Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon.

Fait accompli and I had a good morning, too.

Also, long day ahead full of work and work.
It's how I cope with the general nothingness of the alternative.

Websites of note:

Hallowe'en night was spent with the girls over smokes and chats.
Left the sheysha place at around 2 nd had a little trouble with the car.
2AM, 2 girls, a car key that wont turn.
I called Danny, he asked Lil. It turned out that there was steering lock.
No, we did not panic, we were calm as cucumbers.
We were also giggly as fehk.

Now, to draft some stuff and soften the zonings.

Brilliant Day, all in all.
May the rest of my life be this rewarding.
Can't update Tumblr, no pictures to update with.

Hallowe'en was spent with some wonderful women.

Got home at 2AM.

Will update further when I wake up.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Have. To. Start. Work. On. ElectiveSpacePlanning.

But, me being the genius that I am, have forgotten to load up my stuff in the bag to be worked on today at the office. Yay...

Post Teach For Malaysia (TFM) Forum, 7:45PM to 9:30PM yesterday.
Met the founders, spoke to one of the key people from Teach for America and Teach for India. She's an amazing speaker, bubbly, typical dedicated teacher behaviour, she even dresses like one. Makes me miss Michelle Lee lots and lots. Which then makes me wonder if Michelle Lee is a part of Teach for America. With her kind of dedication, and the fact that she is already in the education industry (being a grade school teacher and making a difference and all, she's just too awesome -- Mad props) I think she would be the most likely candidate. But she's American so she's not going to be a pioneer for TFM. Obviously.

I did, however, send the message out to G'Pa who had voiced out an interest in teaching. I asked him to send in an application and go for the interviews, even if it is somewhat stringent, they do have seriously high standards. If I wanted to teach I would totally go for the two year placement course. Apparently, applications only open on the 1st of December. God speed, my fellows. God speed. They have but four weeks to do up their whole plan and engage whoever it is they want to engage.

Click HERE for their website.
Or HERE for their Twitter.
Or HERE for their Facebook Page

Thank you so much to Iski for letting me carpool with him and his brother there. If I had known I'd be going back towards Jalan Tun Razak, I wouldn't have bothered going to RSGC. Meh. I could've just gone to Jalan Damai and waited for him there. All in all a fruitful evening of rubbing shoulders with some pretty powerful people. And get this, The founders are Consultants from Pricewaterhousecoopers (is that all seriously one word?)... (although, I didn't look back and I'm sure uncle Johan doesn't remember what I look like) Uncle Johan Raslan was there too.

See how social networking is taking over the world?
See it?
Yeah, it's totally kicking some conventional ass.

Work time... BLARGH! *flips table*

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yesterday's update today...
Class, bank, work. Itu sahaja.

No coffee at the office for me unless I want to start spewing nonsense. This is concluded after Tuesday's shenanigans.

It's Thursday. There's a forum tonight for Teach for Malaysia. I'm hoping the girl from MIT doesn't whoop everyone's ass with her questions. MIT... Woooooooo...
Iski's ditching me for futsal halfway through.

I have news that will probably make some people hate me. Well, no, hate is a strong word. I'd probably have to make it up to the person one way or another.
Annoyances in bucketloads.
ARGHGHGHG... How to bring it up? HOW HOW HOW?

Hallowe'en update:
- They're going clubbing, I'm going to sleep. I guess I'm not going to be a Droog again this year. Sad. But it's not like I have the costume ready anyway, Milk Bars.

I want to go out for tokkoks, sheysha and good company. It's been a a while. Also, Tapas with May and Min.

I finish work 20 minutes early almost like clockwork. ha-ha no pun intended. -_________-

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day two of the internship.
They gave me lots of work that I have to continue tomorrow. Yay!

I make it sound like I'm keeping a journal for the zombie apocalypse.
Tomorrow I have to bank in money to my parents. Half and half.
Then, I have to work my ass off.

I have finger cramps.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good lunch-hour citizens of the intertoobz,

I'm having sandwiches in the office. No, make that A sandwich.
The rest of the fellows have gone to noms KFC. Terribly enticing!

Also, my shoulder is in pain and I have a British person talking in my head.
What the vag?

So, as it is, this computer doesn't have Windows Live Messenger, only the poxy old (Re: original) messenger. The computer itself looks rather high tech though, considering it is a computer for rendering 3DMax stuff. Oh, look at me, rambling away out of boredom. I have no idea whether or not the computer I've been designated with has a mouse. It's kind of... Not there.

On the table is a plum I am contemplating on eating. Should I eat the plum now and suffer the wrath of angry stomach at 4? Or keep myself rather satiated with ONE sandwich and eat the plum at 4. Decisions, decisions.

Wow, this is hereby the worst update that has ever come out of my head. It's pouring like liquid shite.

It's day one off 8 weeks by the way. I can feel my head reeling in excitement. Also, I'm dehydrated.
Vodkas yesterday was definitely not a good idea.
Ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble.

I need a nap and a hug from someone I know. It's going to take me a while to get used to being in an office again.

If you read the whole thing, I applaud you for your tenacity. Here's a gold star cookie sticker.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Kings and Queens of Comedy!
Oh, my God! Too funny!

Best two-hundred bucks I've ever spent in my life.
Loved it.

So what happened was that we planned to go early to get a bite to eat at KLCC but Azoe and the boys left late and arrived at my house late so we ended up going for sandwiches. We decided to play it safe and go in early, which was a good thing because turns out our seats was up a few flights of stairs. If we went late we would have missed half the show. Oh, no!
But we were assisted by a few members of staff, especially one particular organiser who eventually arranged for us to meet the members so we could hang out and take pictures with them. Oh, wheelchair, you take me places.
The gist of what we concluded after we took pictures with the members of stand up, Syaz started it by thanking me.

It goes backwards starting with...
If it weren't for me, we wouldn't have gone to take pictures with the members of K&QoC.
If it weren't for Azoe, we wouldn't have the tickets.
If it weren't for Amin, we wouldn't even know about it.
If it weren't for Syaz, Amin wouldn't go.
If Amin didn't go it'd be just me and Azoe.
If it were me and Azoe only, Azoe's girlfriend would kill both of us... with sharks... holding guns... with lazerbeams on their heads.
So, if it weren't for all of us, the laughing fits and hysterics would've met a different ambiance. You guys are awesome.
We regret nothing.

We went for extra sustenance and sheysha after the show and had a recap session then I listened to the boys bitch about work.

Quotable quotes!

"Follow that guy, he looks like he has a sense of humour!" - Amin, when in the car looking for a way to get to KLCC Convention Center car park.

"Bukiting your bintang," -Vir Das, talking about when a dog sniffs your crotch (also reference to BJs)

And those are the ones I remember! Imagine the multitude of the ones I don't!
The pictures are with Syaz, I'll upload them when I get them, keep your pants on.

By the way, Shrek cat and fluff ball TOO CUTE (click here)!

Off to Bong's at 1PM for Jello shots, pizza, drinks and sunbathing :D

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Went to a Company quarterly meet-up.
From 8:30AM to 1PM
Was an interesting thing to have done.

Met my boss,
He was the only one during the meeting to have worn shades indoors.
Thought he was a douchebag for doing so.
Then I found out it's cos he has conjunctivitis and was ill.
Ne'er judge a book by it's cover.

Met my senior, I cannot recall her name, something like Julia? Damn.
She's awesome though!



Friday, October 22, 2010

Mom got the new iPhone 4.
So I get her old iPhone 3G.

Installing apps now. I finally has 4sq.

Procrastinating, obviously.

Oh, brainfart time.
You know there's two quotes contradictory to each other.
- Many hands make light work.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth.
It only goes to show how important it is to only have ONE leader. If you have 3 it's going to be pretty shit.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why does my head hurt?
Oh, yeah, the caffein finally wore off.

Nap time 'til dinner. Then work. Hahahahaha... Yeah.

Oooh and it's raining!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

I had a relatively nice day, albeit a little distracted.
Had a spot of coffee with a darling friend and psychoanalysed myself.

"It's okay, I fight for you," said she, after I said I was a pacifist by force (If I start fighting with people, they'll sooner kick my ass).
Hahahaha... I luff yewww!!!

The opposite sex to me is like a really good puzzle.
I give myself quests.
I won't want to let go until I've solved it or finished every item on the list.
And when I do, game over.
I'll toss him to one side and move on to the next.

Getting me to figure out exactly how a boy ticks may possibly be the fastest way to make me lose interest.
Which is not entirely a good thing.

Since, opposite sex is like a puzzle he becomes a new hobby or a new toy and I become very irate if it gets played with by another person before I'm done, kind of like a child throwing tantrums.

Things I have learned about myself:
- I cannot think when I listen to Jamiroquai. All I want to do is dance. Obviously bad for when I need to focus on work.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Stocks, They Plummet.

It's the feeling you get
It's that bad taste in your mouth
The disappointment
When things start going South.

Your tummy stops churning
The butterflies are dead
You're left with a blank stare
Wanting a blank slate.

It's long,
the banter
the guise
no further.

Adieu, adieu, auf wiedersehen.

Hahaha... drama minggu ini.
Note to self: for future ref, please refer to same date on secret bloggy.

Oh, it seems I have not labelled all my posts with Poems and haikus with any labels so later, when I'm less busy, I will start labelling all posts with poems and haikus under 'poeticity'. No such word literally exists. I just made it up.

I might continue this later today but in the mean time,
*huge carebear hugs*

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I'm hungry and wide awake early on a Sunday.
Still supremely peeved from yesterday, I guess it's a step down from being pissed like freakin' nuclear.

I'm really hungry, the only thing I can think of is lamb kebabs.
And snuggles/cuddles. :(

Also, music.
Lots of music from my speakers while I do work or have a layabout and just enjoy the tunes.
I need new tunes.
I want to buy albums.
I'm probably going to crash in the afternoon. Shut down imminent.

So angreh. So very angreh.

Recap of cool pool party,
*goes to chesticles with a cup*
Na zdorovya!

What's that?

Na zdorovya.

What the heck is that?

It's like cheers (actually 'to good health') in Polish (actually Russian and Ukrainian, sorry).


NA ZDOROVYA! (pronounced nastrahvia, emphasis on the 'ah')

Lil/Zim/Everyone else:
What? In Hornish?


What country? Horny. Excuse me, are you Horny? Why, yes! Are you?


Sticking ice into people's pants/shirts/bikinis,

So yeah...
I finally got me a pair of new earphones after so many months of listening to good music on a bad  and some new work shirts. Yay!
My earphones are red and ohmaigawd I can actually HEAR the bass!

My morning wake up ritual,
1. Get out of bed after trying to go back to sleep for about 15 minutes.
2. Curse.
3. Go to laptop.
4. Turn on Morning Jive and stick on repeat.
5. Bathroom for the bathroomy things.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (later) DANNY (1st Nov) AND SARZ (20th Oct)! I LOVE YOU!

So we threw a surprise party under the guise of "The Super Secret After Grad Super Secret Party that's Super Secret" ngahaha...

I fell and scratched my leg ergo I sad.
This is cos I didn't want to get tossed unceremoniously into the pool.
And I automatically yell "I'm okay," when I'm clearly not. Coverline hhahahha...
Had fun aside from some skanky ho hitting up on people. Spesh the Cappy (obviously).
Woops, named the puppy.
It's not my fault I'm territorial and get supremely green-eyed.
It is my fault for saying "No," when she asked if he was my bloke, though.
There. all those barking and growling mean that I have gone on a rant on the secret bloggy.
Not that you all care.
May said and I quote:
 "There is a difference between sexy, and cheap. Girl, you're just cheap."

No shit.
Have a little class, mate.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh my god, NAK!
or for the disposable one...

Means I can pee standing up! YAY! OMG YAY!
Wait... that means I have to bring sanitary ladywipes everywhere.
Which is good cos some places don't have a bidet.
Also, it beats sitting on icky toilets. ickyyy...

Oh, and quick update...
David H. said "Absolutely we can take her. It would be an honor to have aishah w us."
Consider my ego stroked.
I start work on the 25th, icebreaker's on the 23rd.
I wonder if getting a real job would be this quick?


Holy shit, looking back at some photos, gotta say, the Oyster Party was the shiiiizzz!

Life at a standstill
being chucked into the pool.
And I say: AGH NO!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My 1001th post! YAY!

G'pa got the tickets for K&QoC OMG YAY!

Had steak, am full so... OMG YAY!


... Actually, I've made a list of things to do but I haven't actually started anything.
I do know what I'm going to do. Final term, why are you so tiresome?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zaty tagged me on fesbuk and since I'm supremely amused by it, it gets put on the blog.

Go to:
Put your name in, and generate slogan after each question.


1. What do you say to yourself every morning?
They Drink Sha In The Congo
What I say: Why would they drink me in the Congo? Am I tasty? Am I like the Kool Aid man?

2. What do you want other people to say about you?
We'll Leave The Sha On For You
What I say: Leave the what on? Leave the me on? Me on what? Me revved on? No, that's not good.

3. Someone asked you out, your answer is...
Leaves Your Sha Minty not Mediciney
What I say: Now that just sounds wrong. I am minty, though, all the goddamn time.

4. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
It's a Sha Adventure
What I say: Betta believe. I can take you on a magic carpet ride to... ADVENTURELAND!

5. To someone you dislike?
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Sha
What I say: Damn, right. And you're not man enough. In fact you're a sissy little girl in a pink tutu.

6. You're in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
Designed for Sha
What I say: I don't get it.

7. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say...
We Want To Be Smiths Sha
What I say: My parents would ask who this 'Smith' is and why 'we' want to be his.

8. You're failing a subject, you say...
Just for the Taste of Sha
What I say: Actually, I've never felt the taste of defeat. So, yeah.

9. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you say?
Pardon Me, Do You Have Any Grey Sha
What I say: Say what?

10. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her...
Get In My Sha
What I say: GET IN MY SHA! I dunno, it sounds like an epic win to me.

11. What are the best words to describe you?
Make Fun of Sha
What I say: No, don't make fun of me! Make fun with me! of other people BUT ME!

12. If you're going to have a movie about your life, the title is...
Get The Sha Out!
What I say: And the ratings are box office hits, winner of grammys, emmys and raspberries.

13. Your last words before you die...
That'll be the Sha
What I say: Or 'Bitch, gimme mah sammich,'... It really depends on who's kicking my ass.

14. Your message to a special someone...
It's Good To Talk Sha
What I say: Because I know your deepest secrets and your inner child wants sugar coated gobstoppers.

15. Title of this post will be...
How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Sha
What I say: Eheh... heh... Double entendres galooooore...

This is extremely amusing. I am lazy to tag.

At nigh 1AM I find myself DAAAAAMN FUNNY LA.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whoops, nerdgasm, thanks to Pranav Mistry (MIT) who is working on Sixthsense.

If you're lazy to read here's his TEDtalks India: Ta-daaaa...

Oh, my god, the possibilities are amaaaaaazing barring the word cloud on someone's torso. It's a little weird to know that the dude you're talking to is checking your stats and you're doing the same.

By the way, it's nice to know my brain-thoughts go south of everyone else.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I spent a good portion of last night working and laughing at myself doing Scottish accents thanks to youtube (yoochoob). The way I do it is really horrible. I need more practice. After which, what the vag am I supposed to do a Scottish accent for?

Also, I've decided to name two characters in any two-character blurb I come up with as Vicar and Pope.

I would like to go on another roadtrip. I need to make lists. I have to do my work.

You know, you really only have 10 years or less after graduating to make enough to live la dolce vita. I am not interested in the rat race.

Anyway, updated two new stories on Project Aries. Both to do with Zombies and weird shit. Read and comment. Thank you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Guess I should start work then...
*grumble grumble*
This is officially the longest I've been ill. 4 days.
No medication, just upped the vitamin C to 1000mg, lots of water, chicken soup and rest.

I'll prolly be using the old Razr until me mom gets her iPhone 4. Then I get her hand me down iPhone until I go off to Melbourne and get a phone plan.

I've decided on the spa by the way. I've also decided on the state at which the Spa will be situated. I would probably have to do a brief blurb to run it by the lecturer this Wednesday. This, not the stage, will be my piece de resistance.

Watched TEDTalks again.
Favourite quote thus far:
"(What we have is) people being persuaded to spend money we don't have, on things we don't need, to create impressions that won't last, on people we don't care about." - Tim Jackson on Economic Reality Check

"I am because we are." - The African philosophy of ubuntu.

"If you have to explain it, it ain't working... I don't think so," - Milton Glaser on using design to make ideas new.

A flashback from Ken Robinson's TEDsperience...
Nativity play scene where the three kings were giving the gifts, the kids got the sequence wrong.
Kid 1: I bring you gold
Kid 2: I bring you myrrh
Kid 3: Frank sent this. (Frankincense)

New 2010 Ken Robinson talk at TED quotes:
"Life is not linear, it's organic,"
Then he goes on to solidify my thoughts on 'If it doesn't nourish your soul, why do it?'

Saturday, October 09, 2010

I LOVE  Min and May :D
I LOVE Bong tooo!!!

October to December is for...
Girly parties with jello shots
Penang overnight trip
Kings and Queens of Comedy Live, Asia
Errant brainstorming
Actual WORK, god help me.

Aw fukket, I love everyone.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Today I set out to delete all those redundant phone numbers that I never called anymore/went out of service/changed/etc.

You realise just how many people you keep in touch with or how many people keep in touch with you. See, I always made it a point to be the best kind of friend. I try to keep in touch with a lot of people but, and to quote the quotable, friendship is a two-way street -- or half-and-half... I go halfway, you go halfway and we meet in the middle for some coffee -- so when they stop putting in the effort, it's time to say adieu.

Then there's the people who you exchange numbers with knowing full well there's nothing to link the two of you and you should have deleted that number the day after but you forgot.

There I was, sifting through my phonebook going "Who the hell are all these people?"
There. I'm a louse when it comes to names.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Today my only little sister turns 20 and I just realised what a sneaky little bastard she really is. She goes to Italian restaurants and orders a basic Spaghetti Napolitana -- even if it's not on the menu.

If you think about it, a Napolitana is one of the simplest and most basic sauces one can make. It's also the easiest to botch up. A true and respectable Italian restaurant wont bat an eyelash and make it. It's a real test of whether or not the restaurant has the proper balances of herbs and other ingredients. One wrong move and the dish fails.

Happy Birthday to her. *clap clap clap*

Things I have learned about me:
- I love dark chocolate, I love hazelnut chocolate more. And I love orange or mint ganache/filling. I hate strawberry fillings in my chocolate.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

First class of the final term and I have the flu.
Nice timing, Mr. Influenza!
Toss-up between Spa and Residential (Apartment) for Elective.
Which one? Which one? Which one??

I sit here in front of the laptop, my nose blocked. I resist the urge to spell everything like how a blocked-nose sounds. Thinking of the pros and cons of each design project, going back to each design studio to figure out which I had the most fun doing.

Earlier today, before class, I had nuked the bacterial bastards that resided in my throat with a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Die, parasites, die! I can't think properly, my judgement is hazy and I feel like melting all over the place. I bet puddles of water move a lot faster and smoother that I could ever -- assuming of course that they were sentient to begin with. Anyone remember the TV show The Secret World of Alex Mack? I remember the joy I had watching it as was The Adventure of Pete and Pete. Nickelodeon was great circa that and Roco's Modern Life but now it's crap.

Where was I? Ah, yes.. A tirade of 'Hatchooooo's and flying snot bombard the pile of tissues to my right. I feel miserable. As miserable as a wet cat shivering on the cold cobblestones of London town. Poetic? No, just miserable. Also, irritated as if nothing in the world could make me smile... Okay, that would be a lie. Next to nothing in the world could make me smile because all I want to do is cuddle up on a couch with a blanket, a box of tissues and Monty Python's Flying Circus on the telly in an empty house. All who know me know that my house is all but empty.

I need to make a rough outline of the contents of my report (due week 3). Apartment or spa? Spa or apartment? All know of my distaste for the school's ProgAdmin, Mr. Bala, and how I want to wring his neck if he had one. Anything to wipe that smugness from his bloated face. I also have to write a cover letter that accompanies my CV to be sent to Veritas. Ah, what a terribly busy end of the week. Makes me want to not go to physio tomorrow. I think I shant.

Quotable Quotes:
"Gather inspiration from fields outside your own. Stay away from the computer until you know what you want to do. Good wine doesn’t have to be expensive." -- Lorbus

By the way,

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Eskimo is stuck in my head... Nuck Fluck Buck Chuck.

Dorkiness is inherent. As are dorkseizures.

My day won't start until noon -- Hm... It's noon.

I judge people, I wish I didn't but I do. I try not to so often though.

I didn't go to the bank yesterday so I have to go today.

I was such an in-crowd junkie when I was in grade school. Fail.

Fresh Yeast Batard reads as Fresh Yeasty Bastard.

All men are bastards so all walls have gone up again, as is the electric fence to keep out super dangerous large dinosaurs. Wargh! Raptors!

Listening to Incubus's cover of Turning Japanese before listening to The Vapours doing the original throws you off balance.

Have I mentioned that I love Steampunk down to the clothes? Yes, I love Steampunk.

On occasion, at 2AM in the morning I make little to no sense at all.

I updated my to-do list of life on my 43Things. I've managed to complete four of it so far. And no, at the moment I only have under 25 things.

Monday, October 04, 2010

When I say I want to eat soup my mom asks if I'm on a diet...
I just wannooo eat soup!

Anyway, today is for bath, bank, soup, music, tea, dinner and sleep in that order. Well, maybe sneak in some internet... because it's oh-so-important. hahahaha...

Sunday, October 03, 2010

I would like to gather my guitar playing friends, like, maybe one or two of you and play some Tenacious D songs... ESPECIALLY 'I'm The Only Gay Eskimo' because it's so awesome.

CORRECTION! : Eskimo is done by Corky and the Juice Pigs, my apologies. I still would LOVE to do this live. I'll be with a pair of maracas.

Anyway, I'll be opening an investment portfolio in three years or less, I have to do my research first. Hehehehe... Maneee kahm.
I'm not going to pay someone to squirrel my money for me because I can do that myself.

Being financially independent is not about being able to buy luxurious items at the drop of a hat, it's about being able to choose to do so without thinking twice about the repercussions. That, however, is not an excuse to be spendthrift.

P/S I'm supposed to redesign but I'm lazy!

P/S/S Current pet project: Compiling everyone's first impression of me. Now that's what I want to know. No holds barred, no cencorship and no, I'm not gonna get pissed.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

I have weird dreams, usually the location is on the same planet in the same city, just a little askew. But this time it was on another planet. What's the judgefudge?

Oh, turns out that I only get bank statements every 6 months for savings accounts. Ha-ha.
To get one ASAP I have to actually go to the bank branch and ask nicely. Meh.
It's getting to be a really quick day.

Azoe did his photoshoot at my house today and brought along with him the lovely make-up artist, Rachel Wong, who's pretty awesome.
And two models, a bloke and a woman.

Anyhoots, I'll be going to Kings and Queens of Comedy Asia.
Ohhh, yeaaahhh...

Friday, October 01, 2010

Iiiiiiit's October.

Oh, I like Vikings.
I'm not quite sure why.

One of my dude-buddies got me on a engagement ring bender -- Bunch of people I know getting married. Time flies, man. The thought of the proposal itself scares me half to shit but the rings are oh so pretty!
I link you...

From iBraggiotti
This one or this one?
It's not almost the same! It's significantly different!

From Mark Schneider
This one is called Kismet.

From Tacori
This one or the 2624 OVLG.

From Jeff Cooper
This one.

Ehem, size 11 btw.
Basically, the best is the three-stone oval or round centre stone with pear sides. In white gold or platinum.

Errant truck hitting again. From the mind of the Wunderbratt (me)...
you cat. he's faster than you

i cat?

New product from Apple
the iCat.


Actually a small dog BUT
Apple markets it so well that cat-lovers get duped into buying one anyway so this happens...
Stace: You have an iCat?
Mabs: Yeah, wanna meet her? She's called fluffy
*brings out fluffy who starts barking*
Stace: Mabs, that's a corgi...
Mabs: No it's not! It's iCat 2.0!
True story.