Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So I went to PD for some sun with Mo and Kim. For those who don't live in Malaysia, PD is short for Port Dickson. It sucks but it's the closest place for some sun. Kim was driving, we had beers, we had KFC it was gonna be splendid!

The ride there was quick.
We took about another hour or so looking for a nice spot.
We finally found a nice enough strip when...

... The car got stuck in the sand.
Seriously, I have proof.

After much mucking about and being all macho and stuff (because I am woman hear me roar), and by that time I had decided it was interesting, Mo was annoyed and Kim was in between peaked interest and panicky, we gave up and Mo went to look for some help.

First, 2 malay guys came to help. They couldn't help.

Then a tonne of Indian trucker fellers came to help, for a fee o'course.
At that point we didn't care anymore and the two Malay guys ran away never to be heard from again. *throws hands in the air in exasperation and says 'Typical!'*

Truckers to the rescue!!!
First there were three. Then a fourth on a bike... then one Malay dude plus one more Indian feller came along in an ice-cream truck.
*you may laugh at the ice-cream truck bit here 'cos it's true*
They tried lifting and pushing the car. They put rocks under the tire. They put the car under Neutral and pushed somemore. They then decided to press the gas and the wheel turned and burned from the friction between it and the rock under it. Singed tires and death to the suspension.

After much ado... but still no budging, the truckers brought a mid-sized truck down plus another 2 guys.


Nay... after moving around for the correct position to pull-helpless-car-out-of-sand... Guess what?
Mid-sized-truck got stuck too...

Observe the photo.
That's what happened when the truck driver gassed it so that the truck would budge.
Bad move...
It made the tire dig deeper and faster than a horny bunny in spring.
So we all muck about in a frenzy of omigods and omigods.
One dude called his friend whom we assumed was a tow-truck.
We were sadly mistaken.

A few minutes more of omigods and omigods, a BIGGER truck came plus two more fellers.
I was scared.
Not for me but for the truck.

Yes. It was a big truck.
I must say, though, that the truck driver was DAAAAAMN PRO.
He maneuvered between three trees and got the mid-sized truck and the car out of deep doo-doo.

IF, I say IF the bigger truck would've gotten stuck I would have laughed a brick and then cried.
1. We would have ended up in a three leaved clover formation, everyone at angles of 120 degrees to each other.
2. Nobody, nothing, save a forklift or an EVEN BIGGER TRUCK... which would prove to be disastrous... could save us.
3. It was just pure irony. I have decided to hate irony.

We were saved! If it happened at night I think it would've sucked more cock.

AND it would seem like the beginning of very cliche horror movie.
Blood and Guts galore!

Throughout the whole ordeal, I was shouting obsceneties to the sky as is my M.O.

Ice-cream truck guys gave us free ice-cream... heheeheheh...

We left after 2 hours bumming around in the sand because it was boring, I was getting eaten by bloodsuckers, Kim was being Puteri Lilin having a nap and Mo was getting restless.

PD sucks, I wished I lived closer to Tenggol Island for the sun, sand and snorkelling.
But I got a tan so that was good.

Yes, my life lacks travelling adventures but when it comes. It's a movie moment.

Monday, June 29, 2009

On perks from being a handicapped person.

I have to figure out a way to use the perks to my advantage...
But who to speak to??

The perks in Bahasa Melayu because there's no translations.

P/S: I want a Perodua Nautica.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm. So. Lazy. Rightnow.

need to start rendering. For the love of all that is correct in the world.

Christ on a bike,


Saturday, June 27, 2009


I'm Sha... I have a debilitating disease...

I... *sob* I... I'm a whore....


I... I'm a Snapple whore...

(Cue everyone clapping and or gasps of horror)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Of funerals and... Well, just funerals.

Two very large A-List celebs kicked the proverbial bucket yesterday. Wacko Jacko left us via a heart attack and Farrah Fawcett via cancer-oh-teh-horror.

I *cough* mourn *cough* for these two whom I've never met in person nor have I a heart-felt conversation/heated arguement with. I *cough* cry *cough* at the loss of these two people who have never impacted any decision I've made. I am struck with *cough* so much sorrow*cough* that these two iconic figures would never be there for my graduation/wedding/childbirth/alien abduction/and so on.

I know I'm an insensitive prick but this from a person who wants "Haha, you're dead" by Greenday to be played on my funeral... Yes, death doesn't scare me.

Upon my death, I'm prolly going straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Silver lining: After hell, I'd be chillin with the Boods, Jesus, Jesus, Mo, Cthulhu and The Spag.
Oh, yea and the Almighty will be pumpin some mighty tunes from his speakers of Awesome.

Shout-out to Ma Therese and Ghands. Whoop-whoop~

MSN Excerpt...

*trust me to be the eternal cynic about it too
*the minute I stepped into class... I was making fun of it already

*u are more cynical than me

*"the white peoples lost another white brotha today. It's a sad day for white peepuls"
*"Oh and FF died from anal cancer."

*that was expected
*dia dah lama dah ade cancer
*oh u're making fun of it

*"Well dad says MJ died of heart attack... prolly cos his nose kept on falling off his heart was all like 'wtf that's it!'"


*yea well if plastic peepuls can make fun of my butt and how i walk
*i'll goddamn make fun of their deities.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Veni, vidi? Verbum, homedawg.

It amazes me that some people hold reading in such low regard.
Though it does make sense that a majority of Plastics are illiterate.
And stupid.

No, not stupid, perhaps I have too much against them... What they really are is vapid.
Great big bodybags oozing vapidity.

being well read gives you the ability to make up words.
Who says so?
I say so, damnit!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The only thing I have left to do is my 50 page sketchbook, due the 6th of July.

That's when the new term starts. Another 4 classes...
Le sighh...

But technically 3.1 is DONE DONE DONE~!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Me: Whooooooooooo~~~~

Other me: What's wrong with her?

Other other me: Oy...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Like spider silk, the string that holds myself together is strong though it is wearing thin.

I hope it never severs. That would suck righteous.

Call the G-man, I need to review my contract.

Me: Do your work
Other me: lazy la...
Other other me: yea... there's locusts on the telly!
Me: What's that got to do with anything?
Other other me: Carbon-based plagues are always up there with viral infections.
Other me: *high5's other other me*
Me: Oy...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Other me: Wha- *faceplants into wall*

Other other me: HAHAHAH... dork.

Me: Oy...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

4-years is just gonna have to suck it up cos I am going hunting.

This calls for a 'bruahaha...' so BRUAAHAHAHAHAHA...

Also, The InvisibleManInTheSky forgot to endow me with anti-slip.

I fell on my chair.
Then I fell OFF my chair.

Juneseybunesy couldn't stop laughing.

I love my friends, srsly.

Add on:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Who knows why I'm so deeply into the world of the occult. Surely my religion had classified it as Syirk.

Are 'syirk' and 'blaspheme' the same thing cos according to wikimalay 'syirk' is 'blaspheme'.

I reiterate my going to the land of brimstone and the-floor-is-always-LAVAAAA! On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the rest of *cough* humanity *cough* wouldn't get a Go-To-Heaven-Free pass anyway. We all pop into the eternal oven first unless one died at birth...

Also... I should start work.

Oh and by the way,
A student called Catherine Isaboke wrote it but hahahaha *cough* hahahaha *cough* ha *BARF* what a load of crap.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I finished mmy DS1 stuff... now for the PD2 stuffs and the 2D CAD stuffs... and then a break for a week from the hell that is work.

Which is actually quite fun.

Douchey and I, on DS2: Retail.

*ill be doing shops and shit

*that sounds not so fun


*i prefer doing food eating space

*i could make like a ralleh metuls metul store right
*and make it like the blackest black there ever was


*and put a bunny with big pointy teeth

*and make that shade of black into a door

*so it can eat stupid people

*seriously, make the door and the wall into one
*that'd be awsum
*or a drawbridge for a door
*thats metuls

*hahah thou shalt not flee from the black store

*and a bloodmoat

*till u buy stuff
*then u can leave


*or if you're really really really late for a movie

*shoplifters will be crucified


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My thumbdrive had a bath today. So did my camera's memory card. It came out of the spin cycle smelling like soap.

It still works.

I guess that's one way to get rid of viruses...

And Douchey passed me Google Vid for a Made-for-TV Movie based on one of Terry Pratchet's Discworld books: The Colour of Magic.

Obviously the book is tonnes better because sarcasm is that much funnier in my head. And the Grim Reaper dousn't sound so crackly.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

brother aint getting shit from me for a loooooooong time.

piece of shit wont even help do small errands.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I admit it...

I'm a sucker for macabre theatrics and cartoons. cartoonish macabre theatrics?
ho ho ho ho...

Avenged Sevenfold's A Little Piece of Heaven.
I find it amusing.

By the by,

What do you get when Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett get into a fight?
Good Omens, a book I have yet too buy and read.

I think I write more or less how I talk, although I say "um..." a lot more than I write it, and will occasionally in conversation drift off in the middle of a sent.... - Neil Gaiman

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Love thy neighbour.
Well, somebody has to!

I love my street in a sense that it has an old world charm to it. Neighbours still greet each other and invite one another to the house. My favourite neighbour lives a house to the left from me, a Nyonya couple.

This Nyonya couple we greet daily with great hellos and hand gestures. It's also the only couple I know who still refer to themselves as Dad and Mom which I think is just ridiculously adorable.

Oh and I stumbed upon a quote filled webbie.

There's just too many! Must laugh!

I had a banana because having a bowl of cereal was too much damned work.
Now, I did have a bowl of cereal for dinner last night. Why? Because it was easier than cooking something. There’s really something wrong with me.
- John Scalzi
Knowledge is Power
Power Corrupts
Study Hard
Be Evil
> Word.
urely you mean "OpenOffice Writer", my home-dawg?

- Thetorpedodog

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"oh look a blue car!"

I remember that *points up* phrase used to put me in giggling hysterics.
But then I'm sick so this post doesn't count.

Brain... leaking... out... of... ear...

Must... takebrainanddrinkitupwith... straw...

Ew. I know. hahahahaha...

Yes, Sha of the iron immune system is sick and until I get better, it's all you'll be hearing about.
No, not pig flooooooo...

I cant spell diharrea diarhea dayaria dyarhya diarrhea.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Teh flooooooo
Padumpumpum is problematic (or so I thought)
Too much spendage
Major headache
Lack of sleep
Water retention
"I feel fatter"
Feeling yang sangat sedey

The month of June officially

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moo moo baaaah...

That concludes the blog for this morning.

The time is 10:10AM.

Add on:

*if i had a penny for everytime you shoot down an oppertunity id be rich

*yeah that's so so true
*as long as the pennies aren't mine

*nope they arent
*but ill give you some

*then i'm fine with it
*not really

*fine i wont give you my pennies
*wait that sounds so worng

It's so me to think pennies sounds like penis.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Juju, Sheila and I fed everyone with Fajitas.

It was awesome.

Add on:
Douchey, I don't quote you only tau. Mengada.

*balik laaaaa

*k, i'll prepare my sampan right away


*prepare the batsampan

Hahah... Bodoh.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My grammar just got from bad... to atrocious.


Sunday, June 07, 2009

I always seem to look at the time when it's 4:44

It doesn't matter whether its AM or PM.
The point is that it's ALWAYS at 4:44...

*looks to the invisible person in the sky critically*

Add on:
The above prompted me to scower the internart for some answers or maybe more questions.

I'm pretty sure I'm crazy now. Seraphims and Midwayers FTW. Looking around me I actually said outloud "I'm on to you people... uhh... things..."

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I'm finally starting DS1...

Will be bothered with PD2 once everything else kaotim already.

This is for you guys!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Had a good lunch?
I havent had lunch... yet.

Things to do:
- DS1 final proj
- M&F final proj

I actually don't know what Gustavo wants for next w
eek so it's just gonna be note-reading for an hour. Make that note-browsing. hahahaha...

Kelantanese boy, I have to make a lunch-date with. Nevermind... forget I said anything...

... Guess the Moroccan still wants to berconversasi... meh............

Oh yea, and this *points down* made me laugh hearty!


Kathy Griffin ftw!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Radies and Gentermen:

when you said enough i was like *nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* in my head.

Got tonnes of work to do but starting is a bitch.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Item 1:
Inside jokes rock awesome.

Item 2:
Work, work and more work.

Item 3:
Remember to keep HYDRATED all all times.

Item 4:
Siamese Swim Team = hot.

Item 5:

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Here, let me do like Dark Helmut and breathe down your throat before mixing up Mr. Radar with Mr. Coffee.

I clean my room every term... OOOOH THE MESSYYY!!
This term is no exception.

My face is akin to that of a pizza. Blame the weather and stress.

Monday, June 01, 2009