Monday, December 22, 2008

Seasons greetings (I know belum masa lah!) to my favourite peoples!

Gonna be updating my LJ for a while which means Blackrope will go on hiatus. I doubt it'll be for long but until I get some good shit worth exhibiting to the whole world I am not wooooooooooorthy of your eyesssssss... hahaha...

hug hug kiss kiss hug kiss hug hug kiss hug kiss hug hug hug hug hug hug ... jom main tictactoe!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Submission week was fun!


What's left is a tonne of drafting due Monday.

Goodbye weekends. 
there's a special place in my heart where I keep my hatred for rendering.

Happy oncoming Skewer Kheyzoos on a T-Stick day!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hari ni is a serious case of off the mental casbah. In fact there is serious talk of not going to class tomorrow. Honestly. I feel sick. I also feel really horrid for not getting his number. I know it sounds silly but it's bothering me a hell of alot.

Thought you should know what's eating this muppet today.
Gilalah... butterflies in my tummy... I must kill them.
All that not beating around the bush and I forgot to ask for his number. Hebat sungguh aku ni.

IDTP 2 cubes + primary and secondary mindmaps... Done.

ADTP guardhouse redesign... only completed primary and secondary mindmaps, bubble diagram and zoning. Pending: Plan, fully rendered one point perspective and model.

Computer Graphics to add pictures of 2 cubes and completed plan for guardhouse

Freehand Drawing Sketchbook to add another 25 pages of work.

Architectural Drafting to complete plan, elevations, sectional elevation and axonometric.

Cultural Studies to complete Moroccan Cultural Report.

Ah... so much to do... it's all due on or before the 18th of December. Can you smell the fun?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Heeeeeeeeeee's SIIIIINGLEEEEEEE hahahahahhahahahaha...

*boing boing boing*

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Madness until the 18th of this month.

Things to hand up before said date:
- IDTP - Guardhouse redesign and 2 Cubes
- Freehand Drawing - Sketchbook compilation
- Cultural Studies - Morocco Cultural Arts Report

Other classes with something due:
- Computer Graphics - Sell Your Soul To The Gods Of Design Presentation, due 10th
- Architectural Drafting - Final Project, due 24th

'Si Hot' will hereafter be called 'Scrumptious Bum'

And Your mother is ALWAYS right... This rule applies to everyone.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

IDTP final project: Redesign the guard house.
It sounds simpler than you think.

aaaargh freehand babiiii!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

You hate spam?

Me too!

Things to do before I die of exhaustion. List is not definite:
- Morocco Report
- 6 by 6 inch squares, two of em.
- Freehand drawing
- Architectural Drafting: Exonometric plan

And making your own personal dateline sometimes doesn't help at all!

Friday, November 28, 2008

If you're reading this, I'm already halfway to Cherating.


Went to Palate Palette.
Went to sheesh across the street from Castle.
It's a Syrian shop...
I know because I asked cousin of 'Si Hot'.
'Si Hot' is unattached so I will continue to harass the guy and then buat muka sombong gila babs. hahahahahahha...

I had the blurcase yesterday. Sungguh not funny.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

brain fartage ke tahap maxima

it's 12:29 am TODAY... updates will be done sporadically.

I had a dream, no, it doesnt concern you.

On Na's Xanga:
The Creators of the Michelin Man had a premonition about my sister when she was but a spawn of hell... Bulbous and rather jiggly. I show you picture one day. You will laugh heartily and forget all about your nightmare.

I finally posted the above to Na's Xanga because yesterday, the parentals turned off the internet. It's Naziland yay...

Waiting the arrival of Wil for some errand running and some makaning at Hajime since I have that 20 ringgit voucher I have to use up before the month ends.

Autosave failed. Why?

Dun dun dunnn...


I gett irate when classes are cancelled only because I'd have nothing better to do. For crissakes nobody goes for a sheesh at 4pm! Well... cept Kim, Mo and I. hahahahahaha...


I liking corkybootcheck bingbangbingbang...
??????????? Stupid Borat.

It's raining?
Rssm-fssm printer Wisma Sentral... khh khh khh khh khh....

I finished the Wallpaper thingy. Passing it up tomorrow. I'm hungry. Food's not edible yet...

messaged Akerzz, Sid, Dan and Junes for some sheesh. I wonder who'd reply... and how promptly?

Sid replied message. It rained. Sheeshing idea abandoned. Dinner eaten.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Moving from one computer to another means you need to download every single application that you used in your old computer into your new one which is rather annoying.

Here I stand, because the other computer is occupying the desk and there's no more plug points there, I know it's trivial. I could just unplug that computer and plug it elsewhere and replace it with this plug but no... I'm lazy to do all that and am content with standing up. I heard it burns calories... Anyway, here I stand, going through every website for all the freeware that I had downloaded so that I can redownload it and well... very annoying stuff to do, Updating a newly reformatted computer with nothing but the basics (that admittedly, I hardly use).

I know this post seems a little bit rambly and segmented and not gramatically correct but that's my whole point. I can't be bothered anymore today to do all the things that I usually do like spellcheck and grammar nazi the whole post (though admittedly I don't do that all the time either, see previous posts).

It's taking quite a while with lousy Malaysian internet to get all these things done... it's harassing. I go look for munchies now.

I feel like having a sheesh. Anyone care to join? Anyone at all?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

cause for joy

You'd know how I feel if in the middle of the month you'd run out of money with no way to get anymore. Damned because you have to not go out for any reason whatsoever aside from going for classes because you can't afford to buy even a maggi goreng. You crack your head thinking you've spent but 2 ringgit of your allowance when suddenly you feel like taking a peek at your money box. Lo and behold... MONEY YAY~! LOTS OF IT! ahahah

I forgot Ihad any money left after buying markers the other day. Sedih kan?

Coffee anyone?

Now THAT is why I got into Metal in the first place! COOOKIEEEE!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The word 'meh' is in the dictionary? Seriass??

It's far too hot and afternoon-y to start doing my drafting work.

Go HERE and read Earth's Newsfeed.

memememememememememememe meme... Yay muppets!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

items shmitems

1: Gotta finish touchups for Daf's wallpaper... contemplating on whether to make 3 of different colours so he can pick one. Daf's like that... tapi takpe, I can beguile him with my charm and wit... *cough cough*
2: Figure out how to be a starving design student with but two ringgit in my name.
3: Universal Bus Stop mind mapping? Truly Ivan is terrible. Due Friday morning.
4: Plan Cherating geraks for the 28th so we all tak menggelabah.
5: Use my 10 ringgit voucher for Hajime before it expires end of this month... mehhhh...
6: Meet up with Akerzz and the rest of the boys
7: Breakfast/Lunch, Brunch! with Jess, Neyn and Momo still undecided. Bila ar?
8: Compile a ton of photos (and one of myself) for Daf's class... apparently this is where we sell our soul to the God of Design. I think it's Cthulhu.

On to more notey notes...
Good guys are increasingly hard to find, even harder great girls aaaaaaaand I need to buy new headphones.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

goyang goyanggg

Wil says things that make me cry. Such as the guy that looks interesting, sort of, at Suzi's is gay.

Wil sungguh GG.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's almost midnight

Do you know where your Leeturt is?


Out of boredom I sit and do my Illustrator project.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

things to do

Whilst lacking a sense of urgency is really bad.

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

Things due for this week:

Monday: Wallpaper sketch for Daffee
Tuesday: IDTP Presentation
Wednesday: Freehand sketches for Ivan
Thursday: Cultural Studies presentation
Friday: Architectural Drafting, Section of first floor for Lina

Wallpaper sketch halfway.
IDTP pictures only so far, goddamnit.
Freehand sketches not started, oh my god.
Cultural Studies under way, I'm *this* close!
Drafting, incomplete.

Wilson only bumming around 3pm and Al tak tau if he's making it or not. push comes to shove we have to cram everything tomorrow. Get it done ASAP. So sedih but IDTP cannot do a solo cos discussions are vital.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

1:30am Saturday morning

Photoshop project - Something's worng with the uploader... somehow the thing turned blue... it's not sposed to be blue... :(





Halloween party at Raffles - fail

Wil & Sha - Win!

Sasa, Al & Stacy

You demanded pictures?

Be damned!

Friday, November 07, 2008


Raffles terlambat buat Halloween Party but better late then never eyh?

Whilst I wait for my dahlings dan keretanya (who are in a traffic jam, cursesss) I shall tokkok.

Just to let you all know I will never leave a dainty sounding anon name like saaaaay Lady Mystery. Michael I'm sorely disappointed you thought it was I, albeit on random. My anon names would usually scream megalomania or phsychotic subtexts... I know it's not a good thing to say (I can see all the psych people about to scrutinise over the post) but it's true.

I'm wondering if I should wear the harlequin hat with the scary looking half-mask or without the half-mask... we shall see... scaring people is fun... but being able to walk around without suffocating is better. My first costume idea was a killer bunny girl but they didnt have bunny ears and I wasn't about to buy a fake knife... and fake blood.

I shall tryyyyyy to post photos before the weekend is over and sorry for the (impending) delay, It's just that I've been terribly busy with classes, assignments and lazing around. It's great being in college again.

:D :D :D

Saturday, November 01, 2008

happy november 1st!

Because I was too late in wishing everyone a Happy Ghouling Hallowe'en.

So how was your ghouling session then? Ada fun? Takde fun? Mixymash?

Happy birthday Danny dear pet bro.

I shall be acquiring a debit card soon... Yay Amazon buying!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

give it me!

Give me a creditcard and I shall use it for evil... Well, almost...



By the by,
did you know red and yellow makes you hungry mungry?
I was not aware of that until this afternoon.


To Do:
- Cultural Studies Report: Morocco (50%)
- Cultural Studies Presentation: Abstract Expressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism (50%)
- Anthropomorphurniture: Finishings + Touch-ups (50%)
- Interior Design Principles Presentation: (Old Vs. New) Architecture (30%)
- Vaca to Cherating with I.D. October 2008 + Kim (Not Graded Fun Time)

Add On: Stolen from Matt (I have better things to do but am lazy semacam)

Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up!You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Aishah

Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Alter Bridge

4 letter word: Arse

Vehicle: Aeroplane

TV Show: Ally McBeal

City: Amsterdam

Boy Name: Abellio

Girl Name: Athena

Beverage: Apple Juice

Occupation: Astronaut

Flower: Amazon Lily

Something you wear: Apron

Celebrity: Angelina Jolie

Something found in a kitchen: Apricots

Reason for Being Late: Alien landing

Cartoon Character: Atom Ant!

Something you shout: ASS-HOLE!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

seamonkeys did not steal my money. Cthulhu did.

If I find the person who gave me the flu I will give the flu back... with GLEE~

Aaaaaaand finally...
Notes to all!

I can't access your Xanga!!! Kenapa? Also I still don't have your number and no I havent checked on your FB because... macam curi nombor je. How's your verk? Is it particularly 'verk'-like? Also, lets do breakkie one weekend. Nak?

Woman! Did you get any special recipes from Liza while you were in Turkey?

Asshat, when you coming back? I miss you and Cyn.

I'm gonna start calling you Al from now on. I can has my Adobe CD back soon yes?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

noname post #567890098345367891

Evening kids,

Life's a doody.
Freehand needs more subjects...
I need to PRACTICE freehand...
I need to draw Blangkoo in his flabby glory.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

of pretty feet

Drawing shit more often now, specifically of human bodies, makes me realise that feet are ugly things. I have yet to see a pair of pretty feet... Or toes for that matter. I know for sure mine are completely deformed to my eyes.

I'm sure alot of people hadn't thought much of theirs though if they did I'm sure they'd lament about how strange and awkward theirs looked.

On a non footy note,
Classes are going fine.
Lecturers are awesome.
Am using the first name basis occasionally reverting back to the usual 'miss' and 'sir' after I've figured out what they're comfy with. The rest of the lot don't use the first name basis as much. I think it has something to do with the social order. That said, you may henceforth refer me to the 'Lord and Master of the Universe.' Ha.

To Do Edits from the other day:
- Tight sketch of the THING lamp
- fill up the 10by10's with lines of various weights
- CC dad the Herts' deposit return for to be filled and sent back via email ASAP
- Figure out which culture I'm picking for the Cultural Studies term Essay I'm using Morocco cos it's so perrrdeh...
- Research on Expressionism, cubism and futurism for Cultural Studies Presentation (Another 50%, oy vey...) ((add
- Finish drawing out and writing in the Title Block on every A2 paper I have
- Cut the A1's into half (To get MORE A2's!!!)

Plus more To do's:
- Take picture of feet and hands for the anthropomorphurniture tonight. (Of siblings, the hell I'm gonna use my feet!)
- Draw a top view of the anthropomorphurniture to appease the Daffy (cos he said he wants 2 sketches)

...yay food!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

another memo

To Do:
- Tight sketch of the THING lamp (Yes, I've resigned to calling it the THING)
- fill up the 10by10's with lines of various weights (Though I need to get my 0.1 and 0.2 fixed first so to the shop I go!... Again.)
- CC dad the Herts' deposit return for to be filled and sent back via email ASAP (Because getting back money is always good)
- Figure out which culture I'm picking for the Cultural Studies term Essay (50% of my final grade is mucho importanto)
- Research on Expressionism, cubism and futurism for Cultural Studies Presentation (Another 50%, oy vey...)
- Finish drawing out and writing in the Title Block on every A2 paper I have (Because it's vital, I wish I could just photocopy the bastard)
- Cut the A1's into half (To get MORE A2's!!!)

And thus the blog has increasingly become a sort of virtual post it note for me and anyone else who cares.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A penny for my thoughts?

If I had a dime for everytime the monsters in my head start fighting I'd be swimming in a bankload of it just like Scrooge McDuck.

Oh fer crissakes.

I'm not about to enlighten you with the goings-on inside my skitzo little cranium but the end usually has me wanting to bang my head on a hard surface. Though sometimes I just settle with the century old 'palm-face' and I'm good to go.

With the little princess chained to her throne, the girly-girl locked up in a cage overlooked by the barbaric club wielder, the sane one engrossed in an argument with the one that looks like the Bride of Frankenstein and whatever else that menifested itself, it always proves to be far too much for the world at large.

Woe is my cartoony inner mind.

Monday, October 13, 2008

metal scarf

I. Must. Kill. The. Lazy!

Need to go to the art shop for some stuff... no car... damnit.

There really is nothing to blog about, life is stagnant so here's a video:

Ninja cat is evil.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I guess it's time for an update?

To do by...:
- Wednesday, 3 Anthropomorphic rough sketches for Computer Graphics class.
- Friday, Title block on A2 tracing paper for Architectural Drafting class.
- A non specified day, information on Expressionism Movement, Cubism and Futurism for Cultural Studies class.
-Buy bunch of supplies from The Art Shop.

Say hello to some new faces in my wonderful ID batch:
Wilson, Sasa, Melody, Alifph, Lamya, Sabha, Stacy and Wei Xin!

Probs some pictures soon because this batch is really shy and quiet... TOO quiet.

Monday, October 06, 2008

esok oh, esok,

for esok ku mula Raffles.


And Saraaaaaaaa~! I heart joo~!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

vroom vroom

Today I try driving my dad's old BMW.

I've got spinal muscular atrophy type 3 and my strength is about alot less than the average person.

Obviously I'm very worried about not being able to even push the stupid acceleration /break pedal.

It doesn't help that the Beamer is A VERY HEAVY CAR.

Hello, insecurities.

Edit: Success!

Friday, October 03, 2008


Green packet pickings are substancially lower this year.

Dear Government,
Please take heed. When raisin g prices for everything please make sure paychecks rise as well. If not you're pretty much just asking for trouble.

I'm going to go and be somewhat productive now. ttfn.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


It seems to me after careful observation and reading through Google search that I may be suffering from giardiasis (a.k.a Backpacker's disease a.k.a beaver fever)...

Characteristically, have rotten-egg burps, diarrhea and am quite feverish, though the last one may be because we have shit Raya weather.

I also think I know where I got it, though I may be wrong because I am thbe only one in the family suffering the above. I condemn Cinnamon at The Garden. You know, the indian food place. Let me just tell you what an awful time my family and I had there.

1. We sat down and for 30 minutes nobody came to serve us.
2. When we were finally given the menu there was no water for us to drink and no papadams to munch on. That came about 10 minutes after we ordered... which was round about 15 minutes after getting the menu.
3. The cutlery was in disarray, heck, some were even missing.
4. The waiter was rude and unfriendly.
5. The food was mediocre.
6. It was expensive.
7. Food came late, we were very hungry.
8. We asked for water and the waiter gave us glasses which were unwashed. How'd I know? There were lip marks. Don't argue with greasy lip marks on the glass.
9. They served unfiltered tapwater. I could taste the chlorine.

Someone probably didn't keep proper hygene cos I've got bacteria in my small intestine. If it gets worse I'd probably run along to Docs to check and then get prescribed some antibioics for it. I hate drugs so here's hoping my body is as rough and tough as I hope it is.

On a saner, less blamey note: Perhaps I should check and see if any of my siblings or parents are suffering as well before I blame the gardia lamblia bacteria...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's 'bout that time yeh?

Selamat Hari Raya to all!

Have a great holiday!
Even if we all know this festive season entails much cheek pincing and trying to recognise relatives... not forgetting the infinite questions from that sweet little old lady who calls herself Wan Ena.

Selamat Hari Raya and may you live a million years more (and not have to use beauty creams).

No, no cheesy poems about forgiveness this year.
I've had enough of those.

Monday, September 29, 2008

more want

I added the Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet to the wishlist though I expect me to go buy it soon... probably in about 2 weeks time because I LAVA GADGEETS...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

cool tak?

is there a band called 'Letter to Hades'?

reading Reader's Digest's 5th annual humour edition... funny? More like amusing and for the record, I did laugh at Jackass 1.

I hate to lament but when is it gonna be the 7th of October already??!?!


I can't sleep so I go through my old written shit. Guess what I found.

A skit I thought up on the 11th of January 2003 (Yes, I put a date on the paper).
Aww... It's alright. Many students who did as well as you did previously didn't get the grades they wanted...
Oh, I feel so much better now...
[Rolls eyes in sarcasm]
Are you mocking me?
What's to mock? Like that's some great speech you made...
Dont you dare act like that, young lady!
[Student sneers back]
[Teacher pulls out a teaching wand and extends it to form a staff, this happens within a split second before she lunges towards the student screaming like Xena. Student grabs a book and uses it as a shield blocking the attack. Cue happy music]
[book over head]
Wait, wait...
[looks quizzically to the sound guy]
[everyone freezes, music stops]
Hey, look. Happy song no good for fighting... Apa ni? Lagu drama sikit takde ke?
[stands up and goes backstage. Returns with a giant pencil and puts it on the table]
[goes back to mark]
[grabs giant pencil off the table to parry the teacher]
Where'd you get the Pencil De Power?
[staff is thrown to the othe side of the room and her sprawled on the floor]
[student scribbles a huge 'L' on the teacher's shirt triumphantly]
[bow and exit stage]
[teacher utterly confused]

Yea that's pretty much it... Serious brainfart wey.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My picha is awesomer than yours

Beat the Picture Above You
is... so funnyyyy!!! hahahaha


(I registered only to post... gila hebat!)

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Min went to a condom factory excursion...

... conducted by Monash...

... I'm not sure why...

... Maybe the uni is run by fat...

... balding...

... pervy...

... old men...

... with no sense of - I'm getting ahead of myself...

... Perhaps I shall get my paws...

... on some rubber things...

... and fill them up with water...

... or helium...

... and commit acts of terror by definition of the grate (sic) dubya...

... towards children...

... but I'm sure...

... they know what it is already...

... given that a few already has...

..excuse me what? 3??...

... THREE?!?! GIRL/BOYfriends?...

...Wow, playa hatin' moment...

... Aaaaanyway...

... I have a point to this whole ordeal...

... and...

... my point is...

... stop watching porn it's ramadhan.

This enlighening gibber is brought to you by saya sendiri.
Back to you, Stan!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A'la Commentary

It's the last few hours of the day and she makes it halfway through Daxter on the PSP before the battery dies and she decides to browse the internet and indulge in idiosyncratic talk. An hour or two later she is undeniably bored and searches for more things to do.

Bawling eyes out watching kiterunner or picking ideas for the 5-course meal soon to come on the Asian Food Channel? Results after this. Back to you, Stan!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

it's a cycle

Thought, at constant motion.

There's really no need to expand on the abovesaid. It's as self explanatory as saying 'Monkey eating jambu on the roof'. But you may ask what the monkey is doing on the roof in the first place and how it got the jambu.

So many formalities govern the world today it's almost apalling. Also, my brother had a brainfart today involving the main purpose of God creating the planet and life and stuff. My retort was that God is omnibored. And an omni-asshat. I guess that summarises my blasphemy for today.

Remember I mentioned wanting a tattoo? I decided an ouroboros would be perfect but I need details for the inside the circle that defines my principles and all I hold dear. The problem is I don't really know what those are. I'm an enigma to myself. A giant brainfart, always in constant motion. Brownian law can kiss my brown oversized bottom.

Here's all I got so far...
All suits in a deck of cards = A jack of alltrades
Ankh = life
Aries - tenacity I guess (does it help that I'm an Aries baby?)
Flower (iris) = Beauty, Faith, Valour and Wisdom
Cat - Independance, Freedom Of Thought
Apple -Mankind's ALLEGED fall from grace, the beginning of life
G-clef - The music that is a constant in my life
Seashells = I'm a beach bunny... seriously. It represents beauty and nature and all that's good when bumming on the sand.

I guess I need something to show equality and fairness and to show that I have people supporting me all the way... perhaps the scales of law? How about the equal (=) sign??

Also I'm thinking of the Maori Shark teeth... This be one elaborate piece of art... Oh, and its all in black and white.

There's more but I need to sleep now.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kerenah banyank

Hopefully I'll get everything for the driving license don e by year end so I can drive drive without driving the mothercreature up the wall for the billionth time... So much joy in my life...

Starting classes again on October 7th! :D
Waiting is so annoying.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

such disdain... and then some other gibbering nonsense

You can guess it's another one of those posts where you-know-who happens to be the subject matter.

It won't be long. I just have to say that it's distasteful to be so judgmental and rely so heavily on the fact that perhaps one were holier than I (or anyone else for that matter).

To say I am half-assed about something when I just bide my time because one doesn't approve my likes and I fund my own activities AND completely distrust my judgement about myself and my abilities as if one knows better.

One needs to realise that comparing with another is not how one should see the world.

It's funny because ALL the movies one sees and ALL the people one hears speak, none of the substance found (if at all) penetrates ones mind.

Futile are the revelations when met with preconceived ideas and the unwillingness to cooperate.

Now that the abovementioned is off the proverbial chest I bring you to some asinine brainfarts and come-acrosses of the internet-hell...

Internet hell: Something about abstinence HERE.

Brainfart: 10 Random stuff leaking out of my ear - I think it's my brain - at 4am because I am god, worship me.

*I lack a certain amount of organisation skills. No, I lie. I have a fantastic array of organisational skills - obviously put to no real use. Calendars whatnots for the computer such as Rainlendar lends its services as it really helps you procrastinate more often. Remorseless, I find better ways to organise my life without actually doing some of them. This reminds me: When I wake up later I shall have to make a few calls.

*Obviously there's no such thing as summer in malaysia since we're in the garis khatulistiwa - I forgot the english word for it, it's 4 am, spare me... I think it's ummm... tropical? No, it's equator - and all. Two seasons: Wet and wetter. I have a whole posse of people studying overseas who come back during the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE summer and we allow some froliking to occur. Good times. The summer has officially ended today with the last of the dudes and dettes leaving in the morning or post noon. Thank god for the internart.

Black Holes
*Are the most random things that just popped into my head. Einstein was on drugs. So was Plato and Ceasar. And Mr. Dog. Imagine a huge funnel that eventually connects to another huge funnel. and depending which side your on, a giant vacuum on 'suck' and then FOOMP! You're either ripped apart like Picasso art or you meet an alternate dimension you with green skin and elephant ears. It's a collapsed star so I guess that's what child actors feel like when they go into drugs and stuff.

*I was looking around as I sat on my chair in front of a NEAT desk in my room. I saw my bed. I saw my bulletin board, yes, I do own one of those things. I mused at my guitar. I smirked at all the stationary I hoard. I think "Holy molerats with tinkerbell fluff, THIS is my room? I'm so awesome." Oh yea, and my gadgetry is awesome too. I'm still looking around my room for more stuff to brainfart about.

Eddie Izzard
*He brought me to a realisation that Mr. Dog is really funny but only if you heard the whole ramble. Saying Mr. Dog randomly also does not garner desired effect. The same goes for asking random civillians "Cake or death?" Not that I've done that to random passers-by. But I might.

*Men seem to have a rather large fixation on round/spherically shaped things. Like footballs, baseballs, hockey pucks, the earth, boobs. American football and rugby are exceptions. Like flat chested women.

*It's fun. It's blue because of the something something colour augmentation, sun, sky, untraviolet boolsheet. It's full of fish or other organisms like cholera if someone who has the bacteria pees in it. It sustains life and life threatening creatures like hoomanus dumbassness who really are more pro-death. AND it makes you feel weightless like zero gravity without the process of astronaut bootcamp. Though it does look, molecularly, like a retarded Mickey Mouse - no offence to the clinically retarded people.

*Short for The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Google it and it'll show you the reason why we're suffering global warming and why hoomanus dumbassness can achieve flight. A faith of pasta and beer with a heaven of beer and scantily clad eye-candy? Can I get a Ramen?!

*You need it. I need it. Bill Gates has it all. Oh, and Oprah too, I need not explain further. Goddamnit!

*Is what I'm going to do as soon as I turn off the 'putur and take a piss. Said to be the cousin of death, upon further clarification is actually a distant relative that's hardly even there during the family outings. Big difference too, Death being all dark and wielding a stick with a grass-cutting tool stuck to it and Sleep having a bag of sand to throw in your eyes before he throws you a sucker punch. Out like a light they say but you do on most occations wake up the next day/ hour or minute or even century if you're Rip Van Winkle... Who gave him that name anyway? Is he German? Is there a god? Yes, It's me, God. Leave a message after the beep *BEEP* -

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I came across Malaysia's Persons With Disabilities Bill 2007 and I thought "Hey, maybe they're doing something?"

Then I realised that whatever council they appointed as stated in the Bill must just be sitting around in their offices playing word-pong.

I'm linking The Digital Awakening simply because the writer is so much better at writing than I am. My rants will just not suffice.

Also, here's the Bill.

I wonder if I can bring a class action on the Datuk Bandar and the government for being such pompous douchebags and not inspect all building plans before going "OHAI! U CAN HAS BEELDING NAO."

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nonsense Contest: Banana Vs Packer

1. Nonsense Contests are random bursts of nonsense.
2. Names have been changed to protect the innocent *cough cough* AAAH-CHGUILTY! parties and...
3. You know who you are and yes, this happened once upon an MSN convo. Adakah anda proud?
omg....all these photos i saw a week ago have all these comments from ur album
just cuz theyre on ur album i dont get notifications if im not in the picture so i cant actually knw whats going on
i didnt get my ass raped


watch when i get u back banana

hahahaha ooh im sooo scared

oh yes u r
esp when we go ghost hunting

whatever, ur gonna be scared too!

hahahahah but i actually go into the place
u dont

yea but at least i dont piss in my pants
even if i did, itll only be a drop
no difference!

hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...what piss in my pants!!!!!!!!!!hahahhaah i just pressed the accelerator harder hahahahahaha
hahah thts cheating and u know it

hahahahahhahah anything to make u feel better bout the situation *pats sympathetically*

*kicks out of car infront of cemetery and drives off*

*calls cab*
*cab arrives immediately* -situation solved-

ok lets start again
*kicks mich out of the cab without her bag at unknown place in kelantan and drives off*

u cant start again!!thats cheating!!
fine ill play along
*runs to nearest petrol station*

in kelantan?
where petrol stations close at 12

hahaha whatever!!!!!!!

*reverses back after feeling bad*

hahahhahah yes puppy dog eyes worked! SCORE

*welcomes her back into the car and starts driving again*
*passes the beach*
*kicks her out there*

*enjoys relaxing in the beach and feels sorry for packer on missing out*

*packer drives back gets off...and throws 10 cents at this poor beggar enjoying the view of the beach at night*

*jumps ecstaticallly cos she's 10 sen richer*

who said u were the begar

*well she stole the 10 sen from the beggar asshole*

wait wait
lets get a better scenario

what could be better than a beach??

oh oh oh...
ok ok

but all i can do there is drown u and thts hard cuz il drown while drowning u

*swims off and laughs some more*

Packer: learn this summer just to get back at all of u cunts

hahaah ill buy you floaters for ur birthday

*packer drowns with with his car keys and Banana's bag*
hahha OMG.............THTS ITTTTT
*hotwires packers car and drives off still laughing her ass off at packer*

dumbass...u watch too much movies
ok lets have a better scenario of us killing each other

*pokes packer in the eyes and runs away*

tht doesnt kill me idiot

at least it blinds u for a moment
THEN *banana kills off packer with parang*
hahahahahah TA DAHH

hahahahah ok ok lets talk abt this in a third person for the fun of it
ok wait...
lets get the setting first

haha ok highland towers then

dude...ok fair enuf
start from here
*packer and banana are bored at 1 am after having great durian*

*banana beats packers ass as usual*

hey hey hey hey...its abt killing each other
not the durian thing ok
we leave tht out of this cuz u know il beat ya

pffftttt whatever anywaysss...*banana makes the first move by pouring rubble over packer and laughs*

we havent even reached the place yet

HAHAAHAH OK FINEE!! lead the way

ok u start the first part of the story and then il continue

OK *banana beats packers ass in durian binging and they both get bored at 1am*

*so after packer beats banana they both agree to go kill each other*
*banana lets packer win cos he's being such a baby and is obviously in denial but for that she must kill packer, she reaches into her pocket for her handphone and calls 999*

*packer throws bananas phone out of the road and a car runs over it then he pulls her into the car and locks the car and starts driving*

*banana kicks packer in the nuggets and takes over the wheel, his poor SUV swerves into a tree*

i dont drive an SUV...but ok why not
*bananas body is thrown outside 200 metres away from the accident and packer who was able to put on his seatbelt only has minor head injuries*

*bananas super bionic body survives the crash and crawls towards packers SUV with lighter and oil in hand and burns packer to death, he unfortunately could not get out of the car in time as he didnt have enough time to unfasten his seatbelt, gawd what an idiot everybody knows u gotta push into the red button to release it, mustve been his minor head injury*
PACKER MUST BE DEAD cos hes taking too long to respond

*what no one realizes was mouse wanted to come alng when banana and packer did not allow him in the begginning and was hiding in the car the whole what actually happened was packer was also thrown out of the accident but nearby the car and he saw mouse's burnt brusied body inside the car and pulled him into the drivers seat and fastened his seatbelt...he stands behind a tree videotaping banana burn mouse to death and runs to the police to report it*

*banana outsmarts packer by already reporting the incident EARLIER ON*

*as packer walks in not knowing tht he had been outsmarted by an idiot his friend the head of police for the whole country see's the video and reports it publicly and bananas face is plastered all over the country*

*banana unzips her black banana suit and retreats back home , her face may be plastered all over the country but her identity has been kept hidden, she remains a legend and swears by the banana tree that she will come back to kill packer*
*banana also senses packer cowering in the corner*

*with her guilt startng to take over she feels as if packer is always near the mean time packer then brings more evidence to the police off old photos of the good times when they both used to be friends who would hang out together but became bad because of durian and now even more photos has been found and suddenly alot of puzzles are figured out as more and more murder cases are now connected to banana...packer realizes and calls his connections on the interpol and now her ass is wanted all over the world and all her friends are apprehended at the same time...she is now all alone running away by herself in this friends she is remorseful abt everything and the only way would be to ask for pakers help..packer meanwhile leaves the country to another country protected by many organizations*

*banana may have left some traces but changes her identity every 24 hrs, packer may think he's protected but banana has been following packers every move and outsmarted the organization in thinking that she was one of them and now packer is screwed as she breathes down his neck and pulls the trigger on his head BANG and packer dies*

*banana walks off thinking she has finally pulled off her lifes objective....suddenly she hears packers voice 'im not dead mich'...not knowing what has happened and thinking its her insanity again she ignores it and later tomorrow she gets news that the person she killed was one of packers fakes and apparently there are over 200 all over the world with the exact same characteristics..this was part of the genome project of the what is her next move?'*

*banana kills herself with a vengeance and crawls out of her grave as a zombie to haunt and scare the shit out of packer for the rest of his life, he wished he never tried to kidnap her in the first place*

*banana thinking she had the ultimate solution to killing suddenly realizes that packer was actually killed by the organization that protected him and then they created fakes to capture banana was all a trap..but while climbing out of her own grace banana looks up and shez packer smiling at her with a 50 other packers around her...he laughs and disappears into thin air and suddenly she gets shot in the head from behind*

*banana is like what the putangina to packer and smacks him on the head cos she already committed suicide and RETURNS as an immortalized zombie, jackass*

*in more developments packer has now moved up the secret order of the maisons and has gotten the immortal power of turkmentur which makes im immortal and indestructible...whilst doing this he acquires soo much power that makes him god like and decides to go haunt michelle a lowly zombie who can be killed easily...banana is now a directionless zombie wondering around the streets with no objectives in life*

*banana now thinks packer is a loser who watches too many zombie movies, RETARD*

*packers walks into her room and just stabs her in the eye and through her heart and slices it open and feds it to her cat and walks out*

*banana laughs as packer mistook her for the dummy and runs after packer and stabs him 10 million times and chops him into pieces to feed the hungry ppl at the mamak*

chup..dude i dont think neither of us wll ever admit we're gonna die

hahahhahahha congrats we just made a crappy r- rated movie

not bad
tht was quite fun ah
i think next time we do tht the objectiv is not to kill
cuz our ego's wont let us lose to the other

hahaaha so tru, we are born leo's after all

im virgo dude

haha oh yea ur the dude whos born 2 wks after i did!LOL:P

u know whats funny...
is ure only ways of getting me is the whole birthday and swimming thing
come on banana im sure u can think of more stuff
durian aint counted cuz thts under a different contract right now

well ur only ways of getting me is....hmmmmm...... THAT IM A BANANA!!!
make that way*****

i get alot moreeeeeeeeeeeee
its not insults but more like jabs!!!!!!!!!! ahhahahahahahah

whatev i dont get insulted that easily either hahahahha

neither do i hahahahhaha take allllllllll in our stride
i swear to god us august ppl will rule the world one day

ill be the leader since im a leo
and since ive got the lucky birthdate

hahahahaahah do tht and the world will go in a state of anomie

no more like in a state of ANARCHY!

well we all know everytime a state was anarchic what happened right?


hhaha on 2nd thought i dont mind
il overthrow u easily

HAHA oh we'll c bout that! a round of durians to decide who the reigning ruler really is!

omg we always conflict


do we always have to settle it with durians?

hahha its the tastiest way!! we can end it in bloodshed with the spikes but at least we can enjoy our last moments savouring it!




hahah eeeewww...this is beginning to sound like some bad durian s&m

hahahahahaha yeahhhh lets stop right there...hahaha
have u eaten yet?

my friends tapaued some baguettes but i dont feel like so sick of canteen food, i want nice "home cooked" mamak food!
how bout u?

im doing some work and maybe later il go eat with stacey b4 i follow my friend to kao this guy
but yeah nothing beats home cooked mamak food

so truuu

Obviously there's more to the conversation but I cut it out for brevity's sake.
You know lah how long these nonsense contest go on for... This is the first published one though (and probably the last because editing msn convos are a biznatch)...
And no, it never ever starts with "Once upon a time,"


I was still in bed but the knock on the door and my mom's voice made me fall out all too quickly for me to think about snuggling back into the covers. I heard her say "Aishah, can you go on the internet and get me the recipe for Mein Kampf?"

Surely she had said something else but that's what I heard and before I could reply to her worrying request she had picked up her phone and started gossiping. Ah, the trials and tribulations of being my mothers daughter.

In my head I had concocted the recipe for Mein Kampf: One part cynicism, three parts bigotry, one part holier-than-thou, 10 parts tak-sedar-diri and three-fourths part water. Hitler could've done better. Who'm I kidding? He was the source!

Anyway, turns out my mom just wanted the recipe for miang kam so here I am, on the net and sorely disappointed that my mom hadn't shown her true self... Nazi Hitleress.

Mo chirped up an impromptu catchphrase post read and it says...
"Cooking your empire, Mother?"

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Booming it up

If I ever get my paws on the people working at JPJ who give me a half-assed story about the OKU driving license there will be a new meaning to 'shredded wheat'.

I can't even find anything coherent on the web since the web-boys/girls working for the government can't build a decent website that's user friendly.

And then I never knew there were protocols to follow before the application...

I mean, blow me, If I have to GO to the DRIVING SCHOOL just to ENQUIRE about getting a fucking license... Irony: Class A.

[bleep]ing dimwit [bleep]bricks. haha... I bleeped myself... XD

Anyway, I'm gonna call up this Damai Association for blahdiblahdibla for some clarification. If they're run by a bunch of dumbasses to then look forward to the next general election. Vote for me for PM of Malaysia. I bet I can run this bitch of a country better than the present Gov. No contest.

Monday, September 01, 2008

i founds it!

Went out for dins with May and Min, the other M-squared in my lovely bulats of people.

The other M-squared being Mo and Mich, love them too!

Though, that's hardly the point.

My point is...

I forgot.

Min passed me a link to Nemi who's literally my twin in the realm of 2D fun. Comics!

I won't be linking til later. It's Bitish by the way... and Goth...

Happy Ramadhan to everyone, wishing you a good fast and all that jazz. Don't pig out too much during buka. Tis a vice you must stay far away from. Remember: Half the point is to feel like the have-nots...

Which really means You may have-not the cupcake. Giveittome!

Min also gave me FANTAAAAAAAAAA!!

Which is a sugar coated gem in a can. Tis a bummer though since consumption of sugar before sleep wil cause no sleep to be had.

Joy... God is laughing... Hear the glee in his voice.

Hear it... and then maybe you can laugh at me too.

And on some days I feel like this:

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fill in what now?

You know how your get silly tests that your friends did about love, life and all that supposedly matters?
I have no problems with getting through most of the questions until they hit me with this one:

"Name your partner/significant other/crush/dan lain-lain."

Who'm I kidding?
I procreate by budding... hello?
(I'm kidding about the budding thing)

So yes, I am one of those people who bukan main susah to find anyone worth crushing on.
I can't even be gay since it applies to both sexes anyway.

I love my friends though... but not that way.

Happy Merdeka Kids!
May the coming months bring less propaganda and more... un-propaganda!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Layaaaan Keeeeeng

Nooooooooobody knows the trouble I've seeeeen...
Nooooooooobody knows my sorrow...
(Something about being more cheerful)
Eeeeeeeeeets a smowl werrld aaaaaahfter awl...
No! Anything but THAT!
I've got a lovehlee bunch of coconuts
*doo doo doo*
They they are a-standin' in a row
*dun dun dun*...
Zazu and Scar:
Big ones, small ones some asbigasyerhead...
I never had to do this when Mufassa was arou-
Natheeeng, Natheeeng!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

lack of updates

If I had readers they'd be pretty ticked off from the lack of updates. In truth though, the sister blog has been frequently updated as of late because of the uproar of craptalk from the deep recesses of my heart... or whatever that's supposed to be my heart anyway.

The pilot for 'Sk8' will be done as soon as I get the copy of Adobe Illustrator working since I was asked to use it given that it uses vector multiplications and gives nicer print-outs I guess? I don't know but as soon as it's done I will be liaising with Whitemouse so I can put it in flashplayer format a'la PlatinumGrit.

Speaking of Platinumgrit, I really like the art and the story plot. I LOVE NIL! and Jeremy is cute too in a completely defunct socially kind of way.

Jeremy and Nil

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i was bored

Even if I did say I already have a few songs it's not like I have anyone to go jamming with kan?

It kind of loses some lustre if you play acoustic.

Scout's honour.

Dark New Day is awesome... yea, I'm relistening.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


If God/Invisible Man In The Sky/Cthulhu/Jesus/Allah/Buddha/Joe Pesci asked me what I did with my life I'd ask Him what He made me for...

Then I'd ask Him what the purpose of being human was (Assuming that I'm 6 feet under and happily having my flesh eaten by bacteria, fungus and earthworms) and for the grand finale in the delightful method of blaspheming so nonchalantly: Why we must worship him.

Post questions to the Omni-Everything, down I go to fire and brimstone having a barbeque with my own carcass. Can I get a 'Hell yea?' Perhaps that was a little too disturbing...


Friday, August 15, 2008

tell me


Tell me this makes you laugh... or at least smile a little?
A grin?


You have no joy in your life.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Speaking of the strange

-Adjectives on the typewriter

Parents neglected to tell me that the Phuket trip is cancelled.
Babi right?


Sonny Jim told me that the rattlesnakes shed their skins in the moonlight. He also said that bitching brings more harm than good but this is, after all, a part-time bitch blog sooooooo...
*trumpet sounds*
There's one guy I miss the most and a chic I feel like punching thumbtacks into - and the girl ain't got no short skirt and a long jacket either.
Poor, poor guy though he persists.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

more meh

Many a 'meh' ago, when the sky was grey and the weather was gila panas...

That intro sangat tickle my funnybones. No idea why.

August is still kind of dull, the only thing I look forward to is Phuket with the immidiate family (No, sadly this time I don't have Mich in tow). Fun times on the beach and I forsee a nagging mother as par usual. How to escape? THERE IS NO ESCAPE! *insert evil maniacal laughter here*

I STILL haven't sent in my application form for Raffles Inst. which I promise to send some time next week as well as finishing my confined water... I know lama but 'Aunty' just left.

Monday I shall go hantar the bleeding application and Tuesday I shall do Confined dives 4 and 5 which means I need to read up/watch the video for the dives and finish up every small details for the application. Once the application is sent: Yay for the 3rd of October. I finally start college again.

This blog has fallen into the realm of 'nonsensical rambling that is not interesting to the world at large.'


Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Compared to July, August lacks lustre.

Birthdays coming up for Michelle, Squirrel, Zita, Faheem, Sara and Shar.
I love you all~!

Anyway, with the 'Aunty' visiting, I cannot continue the pool sessions until 'she' leaves. I still have to submit my Raffles Institute application and I need to save my best friend from impending 'Independant Femme' Death. Oh man... no wonder I'm relationship-phobic...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I wholeheartedly agree!

Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Should I go cubatry voice acting?

Details are here.

So basically it's a local company about to delve into the world of 3D (Say 'hello' to the pioneer Final Fantasy, Kaena and Titan AE a'la Malaysia). I wish them luck because so far the 3 movie's I've stated above had crap storylines and are sci-fi based... I'm not saying that their endeavours will be bad, I'm just saying that I hope they come up with some good shit to be proud of... ORRRRR... go ask for movie rights of some webcomic out there as it seems to me that alot of people are doing just that (Last Blood and Marry Me). It would be gila awesome if the ministry didn't butt in and let them do stuff from the supernatural... Yes, I'm a supernatural buff.

I don't think it's a question of 'should I' but more of a question of 'shy-shy lah'... Give me strength o invisible man in the sky!!! (Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster, whoever makes you happy).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

rainbow coloured people have personality disorders

Because it sounds better than schitzophrenia.

Nak go see Raffles Institute today, yay! For now though, I have to brush the teethus.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


That's the main reason why I want to get my own place. No imaginary curfew to worry about. There might be none but in the back of your mind you think that you might wake up the next morning with screaming parent in your ear. Not a nice thought.

Went out with the Summer people last night with new people in tow, i.e. Kim. They are fun as usual.

Tati has a blog and Tati's thoughts on the world is ALWAYS worth reading. She's so insightful!

To Do:

  • Call up Soo to finish confined water course post flu

  • Call up Raffles Institute to schedule a meet-up with the course counselor

  • Book 3 back to back tickets for The Dark Knight and Get Smart at PavillionRESCHEDULED!

  • Call Kyn, Kim, Shrav and Mich for jamming session Wednesday at 11am

Saturday, July 19, 2008

cos he was a voodoo cowboy

eh... I has a headache.

Options trading more confusing than I thought.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Everyone has goals and oftentimes it is the quality of goals that sets you apart from the rest of the sheep. When you're set apart from the flock you're automatically a wolf. My goals are what make life worth living.

Majority of the friends I keep are wolves and the sheep I am not so close with.

On a less straight note: I have adrenaline junkie tendencies!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i has a headache

Technically, you can buy a put and get a profit after you sell to close when the market is bearish. This means that you buy at $0.70 and you sell at anything lower you effectively make a profit...

That said, why in the brickshits was my options running a loss??

losses looks like this: ($700)
profits look like this: $700

I bought at sevennycents and the option was already pushing fittycents. WHY?

Aiyoooo pening. Losses at $1000+ or something okay. It sucks even if it is tipu money.
My account has one million worth of tipu money by the way.
It. Still. Sucks.

k... time to ask people who know better than me... even dad's stumped.

I changed the put to a call and made $800 today... I'm happeh...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

end of seminar

As you all know, I was at a Freely Seminar for 3 days... 3 very gruelling days and I got out of it a brain that got turned into silly putty, mad trading skills and contacts of a really cute guy, we'll call him Mr. Chivalry.

It was a fun filled and giggly 3 days and I'm happy that the 'rents spent all that money for me to do so.
They're awesome.

Mr. Chivalry is hot.

Saturday, July 12, 2008



seminar day 1.

There's a REALLY GOOD LOOKING MALE manning the sound system and I happened to have sat in front if him the whooooooooooooole time... More news tomorrow, and if I'm bored enough, stalker photos.
He looks like a really nice combination of Gabriel from Cherating 2006 and Shar's Tattoo artist from NY. and taller too... =3


Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I love glasses donning dorks... they are so endearing!

And did I mention chin hair?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

is that time of year again...

The Annual Summer Potluck thingumajiggy is upon us and I have decided that it would be done sometime in the 3rd week of July. The guest list will be as follows:

  • Shar
  • Cynnamartyr
  • Mo
  • Shrav
  • Kyn
  • Danny
  • Junes
  • May
  • Min
  • Li Yen
  • Sid
  • Hendy
  • Usaid
  • Shahrin
  • Emir
  • Hakim
  • Yuli
  • Jean
  • Soon Seng
  • Sara
  • Ezzy

So yea, list to be revised.. date to be set and I'm specialising in desserts. The rest of you douchebags will come through with the rest of the foods.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


You know when a tonne of stuff runs through your head but you really cannot collect them into a nice basket with ribbons and flowers and possibly easter eggs and distribute them to the masses because you don't know how? That would be my brain right now in its flurry of thought, all jumbled up like coils upon coils of wire at the back of your tv and too lazy to unravel them...

I'm itching for a year of travel with limitless wads of cash right now. I see photos (Yes, Na, all your galavanting around Amerika Syarikat and Cana-duh) and it makes me slightly jeles. 'Slightly' being the understatement of the century and 'jeles' being the wrongly spelled operative word.

I've met up with some people over the past 3 weeks and will be meeting up with more. Ah, this summer is so hectic.

"Want some ee-che-krey-ahm on your ah-peh-leh-pee-yay?"

P/S have the letters Q/R in between them.
P/P/S This current blog is for the non-emoemoemoemo and the frivolous and the utterly mundane.
P/P/P/S I have no game OMGWTF?!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Love is in the airrrrrrr...

but not for me. I need a shower it's. So. HOT!


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

slightly ill

It seems that after so long, I have come down with a cold and a messed up throat. It is now July and I don't want to be sick for long. Postponed is my plan to finish my confined water dives by this week and postponed will be my want to get a new piercing shortly after.

Post Krabi:
Facking shoulder has now started to peel. It looks kinda gross.

More random brain-farts:
It's that time again: Hay fever and hooking ups rampant.

To Do list:

  • Cut hair
  • Send new shoes to the cobbler to get rid of heel and put in nonslip bottoms.
  • Meet up with Sara and Ezzy
  • Have a potluck fooding at the house for everyone whom I rindu gila babs!
P/S I miss Shar, Mich, and Li!!! Who are coming back in a few days. Much to do people! MUCH TO DO!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Spores near the motherland-foot thing

As some of you may have known, I went to Singapore over the weekend to buy shoes and meet up with my 2 favourite boys in Spore-land, Ems and Bear.

I have just one thing to point out:

Singapore makes me lose my appetite...

Seriously! The food is below my standards and my standards are very high.

I was there with the maternal unit, Naf, Aunt and Eun Ji.

Stayed in the Royal Plaza on Scotts Road which was exquisite.

Couldn't for the life of me remember the name of the place I spent all that money on shoes and I did lovelingly call it Harakiri first before throwing in random Japanese words.

Spent a whole night awake at the hotel lobby talking and laughing with Ems then had breakfast.

Was introduced to the despair which is the malay society in Singapore and realised how lucky I really am by being Malaysian.

Laughed at the concept of female fixated with white males just because it's a status.

Overall, I enjoyed my time spent with my boys and my sister.

It was fun...

Me and Naf

Naf and mother
Aunt and Eun Ji
Bear and I

Me and Ems
More photos:

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Krabi Recap

Well, relevant ones anyway. There rest are linked below for your enjoyment.
Omitted are the ones which are questionable at best.

It was just us 3

My wheelchair keseorangan

Tanning on the beach

Happy fish on the left in the middle-ish row

Water distortion

It rained for a while, made me sad

Breakfast on the 3rd day means bombing your stomach and drinking fanta.

wooo rainnnn


Day 1 Part 1 & Part 2
Day 2 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4
Day 3 & 4

All in all a RM1000.00 holiday. Maybe more if you wanna spend that much on gifts.


Got a hearty hearty tan. Photos up soon.
(minus the 'questionable' ones hahahahahahaha)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

bratty little brother

Happy birthday to you youbrattylittledouchebag,
Happy birthday to you youpintsizedtuboflard,
Happy biiiiiiiirthday to Riffraff the tinylittlegit...
Haaaaappy biiiiiiirthday tooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Ariff is now 13 years old.
(but in mom-years he just turned 2)
I love you thieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees much little brother.

"Mother douchebag,"
-Pickle from Dethklok off Metalocalypse by AdultSwim.

Monday, June 16, 2008

rifles ready


Remind me to pack the rifles with the snorkel gear. We kind of need those for a successful hunt, not that I don't have my big guns ready as it is but remember kids: This is not a hook-up, ex-boyfriend bashing, shameless trip tau. It's just a girls weekend out.

27th to 29th of June I'm off to S'pore for some shoe shopping and I'll steal some time for Bear and Ems, sheysha kat Orchard Road. Sweet!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm beaching, you're not.


So happy! So very, very happy!!!
I actually spent the whole day today making lists and arranging piles of clothes.
Can you say 'anal-retentive'?
Well I can!

So anyway, almost everything is in order save the snorkel gear which I have yet to pick up from Aunty Sal.
Almost all the bajus have been sorted out, colour combination tepat sekali!
I have my OCD pouch packed so all the moneys and travel documentations won't get lost... No, it's not really called an OCD pouch.

I still want to dye my hair highlighter blue. Just you wait.
I am gonna tag all my posts with names. It will be a long and arduous task but eventually it shall be done.

Kyn's back and I've met up with her
Sara's back and I must go hang out
Leeturt is leaving n he 24th for what could be like forever so on Tuesday, instead of the usual lettuce and kibbles, he gets an upgrade to lunch at Ma Maison and if I'm buggered enough about it will give him cupcakes.
Min will return to the land of the civil on Tuesday and will have to get together for some trip discussions and buying of random trippy shit with May.
I wonder if Kim and I are still on for that shopping thing on Tuesday post-noon but I'm reeling towards the non-spending because alot has gone to the Krabi trip as it is. KLEPET!
Michelle returns to the tanahair on the 23rd, plus Mo, will have a bare all coffee session as the intro to the summer vacations.
Jess'll be back soonish and her party will be an epic blast as usual.
My dear brother, Ariff, has his birthday on the 18th. Wish him if you must. You may punch him 13 times... plus 2 if he flinches.

That seems to be about all I have to say today actually.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

100 things in life that make me happy

Aside from money.

I saw this on someone's 43Things and I thought I would try it out. I doubt I could get 100 things and even if I did I maybe have more things that make me unhappy in life but here it goes...

1. having my siblings in my life
2. being able to have met all my grandparents
3. having a dad that cares for important things
4. having kept in touch with almost everyone I've known since kindergarden
5. a disfunctional yet loving family
6. owning an Ibanez guitar and being able to play it
7. having my own room
8. having enough imagination to write shorts
9. having friends who can draw thus converting shorts into comics (T and Yuli)
10. having irreplacable girlfriends
11. the fact that I'm alive
12. the fact that I'm mobile
13. the fact that I can think and form my own opinions
14. Igor from Restaurant Makeover
15. the beach
16. food
17. herb gardens
18. owning gadgets
19. not caving under peer pressure
20. having an intact family
21. cooking for alot of people
22. body art
23. Tom Holt books
24. Frank Miller
25. Jhonen Vasquez
26. good Stand-up comedy
27. thunderstorms
28. the sun
29. the thought of eventually moving into my own place
30. the thought of eventually opening my own restaurant/cafe
31. the thought of making a name for myself in the future
32. the thought of my friends accomplishing everything they wanted in life
33. art
34. Uncle Karim, my Godfather
35. my grandmum and aunties from my dad's side
36. a sharp chef knife
37. music
38. being musically inclined
39. Sara Lim
40. Michelle Ng
41. Shar
42. Mo
43. Leeturt Pal
44. Firt Bear
45. Sid
46. Danny
47. Junes
48. Jamal
49. Jasmine
50. Shrav
51. Kyn
52. Huzzy
53. May
54. Min
55. Michelle Chiam
56. Ezzy Kams
57. sheysha communions
58. Jess
59. Neens
60. Nina tudung
61. Malu
62. Sel
63. Kim
64. oggling beautiful people
65. strange dreams
66. msn and other devices connecting people around the globe
67. camwhoring
68. sarcasm
69. being right
70. planning trips
71. travelling
72. the supernatural world
73. Chef Michael Smith
74. books
75. Batman
76. singing
77. roadtrips with friends
78. sexuality
79. coffee chats
80. meet-ups
81. lazy days
82. sexual innuendo
83. buying albums and listening to them
84. picnics
85. Zaty
86. cats and other furry animals that don't yap
87. earrings
88. random mamak sessions
89. pizza day
90. coral reefs
91. snorkelling
92. other cultures
93. blogging
94. staring idly into space
95. random chatter
96. having knowned and bonded with my grandad
97. Boshra
98. Sarah Lee
99. getting through high school and 12th grade
100. Me

Hey, who knew I could make it to a hundred. I guess alot of things do make me happy... Not to mention the amount of people I cannot live without. :P