Friday, November 28, 2008

If you're reading this, I'm already halfway to Cherating.


Went to Palate Palette.
Went to sheesh across the street from Castle.
It's a Syrian shop...
I know because I asked cousin of 'Si Hot'.
'Si Hot' is unattached so I will continue to harass the guy and then buat muka sombong gila babs. hahahahahahha...

I had the blurcase yesterday. Sungguh not funny.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

brain fartage ke tahap maxima

it's 12:29 am TODAY... updates will be done sporadically.

I had a dream, no, it doesnt concern you.

On Na's Xanga:
The Creators of the Michelin Man had a premonition about my sister when she was but a spawn of hell... Bulbous and rather jiggly. I show you picture one day. You will laugh heartily and forget all about your nightmare.

I finally posted the above to Na's Xanga because yesterday, the parentals turned off the internet. It's Naziland yay...

Waiting the arrival of Wil for some errand running and some makaning at Hajime since I have that 20 ringgit voucher I have to use up before the month ends.

Autosave failed. Why?

Dun dun dunnn...


I gett irate when classes are cancelled only because I'd have nothing better to do. For crissakes nobody goes for a sheesh at 4pm! Well... cept Kim, Mo and I. hahahahahaha...


I liking corkybootcheck bingbangbingbang...
??????????? Stupid Borat.

It's raining?
Rssm-fssm printer Wisma Sentral... khh khh khh khh khh....

I finished the Wallpaper thingy. Passing it up tomorrow. I'm hungry. Food's not edible yet...

messaged Akerzz, Sid, Dan and Junes for some sheesh. I wonder who'd reply... and how promptly?

Sid replied message. It rained. Sheeshing idea abandoned. Dinner eaten.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Moving from one computer to another means you need to download every single application that you used in your old computer into your new one which is rather annoying.

Here I stand, because the other computer is occupying the desk and there's no more plug points there, I know it's trivial. I could just unplug that computer and plug it elsewhere and replace it with this plug but no... I'm lazy to do all that and am content with standing up. I heard it burns calories... Anyway, here I stand, going through every website for all the freeware that I had downloaded so that I can redownload it and well... very annoying stuff to do, Updating a newly reformatted computer with nothing but the basics (that admittedly, I hardly use).

I know this post seems a little bit rambly and segmented and not gramatically correct but that's my whole point. I can't be bothered anymore today to do all the things that I usually do like spellcheck and grammar nazi the whole post (though admittedly I don't do that all the time either, see previous posts).

It's taking quite a while with lousy Malaysian internet to get all these things done... it's harassing. I go look for munchies now.

I feel like having a sheesh. Anyone care to join? Anyone at all?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

cause for joy

You'd know how I feel if in the middle of the month you'd run out of money with no way to get anymore. Damned because you have to not go out for any reason whatsoever aside from going for classes because you can't afford to buy even a maggi goreng. You crack your head thinking you've spent but 2 ringgit of your allowance when suddenly you feel like taking a peek at your money box. Lo and behold... MONEY YAY~! LOTS OF IT! ahahah

I forgot Ihad any money left after buying markers the other day. Sedih kan?

Coffee anyone?

Now THAT is why I got into Metal in the first place! COOOKIEEEE!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The word 'meh' is in the dictionary? Seriass??

It's far too hot and afternoon-y to start doing my drafting work.

Go HERE and read Earth's Newsfeed.

memememememememememememe meme... Yay muppets!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

items shmitems

1: Gotta finish touchups for Daf's wallpaper... contemplating on whether to make 3 of different colours so he can pick one. Daf's like that... tapi takpe, I can beguile him with my charm and wit... *cough cough*
2: Figure out how to be a starving design student with but two ringgit in my name.
3: Universal Bus Stop mind mapping? Truly Ivan is terrible. Due Friday morning.
4: Plan Cherating geraks for the 28th so we all tak menggelabah.
5: Use my 10 ringgit voucher for Hajime before it expires end of this month... mehhhh...
6: Meet up with Akerzz and the rest of the boys
7: Breakfast/Lunch, Brunch! with Jess, Neyn and Momo still undecided. Bila ar?
8: Compile a ton of photos (and one of myself) for Daf's class... apparently this is where we sell our soul to the God of Design. I think it's Cthulhu.

On to more notey notes...
Good guys are increasingly hard to find, even harder great girls aaaaaaaand I need to buy new headphones.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

goyang goyanggg

Wil says things that make me cry. Such as the guy that looks interesting, sort of, at Suzi's is gay.

Wil sungguh GG.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's almost midnight

Do you know where your Leeturt is?


Out of boredom I sit and do my Illustrator project.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

things to do

Whilst lacking a sense of urgency is really bad.

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Things due for this week:

Monday: Wallpaper sketch for Daffee
Tuesday: IDTP Presentation
Wednesday: Freehand sketches for Ivan
Thursday: Cultural Studies presentation
Friday: Architectural Drafting, Section of first floor for Lina

Wallpaper sketch halfway.
IDTP pictures only so far, goddamnit.
Freehand sketches not started, oh my god.
Cultural Studies under way, I'm *this* close!
Drafting, incomplete.

Wilson only bumming around 3pm and Al tak tau if he's making it or not. push comes to shove we have to cram everything tomorrow. Get it done ASAP. So sedih but IDTP cannot do a solo cos discussions are vital.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

1:30am Saturday morning

Photoshop project - Something's worng with the uploader... somehow the thing turned blue... it's not sposed to be blue... :(





Halloween party at Raffles - fail

Wil & Sha - Win!

Sasa, Al & Stacy

You demanded pictures?

Be damned!

Friday, November 07, 2008


Raffles terlambat buat Halloween Party but better late then never eyh?

Whilst I wait for my dahlings dan keretanya (who are in a traffic jam, cursesss) I shall tokkok.

Just to let you all know I will never leave a dainty sounding anon name like saaaaay Lady Mystery. Michael I'm sorely disappointed you thought it was I, albeit on random. My anon names would usually scream megalomania or phsychotic subtexts... I know it's not a good thing to say (I can see all the psych people about to scrutinise over the post) but it's true.

I'm wondering if I should wear the harlequin hat with the scary looking half-mask or without the half-mask... we shall see... scaring people is fun... but being able to walk around without suffocating is better. My first costume idea was a killer bunny girl but they didnt have bunny ears and I wasn't about to buy a fake knife... and fake blood.

I shall tryyyyyy to post photos before the weekend is over and sorry for the (impending) delay, It's just that I've been terribly busy with classes, assignments and lazing around. It's great being in college again.

:D :D :D

Saturday, November 01, 2008

happy november 1st!

Because I was too late in wishing everyone a Happy Ghouling Hallowe'en.

So how was your ghouling session then? Ada fun? Takde fun? Mixymash?

Happy birthday Danny dear pet bro.

I shall be acquiring a debit card soon... Yay Amazon buying!