Friday, September 28, 2007

buka puasa

Update on my bukapuasa shindig at the house.

Those who've replied has spoken.

6th October 2007, Saturday (Next day is Naf's Bday. Bring her a present)

The nice house in front of the Ampang Hilir Lake.

Be there before buka(before 7).
Unless you wanna be the designated taster and by virtue of your own stomach, must be there the minute I start cooking (Say around 1pm) the hot stuff.

Appetisers (Tapas):
Patatas Bravas
Garlic Potatoes
Garlic Chicken
Oven-Roasted Wild Mushrooms with Goat Cheese and Chile Oil
Calamari A'la Romana
Prawn In Spicy Sauce

(To be decided for beef, another mushroom, and eggplant)

Pasta? So you can guess that I haven't really decided on the mains...

Fresh fruits

Since it's puasa, Non-alcoholic Sangria and Fizzy Lemonade. Weak Stomachs need not apply.

Also Wik,
its sort of a potluck so if you want to make anything like extra desserts or tapas or mains (no nasi please) OR bring soft drinks go right ahead.

Waiting list open for those extra special peoples.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


La Bodega is good...
That's all I can say but Neens says that Basement of Starhill Gallery is better which means it's time to drag Mo again.

Wonderful thought not yet confirmed.
Buka Puasa at my house.
Restricted guest list.
Food: Tapas, Paella/Pasta
Cook: Me
Others: someone bring desserts!

Paella OR Pasta?
I prefer pasta myself... but you know. Majority rules.
Now then,
Who's on my guest list?

Definitely these people:
May Lee
Min Chiee

So off I go to check out Tapas recipes.

Will these people please confirm with me as to what day they are free.

Monday, September 17, 2007

new external

I don't have enough space in my computer...
Need to buy another external harddrive.

The Voice has gotten a job at some sort of 7E kinda place in Perth and tonight he's got the drunk shift (11pm to 7am) so I told him not to get spiffy on the Orange Soda and start lastic-ing random small creatures with contraceptives.
Bronchitis is a bastard... even the minor ones.

I want to eat maggi goreng from the mamak.
Been wanting that since last week.
I want kuey teow Penang too.

I'll go tapao penang kuey teow later at klcc food court.
But maggi goreng... we need Min and May for that...

Roobs leaving this Friday and Yun... i forgot when buit she's leaving soon also.
Oh, well.

During Chillis dinner... (about a few hours ago)
Oh, Fergie only has two songs right? Big girls don't cry and Terrorrist?

Terrorrist? Heh?

Yea, Terrorrist! It goes *sings the Glamorous song*


Isn't it?

No, that's Glamorous!

Roobs: I swear I heard Terrorrist on the radio!

T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T... I'm in a fast plane, I'm a terrorrist, terrorrist, oh, the gunners the gunners...

And here's another totally Roobs moment....
And the fairy god mother said to Cinderella KELABU! (into pumpkin)

Aaaaaaand another one just for luck...
Roobs, Roobs!
What's kemeja?

Oh, it's what an angry mother says to her child.
"I'm very disappointed in you. Kemeja! (to the table)"

Roobs, You will be missed out there in cold Engerland.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Mo finally passed me Persepolis
Part 1... apparently Part 2 ada hidden in the depths of her house.

Misses His Fluffiness teramat sangat. :(

I'm reminded that I'm loafing around til May...
Well, not loafing per say cos I'll be working and all but still... *trails off*

Tapas moved to Tuesday night.
Monday at Chillis cos Roobs and Yunnie are leaving soon too. Bawaking the sister and probably Michelle?

Where's the Tapas place?

Monday you wanna go eat at Chillis onot?

Omg I'm so so so so so so sorry tak pergi on saturday night. I really, really couldn't.

Hope you gave Anas my hugs.

As you may have known...
Mo, Michelle and I went to the first 3 hours of the Freedom Film Festival.
Some shows were bad, some shows were good and some shows were downright documentary!
I feel asleep on the documentary one.
Propaganda about political killings under the regime of that stupid woman in Phillipines. That Aroyo woman.
Aside from that, It was quite eye opening. Some were long winded, maybe to the point of being preachy.
My favourite is called CUT!
ada kat YouTube. It's by a Singaporean Director. Awsome stuff. Go cari!
Too shit funny.

It's sunday and I have nothing to do...

Thursday, September 13, 2007



This holy month,
I promise to be a good girl,
Go Terawih with a clear concience,
Pray when it's time to pray,
And be true to the meaning of fasting.

Don't pig out when it's buka puasa time. PACE YOURSELVES.

Puasa is all about feeling what it's like to not be able to eat as many times as you want throughout the day, It's about stepping into the shoes of the less fortunate. It's also about realising that topping a plate so it looks like Mount Everest is NOT the way to go. But that is our Malaysian culture isn't it?

In one month, it's money time. hahahahaha.

Today I finish writing my resume and call up several law firms... to get their input.
I'll also call Su Elin about perhaps working at her firm at Wisma E&C.
Then I plan for the weeks ahead.

So many people leaving already.
Sara on the 19th
Ezzy on the 21st
Mich on the 26th
Neyn on the 29th

Another Academic year about to start.
To those who've already left and started classes:
Good luck and have mucho fun!

Neyn's leaving on the 23rd!!!
*runs around in circles like a headless chicken*

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

the hunt

For a vibe continues.

Nothing spells comfort more than staring into space with a stupid grin on your face.

Forgive me father for I poke badgers wih spoons.

You are to me what water is to plants.

I like cheese rings.

Enough of that...
I hate not being able to drive.
People are leaving this month and I cant even go and see them...
Why is the Curve so the Far?

Yesterday with the girls was fun although we didn't find the shop that we were looking for. Bad Sungei Wang, bad random la-la shopping mall.
Hey Sexy, I visited the 6th floor finally. You know, it really IS lala land. I'll never utter that phrase again 'cos that is not a happy wonderfully awesome place. Tak nak.

I'll be on a date with sexyvoice in March God willing.

Dear God,

I have a list, I have many lists but this one you pay special care to. I know you're not someone to take it lightly. God, I'm not making a huge tangent on your religion(s) I know you're there reading this, or tapping into my head with your omnipresence, which is great, don't get me wrong. But back to the list I was talking about.

This list is for my life. I depend on it to make sure my hopes and dreams don't crash and burn. It's stuck on a blue tack next to the wall that has my heart on it. You know what's on the big heart but let's not get into that... The list is the grand design. I supposed you created/thought up/made me existential for a reason. You know how my head works and it's a wonderful thought process if I may say so myself.

All I ask is you give me great strength to get through all my challenges, all the stupid hurdles that rear its ugly head and stick out its nasty tongue at me while going GLAHGLARGLAR. I hate that.

Thanks for the little joys in my life. I can name them but it wouldn't be fair to the rest who perhaps did something special but was never considered. It's never been in me to set aside anyone who genuinely has a good heart. As I had read somewhere, or heard, the world is a funny place you'd made. All we do is pass time waiting to die.

Yours Forever,

Sunday, September 09, 2007

not again...

Yes again.

Got back home at 4:30am cos Judde didn't want to leave 'early' and thus dragging Michelle, Shawn, Yumi and I down with him so kena marah at 8 am. Now to shitass scared to go back to sleep.

So she yelled, called me names and revoked my going-out time privs.

Just goes to show how little she knows about her own daughter.
Close to almost nil.

I wait for me to turn 21 just so that she can run out of things to nag about.
I mean HALLO? Ada ke nak tipu pasal keje bodoh macam sitting at an arab shop til the wee hours with friends playing cards?
I don't go clubbing nor do I partake in any illegal activities!

She should do a survey of all the other mothers about their daughters and realise that snooty british upbringing only lives in her. Even Aunty Lizzy slack dengan her daughters and they've not even reached limbo age yet!

I wonder why she even HAD kids. It's hell for us, the brood, to have to suffer like thus. Plus she's violent too. The fear of kena baling random hurt inflicting objects coupled wih horrible threats of the infliction of pain in intense proportions is too much.

Here's a funny thing for you to see.

Eddie Izzard is fucking hilarious!
Alrite I'll learn the violin but you wont like it! I'll make a bad noise.
Stop practicing! You sound crap! I have bought a hammer. You may borrow it if you want.

Back to actual full on rant.

What was I talking about?
Oh yea, the martyr murderer that owns me. Yes her. Ew.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Rabbits -moved-

This post moved to HERE.

The layout is giving me problems.
I founds a bug. BAH!

Prior post moved up:

I lost my Muse.

She's about 5 feet tall,
Pretty features,
Abit on the fluffy side,
Loud, rambunctious and full of life.

If you find her, could you please tell me?
I miss her dearly.
Reward will be given to the person who finds her.

Freedom Film Festival is next week!
I'm so going!
It works being a self righteous prat and supporting freedom things.

Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm staring at a screen for an hour

Oh, joy.

Supposed to see Ms. V today on her order...
Turns out she's on MC.
Sialan or not?

Aaaaaaaaaaand since I really don't have anything better to do here's a 2 week recap of my life.
(Has it been 2 weeks? Bah!)

Oh yea, Results.
Pass, Pass, Fail.
I thought I was gonna flunk Criminal cos I swear to the big G I did so badly times.
Braced myself for all that is unholy and shitty as hell and upon seeing my results...
I. Failed. Contract.

Last chance.
Ms. Mala says that First Year is the most annoying year ever.
1. You're a fresher
2. The horrible fresher 15
3. The contract lecturer HATES YOU.

I'm reminded by Nadiah sayang saying that 1st year is definitely harder.
It's your hurdle.
The thing you throw sheep over.

So anyway,
Mich and I went touristing in our own lovely country.
Visit Malaysia Year!!!
We went to the Asian Arts Museum in University Malaya and to the National Arts Gallery in Titiwangsa.
The former sucked righteous ass. The exhibits were very nice but the pedistole they were put it on is terribly unimpressive. Like hello, You dont cram it up into a cupboard on the wall. The lighting is WRONG! Someone get a professional curator before I explode!
The latter was nice. Impressive. I has have (it's cutesy to have grammatical error but it's also hella annoying) pictures of this wonderful artwork. I forgot who's it by but props to her. I'll put it up as soon as I get home and the internet stops being the shit.
Moving on.

Birthday Birthdays!
Ee, sorry I couldn't make it to Chillis. Blame the car... BLAME THE CAR!
Mo, Your KFC will be on Monday 'cos Mich cannot neglect Mum-Sundays.
I so want KFC... or Maggi goreng.

I'm NOT flying to the Jolly Old cos I haven't passed my contract.
The Good:
I get to see my sayang in April. YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!
The Bad:
I waste one year waiting for May. Well, not waste per say la. I will get a job at a firm... Attachment-like shindig. If i don't attach myself to a respectable - or not- firm then I'll get a job. Moola commeth! With moola comes DIVING LICENCE *throws flowers* amongst other things.
The Ugly Fugs:
Insane, INSANE guilt trip...
I swear it's the worst feeling ever.
And my grandfather. Oh dear God.

What else?
Sad's in HELP doing Law.
Saw Mark, Mabs and Leeturt on Friday at DELIcious. Mabs left me with the two momkeys... how could she............. *sob*

Is that it?
Wow, that's lame.

Loves the sayang.
Loves everyone else too.

Celebrated Merdeka eve with Danny, Junes, Judde and Mich at a new sheysha place. Danny made friends with the Odey the owner. Awesome sialan.

We wanted to see the fireworks but takde. ish.

Anyway, pictures of the Merdeka Eve is HERE. (Junes, can I have the rest of the photos please?)
Pictures of the Art touristing is HERE and HERE.
And pictures of Min and May's first sheysha experiance + Birthday things is HERE.

That'll be all for today.