Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things I need to do before I leave!

Buy underthings
Buy bathroom hooks for glass
Do the waxy-wax -- maybe
Mani-pedi with the sibling
Eugh... pack...

HOLY SHIT! Cambodia for 7 nights for cheap, the plane ticket is not too bad AND I can dive there! So if I get enough people to want to go to Siem Riep with me in late June, early July, it'll be golden! Two birds with one stone! Dive trip AND Angkor Wat!... This is, of course, if I have someone to go with. I can't go alone... Even if I wanted to.

Oooh AND I can vote overseas. :3


So, anyway, if I had to label myself, I'd be a selective misanthrope. Because I hate people, people are stupid.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Glorified thundercunt

Ms. Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, I have never seen someone interrupt a perfectly good tirade. I have never called anyone a gratituous self righteous thundercunt before but you, Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, are a gratituous self righteous thundercunt.

NO, YOU LISTEN, YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS OVERGLORIFIED BUTTHOLE OF AN EXCUSE CALLING YOURSELF A 'Presiden Suara Wanita 1M'. President of what? How bout you take your "presidency" and shove it up your self righteous asshole.

It looks like you think respect should be given because you're older? Have a degree? No. Respect is earned and you have earned nothing. Worthless piece of shite. The sole of my feet aches from the thought of having you clutter the ground with your stink.

I am really sad that the hijabis/melayus and other 'scholars' didn't stand up for the brave Ms. Bawani. There should be applaud for her tirade, for her standing up for her rights, for our rights. Or even to stand up for her damn right to finish her sentences!

But hey, you listen. Let Bawani finish. Shaking her hand and letting her stand to speak is not respect, it's common curtesy. Respect is letting her finish her goddamn speech!

Have you heard how annoying you are repeating yourself like a little bastard and saying things irrelevent to the point? Hahaha... Jangan compare negara kita ke negara lain. If there is no comparison, no changes can be made, no competition can be had. Since you were comparing our problems to animals -- Cats? Dogs? APA KENA-MENGENA??? Do you know why some animals thrive and some dont? Competition and comparison -- without which, that species will fall into overspecialisation and cease to exist. So you're saying we shouldn't exist now? Reading between the lines. I think your degree should be revoked and you should ge back to school. Or maybe you should travel a little. Your katak di bawah tempurung attitude is hurting us as a nation. You, who was supposed to represent women. You, who was supposed to at least sound educated in your response. I am shamed buy your corrupt and cavalier attitude towards free thinking and free speech. I am shamed by your inability to understand that respect is earned. I am shamed that you don't even know the rules of debate.

Why don't you ask your government to sponsor you a clue from whatever fund you spawned from, you inappropriate excuse for a woman. Please, go back to your hole and stay there. We don't like you, here on Earth. We hope you don't spawn.
Sekian, terima kasih,
Insha'allah we never have to see or hear from you again, you waste of oxygen.
Video at:

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I sit here and ponder and wonder about the amazing thing that is my... uterus. I joke. Nothing to do with my uterus. I thought it would make a good opening statement.

I keep reading guys posing up on how to keep your boyfriends and all I can think of is how these people treat their girlfriends in quite the opposite way. I say, do onto others. Yes, it doesn't matter how other people treat you, you have to have the humilty and decency to always be a human being.

You want her to never bring up her ex? Tell her you care more often, maybe she'll start seeing you as a compassionate, kind, loving man instead of the guy after her ex. The reason why she probably talks about him so much is probably because she wants YOU to do better. Don't be a dumbfuck.

You want her to give you space? What does that even mean? Seriously? She has needs too and doesn't exist purely for your pleasure. She probably needs space to. Hell, if you keep telling her to give you space she might just give you the ultimate space. "Let's see other people," And then you call her a bitch. Fuck you la.

We should never take people for granted or think that relationships come easy. I wish we still fought for the things we cared for and patched things up instead of finding ways to replace it. Something new isn't necessarily something better, nor is it necessarily good for you.

We should never put him or her on the backburner because one day they'll be gone and we'll kick ourselves for not trying harder.

This public service announcement was brought to you by my uterus. Which also looks like a shark's brain.

P/S: How to keep your girlfriend.
1. Don't be a dick.
2. Don't fucking cheat on her.