Thursday, April 02, 2015

I know I haven't been posting much but life happens. Life being going out and seeing people and... eating.

Aside from that.... I read. A LOT. Not just books but self-helpy type articles on the interwebs and I keep the good ones for future references.

Here's one that I find absolutely golden.

Take backs:
- A list of 10 things I'm absolutely afraid of.
- MUSTS are non negotiable, but they are very easy to lose sight of so you always have to reel yourself back in and reassess your life.
- Don't be an entitled lazy prick.

All of these I want to do with Meersy and Ash, a sort of "Sit down and let's talk about life," kind of thing. It's great bonding tools, truly.

On a more pressing note, RAMPS, MALAYSIA (specifically, Kuala Lumpur)!!! Not a difficult thing to have and it also means people with physical disabilities can get into places! Inclusivity, yo.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Hello, hello, hello!!!

It's the 1st of April, I turn 28 in 15 days. Excited and... Well, really just excited.

Also finally finished a portfolio I'm kind of proud of. I could tweak some stuff but really, it's pretty good so I'm just going to embed it here...

And on this blog for anyone to have a look see... Because it's so pretty...