Thursday, December 31, 2009

I have the Wacom Pen and Touch yay!!!!

That is all for today, Have a great new year. I'm either sleeping it through or going to watch fireworks play monopoly and have a midnight picnic.

Cheers everyone!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

To state the obvious, it's the 27th of December. But four days until the new year.
Sorely tempted, I am, to stay in and sleep it over. It's just 2010 anyway.

Been watching Stargate Atlantis. I've got another week before term starts... again... With LAN studies.
Dear, Orangdilangit, why must you make Malaysian officials so damn redundant.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Best Christmas wish this year is the email from Michelle Lee and her gorgeous class.
It's really easy to imagine her imparting generous chunks of knowledge to these tiny minds because she's always been so good with people in general.
Everyone loves Ms. Lee including me.

To think, a couple of years ago she governed the Law Faculty with the guile of an exceptional leader.

Friday, December 25, 2009

First of all, I wish all a Happy Christmas, though today I was made aware that BabyJeebas was born in Summer and that Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December. Also, a reiteration of the fact that Christmas is actually an adaptation of the Winter Solstice Festival in the pagan religions of yore and not actually a Christian thing... So, that means that the day should be Isaac-Newton Day and is a day to commemorate Science and the apple bonking a grown man on his head and making him cry.

Mr. Newton: Ow! Sonnoffa-
Apple Tree: Serves you right, you lazy git.

On, then, to the task at hand.
My mother. How'd you guess?
You could tell? No? Yes? YES? That doesn't make sense...

Haaaaanyway, I've discovered a pattern in my cooking. I take whatever is available and make do with it. Often creating substitutes and succeeding BUT the mothercreature would have none of that. No, she doesn't approve of the substitution (seriously though, all I did was use tangerines and orange juice instead of oranges, biiiiiiig whoooooop...)

In lieu of substitution, apparently the mince pie filling is destroyed. Her text to my phone said so. I assure you that it's not since I had a taste of it and it tasted very nice. Also, I'm gonna ignore her this whole monsoon season if I can. It would be a nigh futile effort but I shall have tried. I swear that woman is going to be the death of me. How in Orangdilangit's name did she and my father think that marriage and children would be a good idea? How? HOW???

There is no pleasing that woman.
Kill me now. Kill. Me. Now.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Got a tamagotchi emulator... yes, I'm being lame. hahahahahahhaa...

Changed the skin so that I can use my own... haha... want one?
I know it's REALLY LAME (stop judging me...) but I have the sudden urge (yes, urge... I can hear you judging me... stop it) to play with that tamagochi/digimon thing back in 1999 (THERE IT IS! JUDGERY!). It's as big as the Sims 2 playing urge is... no, no it's not.

I remember I kept killing the poor sod and had to restart it over and over and over and over and over again. And to prove a point, I killed a cactus because I over-watered it-- THREE cacti. Therefore, Sharoose = pet fail, to quote from Demetri Martin, I'm less nurturing then a desert. Sedih.

Speaking of massive fail, (and Orangdilangit, I blame you) I had the epic muflisness playing Monopoly with Dan and Junes again. I had control of the Light Blue areas and had built hotels on it. NOBODY LANDED ON THE THINGS until I muflis'd... then they started landing like a few buckadjillion fofillion times.

*glares at Orangdilangit for 5 minutes or so*

Haaaanyway, on to Sk8!, days kept occupied by random shit, loafing around, baking, baking, baking and eating those delicious baked goodness. Oh yeah, and fraternising with humanity. Have I not already voiced out my preference to hermitage, and for the record and the millionth time, there is no such word, I made it up?

As an end-note,
Mein mutter ist off her whacker in more ways than one. I fear menopause... Hers.

Monday, December 21, 2009

They are done!

The Lamp

And the Chair

Onwards to Term 6.1

Saturday, December 19, 2009

About three days away from end of term and already I'm in holiday mood. I still want to go back to Kelantan to enjoy the R&R but, again, I don't have many travel-y friends.

I'm going to continue writing Sk8! during the holidays, obviously I'm running wayyyyyy behind because I have just too much to do during term but it's okay because sk8 is a labour of love... for writing not for skateboarding.

Should I drag May and Min on a roadtrip halfway across Malaysia to KB on a train? Should I?
Wish I had more money, dear Orangdilangit.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

About 33.333333% of the Lamp, done.
Next up, making the base and wiring it up.
(Yes, it's hanging on one of my speakers...)

Chair is also about 33.3333% done.
Next up is pelting it with bits of sisal and twisted paper
(a'la spiderwebs)
then off to the cushioner to make it comfy and sittable.
At the moment, sitting on it will give you a new ass-crack.

So, yeah, I finally put up 2 pictures.

You know how moms are supposed to CHEER their children on?
My mom JEERS me on. There is no better motivation that the feeling of inadequacy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tomorrow I will be playing with glue and bits of string and cloth. XD
Hopefully the girls will be around to help...

I need to buy pins for tomorrow and get everything done so that Uncle Lim can take the chair to be upholstered on Friday. He says he needs 2 days for it to be completed. In that time I shall complete the lamp and everything else. Invisible man in the sky, help me.

Ever since the blog went to private, there's only a load of listy crap on here. I think I'll just move the questionable posts to the other blog and open this up to the public again.

Things left to do:
- Buy pins and more PVC glue for the chair
- Finish all the written stuff TODAY.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Will finish making the dreamcatchers today because I have bought the feathers. Oh it's so AWESOME...

I bought a giant red one for myself. HEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEH...

Four more featherssssssss... pictures up tomorrow, kids!

Honestly though, I spent but 2 hours on it, had lunch and then mucked about with autocad. Ain't life grand?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Buying feathers and more beads tomorrow morning.

Momma tersalah letak nama on the cheque so she has to prepare another one so I can send it on Monday morning to Raymond and FYI, the rangka of the kerusi has arrived! hehehehehehe... testing fabric durability in about an hour. Give me strength and patience.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

So after much scowering over the internet and calling places, I finally found where to buy feathers. I'm going to go into a feather buying frenzy short of looking like a rabid kit with a mouth full of foul. Yes, me, a rabid kit with a mouth full of foul... that's a funny mental picture if you don't mind the violence involved.

Haaaanyway, still dreaming about cinnamon buns.

Things to do:
- colour all walls
- add in extra pretty things liike silly 'inspirational' posters and plants
- render plans, entrance elevation and 2 sections
- render several perspective views
- write up report for submission

- Do up MEP
- Print

- Print working drawings on A1 pieces
- Buy epoxy glue, runny and dries somewhat slowly, like in a day.
- Receive shell of furniture

PD2 *mengeluh*:
- marker render
- watercolour render (I don't know how to use watercolours... *mengeluh lebih*

- Buy feathers, washi paper and maybe more beads (even if I have too many)
- Buy small lightbulb, yellowish hue, and light wiring unit with 2.5 meter wire.
- Make lampshade out of washi paper and wire
- finish stringing up the dreamcatchers
- do all electricals and base attachements

... Sekian,

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Sunday, December 06, 2009

This post starts off with a food update. I had Dimsum for lunch...

... Enough of that.

Made a few chairs and tables for the 3D craptacular lecturer's offices for DS3: Office. Turns out that design studio is all about SELLING your idea to the client and not preparing your ideas for the contractor. Yay or Nay? I'm not quite sure yet.

Friday, December 04, 2009

I begin my lament on furniture design now.


Add ons:

Holy shit it's still the fourth? I thought yesterday was the fourth...

Anyway, skeleton of furniture will be done mid next week.
So, things that I'm doing or in the process of doing:
- dream catcher outer rings (which are so tedious... I need slaves)
- mock up for the chair with wire and pieces of small kain-y bits
- working drawings to be updated with joinery details and colour-y bits
- PD2, to be finished by weekend over, fingers crossed!
- Office 3D to get things done done and done :D
- CS2 MEP systems which would take about a day to complete.

there's more but I can't remember it now. These are the more important ones. Ye, invisible sky person, give me strength.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

No one reads my posts. But of course, who cares, right?

It's brainfarts of the cock-eyebrow kind and seriously, do you REALLY want to read it?

Then again, on the sudden realisation that nobody now reads this blog (wuuuu) I'm not just going to abandon it because abandoning this outlet will cause me to go insane. And that is the truth.

Everyone needs an outlet. Music, writing, televised dramas (some really crappy one) and so on... Shutting down any one will cause some part of ones psyche to just go nuts! So, yeah. The show doth goeth on. So whoever you are who reads this blog, props to you for suffering through it thus far.