Sunday, May 27, 2012

To do, things:

- Heat up soup for lunch with some pasta
- Write 1k word reflection and send it to Trish
- Compile all hand-inables for Louis
- Burn CD for Mike (finally) and send it to his Japanese address with the T-shirt.
   -- Set up 3D scene and render, HD, at uni
   -- Presentation pieces
   -- Rationalise every tiny point because every point will be questioned so specifically and would probably make me weep after the presentation because it wasn't answered or presented appropriately.

- Write emotionally charged something on the other blog.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The entire QotSA discography is now mine to consume... bwahahahahaha!
I still think that Lullabies to Paralyze is their best album to date.

I... I have nothing to say... :|

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why must I need plugins to make it look cool??? WHAAAAAAAAAAI!

Wait... I must music...
Tenacious D FTW... Oh, and cake.

Anger gone, replaced with ultimate random epic joy.

Lol, so music is still on and Kazzer and I are talking about boobs. Yes.
No, I'm not secretly a dude living in some old lady's basement. Ew.

I might be able to tweak CC Particles to do my evil video-editing bidding.

Also talking about being on the rag and I came up with this little ditty:

the entire universe,
just before the big bang. 
A steaming stew of angry nebulae, 
hot and fluid, compressed 
and oh, so tired of proximity. 
imagine putting all that
into a tiny frame:

Run. Run like hell.

I is genius.

It's about 8 degrees out, I thank the many factors for ending me up in my current apartment which isn't drafty and overly cold. I thank profusely. I forgot where my train of though was going with that... So... Yeaaahhh...

Fuck this shit, I'm going to hide under my blanket.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It could possibly be 'Piss Me Off' week here in the lovely land of Getting-Quite-Cold...

With a multitude of cancellations and such. I have not known such an aggravating week. I should also probably get back to the uni to check on my renders.

Just in from the desk of the self-dubbed Menace to Society... Jermy-jerm:

Police: I bagi you saman ah?
I: Okay.
Police: Betul ah?
I: Okay.
Police: You kerja apa?
I: Student.
Police: I sekarang bagi you saman ah?
I: Okay.
Police: Tak pe lah.Bagi you chance.Nanti bagi you saman,you takde duit bagi,you student mia pasai.
I: Okay.
lemma they mindfucked me...

The popos cari duit rasuah tak jadi because 'Okay.'

Monday, May 14, 2012

I made the cover of Communications Design Exhibition's Invitation cards and probably also the poster. XD
It's pretty enough to be a postcard says Louis.

What they didn't do right is my surname.

So, I am finished, in part, with History theory 3. The only things left are 1) to create a 15 minute presentation to be presented to a bunch of people at the end of the semester. The whole presentation is going to be about 10% of my final mark... and 2) 1000 word reflection piece which is like what? That's another 10% too.

So now I have to do up a presentation for Syn class. The concept presentation is tomorrow and I have to kill it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mum is pushing for Istana Kelantan's relocation to our Mengkebang Estate. She found a site on a hill and it's a pretty sweet spot. What I want to know is why the men in my family refuse to accept the Istana as a heritage building. I mean, for chrissakes! They've sold the land for pointless pennies!


Me: Well, what does Ninda Ki say?

Mom: He is very okay with it since he was the one who suggested it!

Me: Doesn't he then trump Uncle Na and Uncle Man since he's older?

Mom: :| No... He's from a different family, this is Ninda Puan's side!

Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhh... I forgot. :|

... On a more selfish note... I wonder if I can be part shareholder... :|
I think I should start thinking of taking over the family affairs. Their fiascos sound like too much fun to miss out on. Yes, I'm one of those people who live for interesting causes... Mostly selfish under the pretext of good-will but when are self pursued causes ever unselfish?

Friday, May 11, 2012


The Annotated Bibliography takes an hour to do and then I have to think of the "Through Design" bit and figure out how to bullshit my way through the 15 minute presentation to my peers. fahk.

I mean, it would take an hour to do if I didn't get distracted every 20 seconds.

Oh! Lookie what I found while trolling the internets for my name...

JOhari is good stuff and NOhari is the bad stuff. I can't believe I forgot this! XD

Flash Countdown

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My fixed daily agenda:
Wake up, text Dave for the daily special or new items or other cafe updates to be posted on Twitter and Facebook, update twitter and Facebook, other stuff.

Here I am, today,trying to finish writing the essay. I have breached the world limit and I've only begun to hit he nail on the head of the whole project.

Cepatlah habis so I can start the stupid annotated biblio... :C

Ended at 3500+ words. Gila.

Short version: Can you MAKE the viewer do what you want, feel what you want and stuff? Maybe.

Annotated bibliography should be started soon... as is the last bit with Through design. Meh.


And the 15 minute presentation to our peers. DOUBLE MEH!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Renders S1Y2

This is what I've been slaving away at the uni for.

Aww yeaaahhh the renders are done. :D

NowI can do my Syn and History... History... Oh, God, why?

Saturday, May 05, 2012

'For Design' is finally finished, am now taking a breather on a Saturday morning while I troll the online library for reference books so I can start writing the 3k word essay. Finding references in a library is like looking for a needle in a pile of needles. There's so many of them but you can't seem to find the few perfect ones.

And then I find four and hopefully they'll still be there when I go get them tomorrow.

There's thoughts of me doing a series of moving images with monotonous verbal accompaniment or faceless interviews of people describing emotions when they're subjected to colours. It's much more straight forward and investigative than doing a mock-space which doesn't exist and coming up with bullshit stories to supplement it to make it of substance.

Bathroom/Shower thinking is in order. I away and return shortly.

Oh, just found out that Adam Yauch passed away at 47 from cancer. :(
I grew up with Beastie Boys.
It's horrible when you see stuff you grow up with start to disappear and be replaced with shittykaka stuff.

Redang is on.
Tickets back to Melbourne are underway, processed by the faja.
KL misses me too.
Rendering is still bapak lama nak siap but it's nice!
Books to be gotten either this afternoon if I can be fucked to get it or tomorrow.
Tomorrow is rendering di uni day.

I could start on the essay now and figure out how to format it.

Updates on Syn class:
End of Sem will be the production of a zine-like thing. I have to make it awesome. HAVE TO.

Oh, and laundry time!

Coming back to this post hours later to say that computer has decided to give up. FINALLY.
I will be at uni for all the renders. (Y)
and this made me giggle.


And this made me go "WAAAAAAAAOOOOOW...

XD That is some mad sugar skills, yo.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Awsnap. So many words to write, so little weekend to write them.

First off: "For Design" to be finished tonight. Robert Irwin, Olafur Aliasson and Miroslaw Balka.

THEN: Overnight occupy Uni for 3 HD renders and essay time with snacks an other accouterments.

AFTER: "About Design" Mini folio with floor plan, several renders and  a brief explanation.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

It's six degrees and I'm huddled in a jumper and an electric blanket.

I've decided to blog because I just had a really good steak with a lovely Pinot Noir at The Squire Loft and it's cold and I'm procrastinating and it's too early to sleep. I could do work early tomorrow.

I went to sleep early last night thinking that I was going to wake up at a decent hour but lo, the sun did not wake me and the skies were moot and cloudy. The air was chill and everytime my eyes did peak, I thought it was still 7am. When I finally checked my phone to see who loved me and left texts, I realised it was 1:30PM. Or, in French it would sound like "Il est tres heures trente". Jumped out of the bed and had a long, hot shower.

The French oral test was fine. I have a lovely teacher so she didn't mind as much. I really need to practice the etre and avoirs. Ah, language. So complicating.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Here's an example of the infographic I created of the cafe for Syn class and one of the reasons why I didn't sleep last night.

It's a good thing I didn't print out these things because the cikgu was ill and this became not so important.

Had a conversation with the other cikgu about my end of the year Syn project and it had resulted in a conversation about learning to harness and control lightning, electricity and electrical charges. Which meant I needed super mutant powers. ORRRRRR... I needed to do some more research about taking the idea and extrapolating it

Nikola Tesla and his magic tesla things (Yes, I have tesla envy).
Lightning fields.
Earth Works (With reference to James Turrell).

While doing some research, I quickly segwayed into explodey awesomeness.

So, aside from exploding awesome lightbulb, there was also burny-burny metal things. :|
Why has no one attempted to microwave a leech? I wanted to do that but everyone said no.

Tesla Coil amagahds!

Homemade plasma globe!

French Oral test tomorrow... better go study. :(