sure how many times I've told people how much I dislike shopping malls -- and part of the criteria would be the ability to attract my fellow EchoBoomers.

Let me point out the most obvious thing about EchoBoomers, we are more individualistic than the GenX which makes isolating various groups a daunting task at its best because you can't make everyone happy all the time, hell, you can't even make everyone happy some of the time. So what's the best bet? Make some people happy all of the time? Possibly so. Sadly, though, that option gives rise to the biggest problem of my generation. Sure, we no longer are in the pursuit of freedom and love and pot, instead we strive to be in all the time.We want to be seen, we want to be heard, we want to be better than you and have you hate us and love us at the same time. It's one of those strange things in life where hyper-individuality gives rise to Sheeple. One person makes a trend and the rest follow, hoping within all hope that they may surpass the original style-setters. Wishful thinking on their part because what really happens is that the original style-setters get bigger and bigger because what they really do is feed on the envy/love of their fellow limelight whores.


There's 80 MILLION of us, maybe more, born between 1982 to 1994-95. We vary in our trending interest and our herded attitudes, maybe about 10% of us actually don't give a shit about trends (like me for example) but the rest are being sucked into the whole notion of being herded. It's a generation of people who don't use their god given brains much, sadly.

Although I am a part of this generation - statistically - I refuse to be goaded into a trend and I refuse to be part of the Boomerang Generation. SUCK ON THIS, BITCH!

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