Thursday, April 21, 2016

I'm reading (I say reading but I'm just speeding through the audiobook) The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris as suggested by Tijana. So far, it's brilliant!

What it posits:
1. What am I afraid of?
2. What would excited me? (Boredom is the enemy)
4. What would you do if there were no way you could fail, if you were 10 times smarter than everyone? 6 months and 12 months, 5 things you dream of having, being and doing.
5. What would you do if you had all the money in the bank? What excites you into waking up the next day?

Time paused:  1:40:08 (Chapter 5)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I am 29, the last year of my 20s. Last year to be an utter shite as a 20-something. Next year I get to be an utter shite as a 30 year old.

But to commemorate me turning 29 and singing my own birthday song in the shower, here's 29 things I've accomplished at 29:

1. Was born.
2. Graduated High School
3. Graduated with a degree in Interior Design
4. Stayed in another country for 4 years
5. Made and kept good company
6. Got a cat.
7. Went on travelling adventures even with limited mobility.
8. Kept in touch with important people in my life
9. Got my Open Water Diving Licence.
10. Is part of an effort to cure SMA.
11. Started testing Salbutamol on myself for SCIENCE!
12. Decided that employment in a company that doesn't value you is the worst way to live life.
13. Started doing personal projects for personal amusement
14. Keeping up with an exercise regiment for my muscular health
15. Am pleased with the person I am but know that there's always space for growth and that, in life, one never stops learning
16. Making art regularly that is not ego-centric but self teaching
17. Started trading of the FX market on a demo account and keeping logs on it
18. Am doing a course of Project Management on Coursera
19. Am doing a course on Greek and Roman mythology on Coursera
20. I have my own website
21. I'd turned my name into a brand
22. I've used my name as one part of a Design Collective called Aubergine
23. I have a substantial board and card game collection which is ever expanding
24. Is pretty good in beginner's French, and getting better
25. Is not controlled by others opinions
26. Has come to terms with the thing people call 'emotions'
27. Family is intact and well
28. Has a life goal and a rough plan
29. I'm still alive.

Happy Birthday to me! (Even though it was a mediocre year)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Okay, so I'm horrible at keeping up with my posts for IAMOGP.

So here's a backdated updat from the last 2 weeks summarised into one sentence:
I feel stronger, maybe.
(Dumbells getting to be more manageable, might be able to increase in a month, ditto with cardio intensity.)

Aside from that... Patreon?
Mini Projects that I should be arsed to do every month?

Aaaaaaaaaart. I should really get started.

I have no raison d'ĂȘtre.


On another note,

This just happened... (click to read.)

And then I photoshopped the poster appropriately...

Took half an hour and it's because I was bored.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

It's been 4 days since the daily IAMOGP update. I've decided to now continue it weekly because there's really nothing to talk about. IAMOGP updates every Sunday.
I'm also down to my last two pills and I have to get more tomorrow. Ehee.
Actually, I have bought a new set of pills. 100x 4mg.

Period's here and the bloat is real.

Fairy Tail is on hiatus. I know this because I've just gotten up to date with all. ALL. Episodes. Laxus is hot... So is Gray. T-T
I guess I have to find something else to binge-watch.

I don't feel like doing anything for my birthday anymore. Thought I wanted to do a Lousiana seafood boil but in the end... I really cant be bothered.

Where was THIS when I was in Uni??? It sure would've helped me make better folios I tell you.