Monday, July 30, 2007

food for thought you english bastards

exams babi.

copy paste. cos its too funny but here's where I found it.

The Craig List Posting To Cheer Us All Up :

...and fuck the board of law examiners. These motherfuckers have nothing better to do in life than ruin the summer of 10,000 starving law school graduates every year.

Hey assholes... ever wonder why half of all law school exams are open book? Because, lawyers don't need to memorize every fucking thing... we go to law school to learn how to LOOK THINGS UP!!!!

Fuck your stupid model answers. Fuck you and the 37 exceptions to hearsay. Take Blackacre and shove it up your ass. Tell your intended beneficiary to blow me. Would my foot up one of your asses constitute a material breach? If NY has such an indelible right to counsel, why do we have so many friggin' convicts? Did those guys pass your little quiz, you fucks? Oh, and by the way, thanks for the fucking typing lottery... and don't worry about all the people who didn't get in... we do not feel DIASADVANTAGED in any way by having to write out six fucking essays. Like that's really fair.

Stay out of my wingspan... I'm pissed off.

A reasonably prudent law school graduate

I want open book law exams toooooooo!!!
Bloody English.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Click the picture.
IMVU Rocks!

Yes, I'm a Geek but you love me anyway.

10 days and counting.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

you know what?

This sucks.

I get an SO after so many years not giving a shit
AND he has a car and he leaves to Perth.
Babi or not?

12 days and counting.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ti amour

I spent an hour looking through Wikipedia because I woke up from a funny dream and all I can say is cling film, summer berries and whipped cream are sexy.

Can't elaborate since Dhina reads my shit.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bizzeh in the Hizzouse

I'm Anti-Cool now.

King of the Hill I is.

14 days to resits.
Study, study, study.
Makes you wonder if you could've done more last time.
Then I thought, Neh,
You need time to stdy all these and i had hardly enough last time I think.
Also, I kinda slacked off (which will not happen again thankyou).

No more going out but you guys will see me online!
I'll see the lot of you after the 9th.

Sangria Party
Tapas Outing and the whole Bukit Bintang Shindig
Lepak at Coffee Bean Kau-kau
Sheysha kau-kau
Movie Marathoning
Window Shopping/People Watching
Cocktail Party
Endless hours online without feeling guilty
Penang 2007
More Coffee time
Praying for good grades?
Farewell BBQ?
Rushing for my Visa?
Never seeing REAL glaring hot sun for the next few months?


I miss you.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


All my troubles seem so... nevermind.

Li Yen left Kuala Lumpur for Melbourne with a heavy heart and tears in her eyes.
Her family is migrating to Doha (of all places... sand, sand and SAND....) and that means she wouldn't be coming back here this summer. Her new life starts in Doha.
No Pork.

I feel blue...
Aki sayang left for Perth. He called me to say bye at 9:10 am.
He said his mom was smiling.
Sid, Jamal and him went to look for a jamming studio in Bangi at 1am for one last rock out.
I'm pissed that I couldn't follow.
I'm also quite pissed that his flight was at 9am and I didnt have a car to go send him off at the airport.
Business class my foot.

Kinda sad really.
Silver lining:
Now I would have a reason to hoard money to go tripping AND I have places to stay!

I love you guys to bits, you know that.


Exams in onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteen...
16 days.
Study hard... study smart.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

le bored...


For Guys:
1. What do you look at when you see a girl? The boobs or the butt or…?
2. How do you feel about plus size women? Would you date her?
3. Choose between your mom or your girlfriend.
4. Your place or mine tonight?
5. There is a hot gal at the party? How would you approach her? Would you do it if you are already attached?
6. Where or what would you do with your hot date if you are on a budget?
7. She has a stain on her shirt at her chest area. Would you tell her?
8. She spends more time with her gay best fren that hang out wit you. Would you be jealous?

For Gals:
1.What turns you on? Guys in boxers or guys in brief or nothing at all or…?
I dig boxers. Briefs are soooooooo... unless theres a good reason for it like... shhhhhhhh... hahahaha.

2.Would you buy flowers 4 a guy as a present?
I don't buy. I cook. If a guy can't eat then he's a pusseh.

3.If your bf doesnt have a car, would you u drive him around?
That depends on how far his house is and how willing he is to commute to my house.
Also kan, I can't drive pun. hahaha. TAXI!

4.Hot guy in a party, would you approach him? If yes, how?
a) hot guy is a friend of a friend:
-- Definitely make her intoduce me. Then make small talk.
b) Hot guy is at a friends party.
-- Repeat as above
c) hot guy is gatecrashing
-- Go to hot guy and ask how he knows friend. Small talk.

5.Is size really that important?
I wouldn't know what to say. I haven't actually been exposed to that kind of stimuli but from alot of talk, bigger may probably be better.

6.He is the guy of your dreams. Would you play hard to get?
Probably. But then guy of my dreams is unattainable. Trust me. I would know.
You know why?
Because he's a DREAM.

7.He is an hour late for your date. Would you still go out with him on that date or have a girls night out?
Call him and tell him i'll see his face some other time cos an hour means its girls night.

8.You burped when you are kissing. How would you handle this situation?
Stop kissing and ask if he'd like to accompany me to go buy Eno. Dude, you have no idea how fun 7-Eleven is...

-the end-
Unilateral invitation to be tagged!



Duniaku berterabur and nobody's there beside me.
I have all the friends in the world to help though.
Thanks guys, I love you to bits.

Durian pictures are up HERE (part 1) and HERE (part 2)!!

From Left: Sid, Aki, Me, Shar

Friday, July 13, 2007


Best impromptu makan durian outing ever.
Until pagi-pagi boleh smell...

Presenting heavy-weight durian eater... Me.
(Sharil go die. I won and you know it.)
Akmal and Sid lembik.

Balik rumah, panas siot.......
I had to put the aircond down to 16 degrees.

Gelak non-stop since 4pm.
My cheeks hurt, My abs hurt, my ass hurts and my fingers are all tingly from dera-ing.
Akmal, I'm gonna rindu you like madness!
If only I knew you, like, YEARS ago.

The car rides,
I love the singing.
Sid (and abovesaid Monkeykusayang), You boys are AWESOME!

Oh, so anyway, ceritanya was like this...
Semalam, or petang semalam, Akmal picked me up to go mamaking at around 3 45pm.
At 4 20pm, we picked up The Michelleness from her house. (I didn't get lost!)
Went to meet up with Sid and Hendi at Al'Rawsha. (Yes, the sellout place)
Had some sheysha until Akmal had to go jalan to the LRT to go to PeeJay to eat at Lotus with his family (since a family fried was throwing a farewell dinner and he ate so much).
Sid, Hendi, Michelle and I went to this Indon food place and makaned.
I'm not big on indon food.
That said, after Hendi and Sid makaned, we went to the mamak and Michelle and I had roti canai. Malaysians what. How to live?
Waited at the mamak to meet up with Sharil, Christina, Yuki, Liza and Jean.
Akmal called at around 10-ish cos he dah finish makan and I told him to dengar cd dalam his kereta first and we'd be back at Rawsha in a few mins.
First time I went to that place twice in a day...

Anyway, Rawsha again.
Soon Seng appeared and we had LOADS of fun.
Gelak tak habis.
Lots of singing.
With alot of arab white noise in the background. (no offence to the middle easterns)
(Yes, we grew up on Vengaboys, The SUgar Hill Gang and House of Pain, Yes, we're cool. I know.)

Then suddenly and on impulse.
(After sending Michelleness home and asking permish from the fatherling)
We agreed to go pay for the mint-tea and head out to chaukit road to makan durian and it was the best impulsive durian act I have ever done.
(zen mine muzzer called up und she was all pizzed at me zinze she did not leik me ot zo late, even iv ze fazzerling gave ze permizzion. Alzo, und I zot vos unvair, she brought up ze fact that I am zingle. Ztupid voman...)
I think the guy who owned the durian stall loved us cos he was being so nice.
Ninetysomething ringgit worth of durian okay.
Sharil, Sid, Akmal and I were all mabuk durian ady.
(D101 and D24 are the BEST!)
Again with the nonstop gelak and several slips of the tongue on my part which made the guys leave some comments which i'd not want to ingat.

We left the stall around 2am...
Jalan pun dah terhuyung-hayang.
Thank God for Akmal who was being my knight in shining armour and helping me all over the place so I don't keel over from laughing and duriantoxication.
(and NO Sid, the jatuh outside the car was NOT intentional. I really did almost fall down. Me and Akmal are not LIKE THAT!)
Bought 29 ringgit worth of durian for the parentals to consume.

Tak boleh tido until 5am. Babi...
woke up at 9 am feeling abit... fresh?
Madness kind of pelik. Oh, and with stale durian breath too.

Sharshar, Siddums and Akmalkusayang are still sleeping.

Habis cerita.

Pictures up on facebook when I get it!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

a year did what?!



Mo just pointed out that it's been a year since I wished Makbusu a happy birthday.
Has it been that long?
Homagawd, goodness me and all that jazz...
Cepat gila time passes.

My resits are on the 7th, 8th and 9th of August.
I have started studying (again) so DO wish me the best of luck.

I HATE resitting papers.
and whats even worse is...
I HATE MORE the thought of repeating the whole year much less do it.

Shindigs for the ones leaving me?

A steamboat for Akmal who is leaving... *ehem* DITCHING US for Perth on the 18th of this month.

Note to him: Babe, do cinematography please please please? You'd make an excellent director/producer... Think them big huge names like Quentin Tarantino! I swear to you!

Sara got her unconditional offer to Cardiff University. I'm so proud of my almost-twin-in-the-kepala girl...
(did you know we have moles in the same lokasi and think so alike it's scaryness?)
Now Ezzy's gone stressed to see if she has the letter and then I have to pass all my subjects so I don't have to do the things I hate doing (like repeat the semester) and then get the letter that says "Pass, Go and collect your rewards".

The other day, I think i had my first anxiety/panic attack.
I felt like a tonne of weight was on me, my heart was gonna explode, my lungs were burning, my organs were pushed to the bottom of my feet and I almost cried. ALMOST but only because my eyes felt like it was gonna pop out of my skull and I was gonna bleed to death. Holed and gorified.

well, that is all for today.
Cheerified Turrahs!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Got this off Zoe's Blog (My Boyfriend Is A Twat)

It was a unilateral invitation to fill in silly questionnaires and since i have nothing better to do...
(except study but i've spent an hour trying to look for R v Hennessy [1989] so fuck that)
I'll do it.

Here's 10 Things You May Not Know About Me
(and if you do know, fuck you. Read it again.)

I'm very, very, very shy of people when i'm in groups of larger than 20. I shut up and sit in the corner and make this 'i'll-have-you-for-lunch-if-you-come-near-me' face before they (the monkeys standing around... uhh, I mean people) decide to break up into smaller groups then I shall infiltrate and make a mess of myself.

You scoff... but really, I am!

I don't eat chocolate as often as men say women do. I'll only eat it if I feel like it. This means, I habitually have a chocolate stash in my fridge and everyone else eats it and when I finally get a craving for some, it's all gone. Bah.

My mom's family is Autocratic
My dad's family is Diplomatic
My mom is a typicall Kelantanese woman who makes assumptions and yells at everything (even at inanimate objects)
My dad is just cool.

... and that makes me really screwed up.

I want to go to chef school and be a chef but SMA (Type 3) keeps me in Law School so I don't turn into a nothing.

I'm scared shitless of turning into a nothing. The nothingness of being a nothing is unbearable. I'm also scared of God and my muzzer but that still doesnt beat the fear of amounting to...


I don't understand people with a foot fetish the same way I don't understand how people cannot live without a significant other. I will (or at least will try to) kick the next person who asks me "What is it like to not have a boyfriend and how do you cope?"

Go stick a pen in your bum and dance the mackarena.

Procrastinating is something i HATE doing but will inevitably do anyway. It's like a curse.

Like now...

I can talk about so much random shit it's almost amazing.

and finally...

I may, or may not, have groupie syndrome.

And that being the end,
I herewith Tag
Neena, Michelle G Lee, Mo, Michael and Junee.

It's up to you girls (and guy) whether you wanna spend time filling out pointless questionnaires.
That's all folks!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Honey, I'm home!

That I am...

Here's an extended 'comment' for Dina Zaman's July 1st 2007 post...

Terpanjang pulak... hahahaha...
to dina's post:


To the thing about 'decent' person/indivs/haiwan/dll in a less articulate manner:

i dont see any... nope, no sirreee... (but of course my standards are redic)
and i forgot where this quote came from but "you were born alone and you will die alone"... also women live longer than men (scientifically proven!) so the chances of dying alone is higher.

love is the only disease you can be congratulated for having. (twist from mitch hedberg)

"Congratts! You're in LOVE!"
"Congratts! You've got Scurvy!"
Something's wrong. Marriage... Bah.

Anon with the (30:21) excerpt:
Rebuttable presumption on your analysis.

We become vegan/vegetarian, we come up methods of talibanising the religion (chill... let me finish, I have a point), we decide to pick up smoking/alco/gambling, we destroy our heritage/culture, we deny ourselves the rights to think for ourselves and to make our own choices... isn't that denying His favours?

So what is being implied is that it's okay to be goaded into societies norms to make you feel better and not do what you feel would indeed be better for yourself? Is it a justification for your own actions of becoming someone's spouse? What about all those women who felt as if they needed to follow the sheep and then got beat up?

What's the purpose of nuptials anyway? In a nutshell, and i may get shot for this, it's to justify procreation and in the sidelines stop inbreeding since you ultimately know who the brood belongs to.

In this community at this moment in time, the world is too small to find THE guy anymore. There's always more sleazebags then there are prince charming and BULLETIN! Prince Charming does every annoying manly thing men do... he farts, throws rubbish at random places randomly, leaves a hole in the upholstery, and so on and so forth.

As you all know, I'm not one for fairy tale endings. Nobody ever lives 'happily ever after', the 'big bad wolf' never dies and Goldilocks should be put in jail for breaking and entering, theft and causing criminal damage to personal property. The brothers Grimm were actually telling Steven Kings and not pretty little happy endings! And have you noticed its always the white kids? But I digress. My point is: nobody gets happy endings nowdays, you just make yourself as happy as humanly possible before you kick it to the big house in the sky.