Sunday, November 14, 2010

A friend of mine had a weird dream last night and I was in it, set five years in the future.
*gets permission to post*

X:(10:34 AM):
*I had a weird dream last night

Me:(10:34 AM):
*oh yeah?

X:(10:35 AM):
*You know one of those set in the future but feels super real as if you were actually awake and you have false memories of the time between you fell asleep and when the dream began.
*You were in it though

X:(10:36 AM):
*Set 5 years in the future. I was working at the travel company still and was also just starting up my company.

Me:(10:37 AM):
*fwoaarr... i get dreams where it's set in an alternate earth... everything's sort of different but it feels the same and usually... there are zombies. hahahaha
X:(10:37 AM):
*Mostly it was me going to peoples weddings traveling and working
*I missed your wedding

Me:(10:38 AM):
*my wedding?

X:(10:38 AM):
*Yea xD

Me:(10:40 AM):
*omg... what a ... weird thing for me to do in 5 years
*the guy had better be up to par

X:(10:41 AM):
*It was (person's name here) hahaha

Me:(10:41 AM):
*tak leh blah....

X:(10:41 AM):

Me:(10:42 AM):
*mainly because i have obscene standards if i had to marry the guy
*and... well... no one's come close to the batting range yet
HAHAHAH (person's name here)

X:(10:43 AM):
*Yea.... It was shotgun

Me:(10:43 AM):
*that is so strange
*what else?
*surely there's more to it

X:(10:44 AM):
*You were upset with me because my ex was at the wedding
*You didn't like the guy

Me:(10:44 AM):
*which one is this?
*stalker boy?

X:(10:45 AM):
*Nope a future ex

Me:(10:45 AM):

X:(10:45 AM):
*5'10 Malay guy

Me:(10:45 AM):
*good looking?

X:(10:46 AM):
*Pretty good according to you... He brought his new gf

Me:(10:46 AM):
*omg now you have to tell the whole thing -- even if it's segmented and you don't remember-- in complete sentences and arcs

X:(10:48 AM):
*Okay so it starts with me waking up in my very own apartment. (wooo!!) get into my car and head to the gym (it's a Sunday) and you ring me while in on the treadmill telling me off
*You are saying I'm awful for not turning up for the wedding and I was all "it was an emergency I had to go to (random Chinese sounding place name) to sort out the factory.. I got back this morning" and then you were ranting that my scummy ex brought his new gf to your wedding (days after he broke up with me) and that all hot guys were jerks

Me:(10:52 AM):

X:(10:53 AM):
*After that we met up for lunch and saw Skankyhoe* in a distance pushing a baby stroller and you were shaking your head

Me:(10:53 AM):

X:(10:53 AM):
*Then we end up going shopping for your wedding gift (I didn't get one yet)

Me:(10:53 AM):
*it had better not be a vase

X:(10:54 AM):
*Hmmm.... Freaky
*During lunch I was like "about your wedding gift" and you were like "no vase please"

Me:(10:54 AM):
*i think i say that one too many times
*your subconsious picked it up

X:(10:55 AM):
*You made me buy a washing machine

Me:(10:55 AM):
*omfg hahahahahahaha
*i doan know how to use a washing machine
*im useless that way

X:(10:55 AM):
*Yea it had one button that says start/stop that's it
*Anyhow afterwards I travel around for work and meet an old guy friend who is from the future (he just got divorced) and I go for dinner with him I wake up

Me:(11:00 AM):
*i hate waking up from movie dreams

Anyway, shortly after those lines she explains that it was shotgun cos I got preggers by the FWB and decided, and i quote, "What the hell let's get married could do worse."

The best part though? In that dream I had to only work 2 months a year. Score, bitches.

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