Friday, August 24, 2012

Met up with THECLIENT and got to know the project a little better and I'm so mega psyched. Pumped up for mid sem presentation in a week and a half.

Am going to be using The Uptones' tune 'Bested by a Pelican' for that presentation cos it's got so much spunk AND I know how I'm going to animate it. Tomorrow will be the day I start sketching out a few ideas for ES before finalising one major one. A model and a simple projection.

In the mean time, 3D.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weekend's to-do list, starting from today:
- Evening Timelapse, hopefully we have some amazing skies to take.
- Knittery
- Making of the copper buckles. Have decided to make 6 to 8 pairs of buckles for the knitted wire boot.
- Expanded Screen Idea sketches, brainstorm and clean-up in prep for model-making


Thursday, August 16, 2012

I had to strip 10 meters of wire from its casing... to get into the small wires underneath it... It better be HD worthy because I stabbed my finger with the scalpel. It dried off already but it was hella annoying. I know people who would immediately put a plaster on it. Meeeeehhhhhhhh... So hardcore. hahahahahahahahhha...

Have to figure out how to stitch the "shoe"... Hmmm...
I could also use those billion and one plastic bags I have from Woollies as an extra material... It would sound more fun if I didn't have to make yarn from it, though.

Copper, Wire, Plastic.

I need to call QV security tomorrow morning. The intercom has gone apeshit and won't let anyone to my floor. I have to get it fixed before the open house otherwise K3 will have to play bell-boy. Not. Fun.

This update was brought to you by PlanetBoring.

In other news,
life is now a little more lackluster. I dislike this rut. I dislike it most vehemently.


On a final and more amusing note,
You know that thing I do in the flattest most bored voice where I pretend to laugh and it goes something like "AHAHAHAHAHA-HA -HA- HA HA... HA... HA.. HAAA... wait I'm not done yet... HA." Yes, unfortunately K3 and Meng were the recipients of it yesterday.

Monday, August 13, 2012

All I can say right now is "Eugh". Raya is in a week. I have a mountain of things to do. I am also very thankful for the mountain of things to do since it keeps me occupied.

Super simple obligatory Raya Poem 2012

Maaf Zahir and Batin,
Parents, siblings, bibik and cat.
Aunties, Uncles,
Grandmas and Grandad.

Friends and exes,
Those I've hurt without knowing.
Those I've cut off for my sanity.

Maaf Zahir and Batin.

Hahahaha... Yes, that's it for this year.

Out of 29 things I have on my bucket list, I've done 7. I am super pleased.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

To do:
- All drawings for Tech

  • Existing Plan + Demolition Plan 1:100 
  • Existing Elevations 1:100 
  • Existing Roof Plan 1:200 
  • Proposed plan 1:100
  • Proposed elevations (external) 1:100
  • Proposed roof plan 1:200 
  • Proposed sections x 2 1:50 
  • 1 or 2 3d images to show the internal space. 
  • A material board with materials mounted onto foam core and labelled. 

- Buy electrical wire for Make Project 2: The Long Boot
- Photograph the paper knitted spaulder on a person
- Do up the sketchbook for Make because it really has nothing in it... :|
- Read the next article for Expanded Screen before Tuesday morning
- List things to buy for Raya Open House
- Make Raya Open House event on FB
- Print out Raya Open House thingies to post in neighbours' post boxes
- Fix printer
- Go to the Supermarket for nom things

Also, Raya menu:
Kuih Bakar
Onde onde
Nasi lemak (with kacang, ikan bilis, egg, cucumber -- Nothing else, deal with it)
Chicken rendang
Beef rendang

I'm not making biscuits. GO AWAY.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ah, the obligatory Raya poem. It shall be here soon. Soon.

Here's something off the internets for those to-be coffee connoisseurs

It seems I am suffering ennui...
Ennui definition, for those who don't already know: a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom: The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui.

There. Nothing is interesting any more. I remember someone somewhere saying that when you stop feeling joy in life, you might as well be dead. Listening to Alien Ant farm, it injects some semblance of feeling. I feel. Something.

The plan is staring at me in a flat sort of manner. Once that is done, I can move on to the roofing plan and finally, sections and elevations. I have seriously no idea why I'm taking so long. Perhaps life has just ceased to amaze me. Quarter life crisis, I chuckle at how clever I am.

Dave once said that I knew the cafe, and the fellas, more than they know themselves. I smiled but it brought me to what my plans are. I know my want to get into the ID field is fading fast. I could do it until I get bored but I am already bored. Ennui.

Today's mindfuck/nerdgasm is brought to you by I don't know who, nor do I care.
metatron's cube? what?

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

There's nothing better than finding the perfect tutorial after looking for it for two freaking days.

QC God, Jeph Jacques, has the summation of my brain and feelings from three weeks ago, and it lingers. ( Panels 3, 4 and 5 just about said everything I was too chicken to actually say so I took the easy way out. I'm sorry, person. *shrugs* It was fun.

Anyway, presentation today at 330 for The Expanded Screen. Bless me and hopefully we do well enough. :|
Project 1: Trying to figure out the software. Yesh.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

So, apparently I am an asshole.

I assure you, I'm not. I don't know what made some people think that. Naturally, they can say it cos they're my closest and dearest... And I love them. Hahahaha...