Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 08, 2013

I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.
I will not concern myself with endeavors that are doomed for failure.

Okay, dah.

I now have no classes left. Only crafty crap and personal projects to do.
And sleep.
I like sleep.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


This post will be on going as I find out what personalities people I surround myself with have.

Me: Jung - ENTJ ; Enneagram - Type 8, Tritype 8-2-7 (8w7-2w1-7w6); Aries ; Fire Rabbit

Naf: Jung - ENFP ; Enneagram - Type 7 ; Libra ; Horse
Ilyas: Capricorn ; Monkey
Ariff: Gemini ; Pig
Father: Gemini ; Rat
Mother: Scorpio ; Rat

Momo: INT/FP ; Enneagram - Type 5 ; Virgo ; Rabbit
Ash N.: INTP [INFP 2014-15] ; Enneagram - Type 2 ; Tiger
Meers: ISFJ ; Enneagram - Type 9 ; Taurus ; Dragon
Belinda: ISTJ; Aries
Sarah H.: ENFP; Aries ;
Banaf: ESFJ; Virgo
Jin Jean: INFP; Capricorn
Zara: ENTP; Capricorn
Zatty Jo: INJF; Type 5; Virgo
Intan: INFJ; Scorpio
Jo Ann Chua: ENFP; Aries
Jane: ENTP; Scorpio

Akmal: ENTJ ; Taurus ; Rabbit
Judge: INFJ ; Enneagram - Type 2 ; Capricorn ; Rabbit
Yin: ISTP; Virgo ; Tiger
Azlan: INFP ; Aries; Tiger
Aliff: ESFP ;
Yit Meng: INFP
Nick Ooi: ESFJ
Richard Gomz: ENTJ; Cancer

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Here's an idea.

I like doing 3D images so I might as well specialise in it and make that my primary concern BUT to do that I would need a super bad-ass rendering computer with the specifications I would have to research thoroughly and some money stashed away. I also like management related jobs where I get to muck about with delegation, scheduling and calling random meetings before having people shuffle around doing work. I like order.

That narrows my job search into either the drawly old interior design field orrrrrrrrrrr plummet headfirst into project management which means I have to engage several people in the field and have chats with themto find out what it really entails and whether or not I would be capable enough to be in it. Also, I'll be moonlighting as a 3D renderer for scenes and stuff...

All that's left is my move towards obtaining a PR... Which is apparently impossible. Goshdarnit.
A few of you may know that I'm a huge huge fan of The Agonist.

So here's their frontwoman campaigning for their album 'Prisoners', If you're going to pirate music, if you like the album you should buy it too.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Jungle Wax

I swear to you, these guys are actually REALLY, REALLY smart cookies. And then this happens.

I can't even...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Things to do over the break:
- Cook Taiwanese Beef Noodles
- Make pickled mustard greens with garlic and chilli
- Draw up my mugshot to look like an architectural drawing to be used as a resume
- Design online portfolio
- Redesign existing portfolio//Edit all prior work
- Learn watercolour techniques for photoshop
- Research on the pathways for PR-ship
- Job search and in what field
- Acquire mentor.

Some of which takes a day of preparation and is pretty much what one would call immediate gratification... Like food. Some of which takes days and days and days because design and learning new skills are like that.

Now, the last item says 'Acquire mentor' and you read it right, I have a few people I'd like to engage as mentors but I have to figure out how to do it. This is important if I wanted to get far in my field. Now for the other important question... What is my field? ID, Design Management, Curating?

I'm leaning towards Design or Project Management. Stressful and fun... and grey hairs. Yeay!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

WTF Twitter? 001

I made a screenshot of one of my friend's tweet which made me laugh awkwardly...
Sometimes friends say things that make you go wtfwtftwtf... And then you draw it.

(click click for big big)

Friday, November 08, 2013

A selection of my latest Render job :D

Even if it's for a tiny amount of money... Yeayyy! Moneyyy!!!!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

"Why do most people chase rainbows when they hold, in their capacity, the ability to create any amount of rainbows?"
"Because most people are stupid."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Last renders for this semester

Last picture with the hero random kid. HAHAHAHA...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Here's an idea... I could turn my bad-ass ancestors into a comic series. Not ha-ha comic but graphic novelly comic.

"When you meet someone, you usually don’t meet the real person. You meet their sponsor, or their agent. It takes a while to really know someone," -Timothy Goodman (off 40 Days Of Dating)

I'm post dumping. The line about the graphic novel was meant to be posted ages ago but here they go up today. Anyway, I'm in the midst of finals week. The end of third year. The summer before the year of pain and scrutiny: Fourth. Year.


Regarding the quote... It's something to think about when you first meet someone. Who they really are will probably never come out unless you know them for longer than a year. Hell, even a year doesn't cut it -- times flies so fast nowadays it's almost terrifying.

I wonder who am, what I'm seen as in the eyes of others.

Collecting a book of first impressions helps. But I can't help but think that after long enough, your friends romanticise the first time you'd have met them, or they you. I can honestly say I can't remember how, when or where and through whom I had met some of my closest and dearest.

Yes, I know how awful that sounds.

I think I'll go eat some smoke salmon.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Latest rendering gig mashup. XD

Bathroom for a product.


Anyway, that's my update for the week. I have a mountain of things to complete before the weekend's over.
Until then.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Did the panda first and decided to turn it into my cover photo on FB...

 And then having it be on the cover. I kind of... ran out of steam doing the background hence the api burny- burny.
The humourous character sheet. I amuse myself greatly.

Click for full image I guess. XD

Sunday, September 01, 2013

To-do list for the mid-sem break:
- Read all compgames readings and write up a little post for the forums
- Do up all drawings for existing tact(tiles)
- Research drum related stuff for Aural Project

!!! Final project idea for compgames:
A game created for the sole purpose of mayhem and disarray. The game that pays homage to videogame pop culture. The game that has this amazing musical compilation from some of the best metal bands out there.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Best of (MY) Twitterfarts: August

Right, so here's a rundown of my *cough* best *cough* Tweets for August 2013. Goodbye, August, it was nice having you around. We had fun but I'm afraid September is my bitch now.

  • gobbledygookgobbledygookgobbledygookgobbledygookgobbledygookgobbledygookgobbledygook... 
  • My dear swagyolotards, A V sign in front of your mouth with your tongue sticking out of it means you are licking vagina. #knowyoursignage 
  • I think I'm gonna go raise a kid in Sweden... Once a year, if they're shits, they go back to KL where they get the beating of their life. 
  • "Perrrrrrrkele." < repeat until infinite frustration is gone. 
  • People are progressively getting dumber in preparation for the zombie apocalypse. Zombies eat brains, remember? A-ha-ha-ha... 
  • All I want to do is sit down and NOMNOM. hahahahahahahaha 
  • Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie... Android 7.2 Kuih Lapis... Android 8.0 Lompat Tikam... Android 9.0 Onde-Onde. I approve of this naming system. 
  • "Makan sini ke?" "Tak, makan kat meja..." :| 
  • "Models don't smile. All of them," "Yeah, that's cos they're hungry... Nobody smiles when they're hungry. BECAUSE THEY'RE HUNGRY!" 
  • When a website has grammar macam dugong yang tulis. 
  • "Sunshine hit my face once..." "Either you live in London or that's the name of your pimp."

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The angler took a while to finish.

Favourite part: Teeth and tongue. :D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This is my homework... :|
I have to play it. And then review it.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm super excited for Raya 2013!

Menu for this year:
Nasi Kerabu with ayam percik/ikan goreng + other fixings
Rendang & Ketupat (compulsory)

Bubur Kacang
Lompat Tikam

Enough la right?


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just an update for when I get back to Melbourne, kind of like a memo note to self.

Build a personal website and aggregate all relevant data as a portfolio
- get domain name from iPage and use Wordpress because people seem to like using these two for web building.

Finish up One page Resume and multi-page CV

There's also a very tempting stand mixer on for cheap on one of the coupon sites I'm subscribed to. For REALLY cheap. wtf. To buy, or not?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

With the advent of internet travel coupons, the doorway to unlimited travelling for a very very spiffy price is wide open. Unfortunately, I don't have a travel partner. And that sucks. Obviously.

Moving on to...

In the realm of the internet, and at the behest of my lecturer, I trawled and found a shop called Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. which is actually a learning center for kids disguised as a badly disguised superhero gear store (Edna Mole must be pissed because her 'no-capes' policy is ignored here). Their amazing way to pull in a kids is wow. Just... Wow.

I'm taking their idea of disguise and deliberate misrepresentation to front my agenda against obscenely expensive and unintelligible consumer goods -- which is part of my final assignment for my studio -- in order to educate the masses using graphic t-shirts. REALLY NICE graphic t-shirts. Which I have to design. Which puts me in deep doodoo because I'm not that great at making graphic t-shirts. Why did I dig myself into this hole? Who knows. Go me! *pops party favours and toots a party horn*

Again, on a travelly-experiency note:

These are the badges that matter to me. A score sheet of the entire planet, the food I've eaten, the cultures I've experienced and the people I've met.

I don't think I'll ever end up in Antarctica, not that I want to given that the only things that live there are penguins and scientists -- very, very determined, hardcore superscientists who don't even want to hang out at the Vostok station--, and that's okay. Besides, I HAAAAAAAATE the cold. I wonder why I'm even here sometimes. Obviously I like to torture myself because paaaaaain is all I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel... Jokes, jokes. I also sometimes feel disdain and severe hatred.

End procrastination. On to actually finishing some work.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cat, for a week, used the red tray on the toilet... I should probably make it go for longer because I moved the orange litter tray in and he wanted no part of it and went for a doodie and a tinkle on the floor.



Friday, May 10, 2013

Just testing my gif making skills...

Aww yiss...

Also, this is how I feel like when I have to go to a class I dislike.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

A friend of mine wrote an entire post about the recent unfair election in Mandarin and one phrase, he said, was "xie er ji gou" (鸡狗 邪恶) which means Evil dog Jib. Since it was in Mandarin, I hit the Bing translate button because it's already on Facebook and usually I can make sense of the entire thread and not die of the lols but this time it looked like a monkey with a wrench punched out a dyslexic typewriter.


Jib became Chicken Dog Evil.

I laughed so hard I had to draw.
Must be something new from KFC...

Monday, April 29, 2013

If you must know, I've since tried to get my cat to start learning how to use the litter kwitter and eventually the human toilet.

Unfortunately, we're stuck at the cat being unable to realise that the litter tray has been raised so now I have to resort to moving the litter tray back down to the floor and gradually raising it by a few centimeters until it is flush with the toilet before moving it to the toilet bowl. This is a daunting a time consuming task.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's been a while...

also listening to Entire Gojira albums because it kind of makes sense to while doing Materialism posters and shit.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Things left to do in preparation for midterm:

- Photograph the clock and edit it. Will probably photograph it under the table with the help of the table lamp and some dark sheets of paper and have it conform to the other posters.
- Final poster? I think it's the manifesto. My manifesto for Materialism.
- Make the "golden" credit card out of copper. Will have to find the embossing machine in the uni. Ross said it exists somewhere...
- Make an umbrella-plant thingy for Nick's class.
All of the above mainly for Studio because everything else is moving along swimmingly! And not with the fish... and definitely not in concrete shoes -- Because that would be bad.

If you haven't seen,I made a short introductory video for Carlton (the suburb, not the draught)...

It was for one of my Specialisation classes and it works. Could be a little shorter though but it's done so WHO CARES!!!! :D :D :D

Sunday, April 07, 2013

There has never been a day where I don't think of you, oh, Thai Boat Noodles.

You heard me.


I will make you and I will eat you.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Three Malay songs that are just up there...

and That's today's post. Dengarlah.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

There are days when I want to sit a few of the brightest and best minds I know around a coffee table at some cafe and talk about a designated topic.

I'd like to call it "A Cuppa, A Conversation."

Which is pretty much a 20 to 30 minute video of the topic of the week amongst friends. No censors  no taboo, only intelligent arguments.

Aside from a mountain of things to do and my ever waning want to be around people, life is rather well.

I truly have nothing to complain about and if anything, most of the predicaments I find myself in are purely my own fault and no one elses, that said, I could probably have avoided it if given a thought or two. Haste is surely never a friend to logical thinking and managing risk.

I start trading classes with Lopez tomorrow. It's about time.

Until next post for now is the time for Bujang Lapok!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

I now have a cat and his name is Ilo. Pretty much just does what cats do all day... Sleep, eat, poop. I now have to clean poop twice daily and am looking for things to make the house not smell like cat. You know, not like litter. This coming Thursday will be a week since he's moved into GalHalla and is settling in nicely... albeit still skittish. Has now also decided that it's fun to follow me around and stalk people outside the bathroom.

Hello, April, it's nice to see you again. I mightn't do anything this year in lieu of my 26th since I'm just so swamped with work and am not in the mood to spend any money at all -- Since, technically, I already have. Semester 1 is lumbering along as usual, I haven't really found anything interesting to want this year and hopefully it'll stick that way. Classes are the same-ol, same-ol. Most of the time I just want to get it over with.

Oh, and I went camping on a river. Proper camping in a tent with portaloos and a longdrop... Camping toilets are AWFUL. Camp ovens on the other hand.... Sweet merciful deliciousness...

Also, it seems that I have forgotten to put money into my RHB account. Which means I owe my father 400 bucks. Yeay... Well, it'll at least remind me to bring back an extra four for next year's accounts and probably do some bank cleanups in the process.

Things to do aside from assignments:
- Make an awesome CV because my current one looks so dull
- Update all Linked-In profiles and details

Until next blog.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March is in.

Two months FLEW by in 2013. It must be the symptoms of getting older and more cynical. One day I'm touching down back in Melbourne, the next it's mid March. Where has the time gone? This post, the first few sentences, was supposed to be posted early this month but I had forgotten about it. So many things left to sort out.

Little cat isn't here yet. At first I was looking at a semi-long haired kitten but the owner of the mother cat hadn't replied to my messages so I'm now looking at other kittens to adopt immediately. People are so unreliable sometimes...

Week two, over... after Friday. Goodness, that was fast.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) posted some questions he wanted the whole world to answer and it became a most beautiful set of replies and started trending like the crazies. I wanted to chime in but couldn't because I fell asleep so here's a post reply to all his wonderful questions, some not as poetic or heartfelt as some of the other replies but I'm giving it a shot.

His questions are in italics and my answers, well, you'll read them eventually. Kudos to all who sent in their amazing ditties!

Why is January so dangerous? #keepmoving #JanTale

January Isn't a very exciting name to have until you find yourself in a dark room with her pointing a gun to your face. Point Blank.

‏What's the strangest thing that ever happened to you in February? #FebTale #keepmoving
It took me all the strength I had to say that nothing happened. Except maybe being told off by a smartmouthed vagrant. Change, he said loudly.

What Historical figure does March remind you of? #MarTale

Napolean, actually. Given that he did get to "march" a troop. Even if he failed he tried.

What's your happiest memory of April? #AprTale

April is the month of my birth. I guess my happiest memory of it would be cakes. Just cakes and food and happy people wishing me well. April showers, I was showered with love.

What is the weirdest gift you've ever been given in May? #MayTale

I don' know what prompted a gift but there he was, under the rain in a trenchcoat. He was holding a box, obviously drenched. "Here," He said.

Where would you spend a perfect June? #JunTale

The perfect June would start with the end of a semester. It would end glouriously. And then I would go on vacation on a beach somewhere with a book, a bloke and a big coconut to keep me company.

What is the most unusual thing you have ever seen in July? #JulTale

The most unusual thing I have ever seen in July WAS July. She was there in her yellow gumboots and a red flowery Sunday hat. I giggled when it looked like the wind was about to send her away but she stayed.

If August could speak, what would it say? #AugTale #keepmoving

August could speak. There was no reason why he couldn't except his mother's birthday was today and he couldn't help his tears from flowing timidly from his stoic eyes. "I miss her so much."

Tell me something you lost in September that meant a lot to you. #SeptTale #keepMoving

I lost him in September. He didn't die but I did lose him. I lost someone I thought I loved and trusted because he did something he should never be proud of and no, I haven't forgiven him.

What mythical creature would you like to meet in October? #OctTale #KeepMoving

A motherfucking unicorn with WINGS.

What would you burn in November, if you could? #NovTale #keepmoving

Staring at the fire, the heat bathed my skin in warmth. The air outside was chilly and unwelcoming. He threw another log into the embers and I watched it burn.

Who would you like to see again in December? Don’t forget #DecTale

There, on the couch, was my grandfather. He was smiling at me but I knew he wasn't really there. I told him how happy I was to see him after so long, I missed him and I hoped he was proud of me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things I need to do before I leave!

Buy underthings
Buy bathroom hooks for glass
Do the waxy-wax -- maybe
Mani-pedi with the sibling
Eugh... pack...

HOLY SHIT! Cambodia for 7 nights for cheap, the plane ticket is not too bad AND I can dive there! So if I get enough people to want to go to Siem Riep with me in late June, early July, it'll be golden! Two birds with one stone! Dive trip AND Angkor Wat!... This is, of course, if I have someone to go with. I can't go alone... Even if I wanted to.

Oooh AND I can vote overseas. :3


So, anyway, if I had to label myself, I'd be a selective misanthrope. Because I hate people, people are stupid.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Glorified thundercunt

Ms. Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, I have never seen someone interrupt a perfectly good tirade. I have never called anyone a gratituous self righteous thundercunt before but you, Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, are a gratituous self righteous thundercunt.

NO, YOU LISTEN, YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS OVERGLORIFIED BUTTHOLE OF AN EXCUSE CALLING YOURSELF A 'Presiden Suara Wanita 1M'. President of what? How bout you take your "presidency" and shove it up your self righteous asshole.

It looks like you think respect should be given because you're older? Have a degree? No. Respect is earned and you have earned nothing. Worthless piece of shite. The sole of my feet aches from the thought of having you clutter the ground with your stink.

I am really sad that the hijabis/melayus and other 'scholars' didn't stand up for the brave Ms. Bawani. There should be applaud for her tirade, for her standing up for her rights, for our rights. Or even to stand up for her damn right to finish her sentences!

But hey, you listen. Let Bawani finish. Shaking her hand and letting her stand to speak is not respect, it's common curtesy. Respect is letting her finish her goddamn speech!

Have you heard how annoying you are repeating yourself like a little bastard and saying things irrelevent to the point? Hahaha... Jangan compare negara kita ke negara lain. If there is no comparison, no changes can be made, no competition can be had. Since you were comparing our problems to animals -- Cats? Dogs? APA KENA-MENGENA??? Do you know why some animals thrive and some dont? Competition and comparison -- without which, that species will fall into overspecialisation and cease to exist. So you're saying we shouldn't exist now? Reading between the lines. I think your degree should be revoked and you should ge back to school. Or maybe you should travel a little. Your katak di bawah tempurung attitude is hurting us as a nation. You, who was supposed to represent women. You, who was supposed to at least sound educated in your response. I am shamed buy your corrupt and cavalier attitude towards free thinking and free speech. I am shamed by your inability to understand that respect is earned. I am shamed that you don't even know the rules of debate.

Why don't you ask your government to sponsor you a clue from whatever fund you spawned from, you inappropriate excuse for a woman. Please, go back to your hole and stay there. We don't like you, here on Earth. We hope you don't spawn.
Sekian, terima kasih,
Insha'allah we never have to see or hear from you again, you waste of oxygen.
Video at:

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I sit here and ponder and wonder about the amazing thing that is my... uterus. I joke. Nothing to do with my uterus. I thought it would make a good opening statement.

I keep reading guys posing up on how to keep your boyfriends and all I can think of is how these people treat their girlfriends in quite the opposite way. I say, do onto others. Yes, it doesn't matter how other people treat you, you have to have the humilty and decency to always be a human being.

You want her to never bring up her ex? Tell her you care more often, maybe she'll start seeing you as a compassionate, kind, loving man instead of the guy after her ex. The reason why she probably talks about him so much is probably because she wants YOU to do better. Don't be a dumbfuck.

You want her to give you space? What does that even mean? Seriously? She has needs too and doesn't exist purely for your pleasure. She probably needs space to. Hell, if you keep telling her to give you space she might just give you the ultimate space. "Let's see other people," And then you call her a bitch. Fuck you la.

We should never take people for granted or think that relationships come easy. I wish we still fought for the things we cared for and patched things up instead of finding ways to replace it. Something new isn't necessarily something better, nor is it necessarily good for you.

We should never put him or her on the backburner because one day they'll be gone and we'll kick ourselves for not trying harder.

This public service announcement was brought to you by my uterus. Which also looks like a shark's brain.

P/S: How to keep your girlfriend.
1. Don't be a dick.
2. Don't fucking cheat on her.