Monday, May 31, 2010

So yesterday failed almost miserably when it came to exercise and food but today made up for it... Except for the fact that I will be ingesting sheysha later.
Reminding myself that being busy is not a valid excuse to not clock at least 30 minutes of cardio daily and you can always have tonight's dinner for lunch tomorrow. Where there's a will there's ALWAYS a way.

I need to get around to recording how I walk for the sake of comparison after a year.
I need to record a half an hour visualisation exercise to do with my future self
I need to do an investment planning memo in my notebook so that I can start growing whatever cash I have now.

Also, the Jalan Damai Apartments are for rental for 5K/month.
It's got 3 + 1 Bedrooms and a huge living area as well as a quaint kitchen.
Hit me up if you want to rent it. It's unfurnished I think.

Anyhoots, Here's a To-Do list for the term (at the moment and to be updated when needed):
- D&D Construction Plans
- D&D Specification Sheet
- D&D Building Process Write-up
- PP Gantt Chart
- B&C Cost Data Folder
- B&C Office Bill of Quantities

Things to do today:
- Shoot out e-mail to Adam
- Have a nap
- Go for the Night Assembly
- Go for sheysha with Bong
- Complete D&D Construction Plans.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

So... Tioman in 3 weeks and Bali in 1 and a half months...

Fitness regiment is onnnnnn:
- daily 30 minute cardio on the ass-chafing bike
- no more fast food (Nando's is not fast food, okay!)
- daily bubble baths to soothe the aching muscles and tone that bodeh!
- simple food journal documenting breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as water intake for the day
  -- updated daily on this blog:
        ---; Breakfast:
                + Water intake:
  -- breakfast to be muesli, sugarless cereal and fruit or oatmeal with raisins... yum?
  -- at least 2 litres daily
  -- dinners to be vegetables only unless it's a night out then too bad. eat whatever.
  -- lunches to consume anything but half of original portion, starting with fruits
  -- try and cut out as much refined carbs and sugar as possible. If at all, eliminating it from consumption.
  -- if need carbs, eat fruits, brown rice and other non refined crap.

Oh this is going to be SO MUCH fun...

(I must inform bibik to provide the necessary items. So it'll be me and faddah eating yucky oatmeal for breakfast now)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I... need to exercise...
I'll do that at 4pm.

Then... I need to do my Drawing and Documentation... All due next week.

Compulsory What-I-did/going-to-do-today:

Woke up at noon
Fretted about it
Had lunch
Talked investments for my future
Exercise for 30 - 45 mins on the bike of ass-pain
Hot bubble bath
Drawing and Documentation
Dad's birthday dinner
Drawing and Documentation

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pursuant to the Post for the Deceased, after Ira left the plane I arrived at my destination where I met up with my youngest brother and a tonne of my other friends. This Airport was brown, I think signifying the current plane of existence. I didn't have to struggle to get to customs, I didn't have to wait so I'm guessing my life here in the world has been summed up as not that bad actually. But the toilets in that place turned out to be a demon portal if  I wasn't careful. This was according to a charming man I had met who did help me a lot.

I don't know. My subconscious is weird.

Oh and I was at that shopping mall again, a construct of my own mind I suppose, and it's always the same one. New location to add: The Airport.

What's strange is that I did see some very scary beings but I didn't wake up because I wasn't scared enough.

On another note, it's true that when your body is healthy your mind is healthy and the more good stuff you feel like doing... unless of course you happen to be a sadistic psycho bordering on homicidal rage then please by all means stay at 50% body fat percentage.

I have to bring mine aaaallll the waaaay dooooooown to between 25% and 31% or less.
Fitness, I come for you.

A post for the deceased

It was nice seeing you last night. I know what you're thinking. What a weird plane trip.

It was a nice coincidence bumping into you and your seat just next to mine. Also, I didn't like the stewardesses either. Charging 18 bucks for the program booklet. Rubbish. I'm so sorry I kept dozing off all of a sudden but you looked occupied with all the movies and tv shows they had in-flight.

I thought we could catch up but you had to hop off at the connecting flight. I will speak to you more the next time if ever there is one.

I honestly think that it was my take on Limbo, a connecting flight, everything was in white, the seats, the plates the clothes we and everyone else were in. Where you left it was shimmering and calm. I hope that there is truly where you are. I hope you're great.

I can say for a fact that your family and many other people including myself miss you brick load. But you know what they say... The good die young.

Hope to see you soon.

Hugs and kisses,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hahaha... Mother Vs Mother... Nature?

I'm very disappointed!

With whom?

The Birds!


You know lah, I designed the house and then had it built then the birds go build nests and destroy it.

Some birds are building nests under the roof and the bird poo is... Well, it's poo.

Maybe we could sign a contract with the birdy community stating that this house is private property...
Then if they still build nests we'll throw blangblang at them.

My mother tak munasabah when she's angry.
June is for Tioman
July is for Bali

But if I wanted to make it work I would have to finish all my work before week 11 and hand it up just in time for vaca. Yeay!

Here's to getting good grades
Here's for getting a great job
Here's to vacations together for as long as we're mentally and physically capable...
*clinks bottles*

Viiiiisualiiiiiise. :D

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 15

Week 15 (25MAY2010)

- More progress on my weight, well, more like more progress on losing fat content.
- Butt has gone down more
- For shorter distances I walk faster.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Instead of doing the actual work I am writing a list of the work I have to do...
On one hand, it's good because I can arrange my time properly and focus on the ones that are due first...
On the other hand, it's just another way to waste time.

I love making lists.

Monday and already I have things piled up on my plate.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The punctuationless poem!

I'm sinking
Depths of the unresolved
The unthinking
The unfeeling
Malaise gripped tight
The lichen on my shell

Okay, now that that's done, I'm off to write a dirty one on the secret blog.

In all seriousness now,
I need to get started with all my work.
It's seriously way behind on schedule. I think I'm going to have to stay home for a week come June and just focus on that.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My parents are smitten with RMIT... I just want to get it over with and get a job.

I need to compile a list of twenty of my best works from any and every field (preferably from my Interior Design stash), bind it in an A4 booklet and send it in with my transcripts and so on.
Which means I'm going to have to run by my lects and ask them what I should put in...
The guy from RMIT said put your proudest works. Well, shit. How do I put written stuff in?

Oh! One of it would be my Marcel Wanders design book.
Wahey, we be making progress :D

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 14

Week 14 (18MAY2010)

- Period came finally, a week late again. I hope it stays here until I finish with Summer meanderings. Also, I tend to not spa when I've got me period... Ick factor of a million. And, I'm less prone to lethargy. :D
- I was particularly lazy last week though, if that's any point to ponder.
- Aunt Aileen says I've lost buttfats... yay?

Monday, May 17, 2010

I am soooo lazy to go out now...
So, I'll not.
And feel completely guilty because I usually do what I say I'll do which includes going out unless the parentals memberontak.

I would like to move out.

IF I were to move out you can be sure that I would inevitably lose a few stones from being too not bothered to cook or I'll end up cooking something that would last me a week and get bored of it. Or I might gain a few stones because getting bored of food results in overdosing on roti and Nutella. The jury's still out on that one.

I'm going to let this be a brainfart post.
Whatever so happens to lumber into my mind shall pour out ubiquitously (I have no idea what that word means it just popped into my head and I wrote it down -- It means omnipresent... HAH!)... Like a child with a crumbly cake munching around the house. Oh, the mice shall be pleased.

On to... my cat who is actually a footstool, vacuum cleaner hybrid that has gained sentience.
Did I mention I speak to it as if taking cue from the Ursonate?
A series of growls, chirrups, squeaks and other nonsensical noises.
If cat were a turd with teeth it would look like Domo kun.
I have here a picture of Domo kun simply because I find the dancing turd rather captivating.

Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Mindless brainfarting.
I got that word from Incubus actually and it stuck.

Fiddle dee dee fibibbidy booo...
If you did the two above lines you can expect your screen to be covered in saliva.
Please don't.

Here's another picture of Domo kun because I can and I have...

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto...

Whatever happened to Otto and his amazing stick-men stickstravaganza?

Ow, my stomach muscles hurt.
Stop stabbing me with the invisible pencil, invisible Stan!


.......... Kwii ee! Brrrrrrrrumph!
But seriously, what's the deal with people nowdays?
They're getting really commercial.
Everywhere I turn around people are trying to hug it out like they're best friends with Steve Buscemi. No, not hugging it out... They're buying random shit they don't need is more like.

Hot Topic is not Punk Rock.
Punk Rock is dead.
I dislike whatever they're playing on popular radio.
BFM wins.
ding-ding 89.9 bitchis... In Kuala Lumpur la.
Aaaaaand it's Monday morning.
It's also raining.
It's been raining since, oh, I don't know... 6pm yesterday?
Also, take note that it is but 12:48am.

I should be asleep. I have me a long day tomorrow.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I enjoyed The West Side Story immensely.
More so the shenanigans that comes along with the territory of being disabled.

I love helpful people.
I also love people who lack the ability to make succinct comments resulting in them getting into trouble.
Oh, how enjoyable these people are.

Thanks to Bong's cell-group mate, YJ, for getting us the ticket.
And Bob for being such a great usherer guy.

Show has started and what am I doing?
Figuring out how to negotiate stairs. Two men from the seats above decided to be heroes and well, propped me on a chair and carried me on it (I felt like a Jewish bride sans Hava Nagila blaring in the background) while the warring tribesmen in the show were brandishing their colourful feathers in an act of war/defiance/manly man-ness. I had a pretty comfortable view.
Very happy was I and I kept thanking the men that helped during intermission.
Yes, orang cacat juga suka watch shows at The National Theatre.
It's too bad the tickets are so bloody expensive.
Also, I hope they bring Spamalot here.
I do so want to watch that live.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Suuuuundayyyyyyy, bloooooodyyyyyyyy Sundaaaaaaaaay!

... Is a song... I think.

Anyway, here I sit in front of the laptop for the umpteenth time doing work, reading webcomics and playing Mousehunt and Levynlight on Facebook.
It's not terribly exciting but it keeps me distracted long enough to WANT to do work.

Budget and costing is a pain.
After which is printing printing printing...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I gave up... diets fads are boring and unhelpful. The correct way of losing any amount of extra blubber is still the conventional way of food regulation and exercise.

Moral of the story, kids. Diets are not good for your metabolism.

Much to do today... Much to do.

Friday, May 14, 2010

day four was banana and milk... went fine.
day five is steak...

So far, diets are bad. I feel constricted in what I can and cannot eat, I miss my carbs and I think I gained a stone. Babiface ensues.

Anyway, Bong got me a ticket for The West Side Story at Istana Budaya tomorrow.
Bad thing is, I just chalked up RM116 for it.
Sigh... I can't wait for a steady income.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3 of the GM diet.

Sayur and froot... so I'm cheating to make vegetarian szechuan soup.
YAY YAY... then I'm going out. for games and stuff.

My life is so... predictable! hahahahah...

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 13

Week 13 (10MAY2010)

- Nothing new
- Monthly weak-time a.k.a the red tide is less... uh... weak?
- Ankle pain less.
- Oh, yeah. did I mention I lost a few KILOS... hawhahahahaha...
Day two of GM diet thingy...
Man, I feel like dim sum.

Where are all the people who like dim sum??
I would like to have a monthly dim sum weekend session, please.

Today, on the die-t is vegebabbles and a potato. A... potato. D:
Hungry wey. Also, it doesn't help that I have the physiotherapy, occupational therapy at UH AND then kareoke. :|

Monday, May 10, 2010

Today is day one of the GM cleansing (and weight loss ftw! hahahahaha) diet. I'm in it more for the cleansing than anything else but it does say you lose about 4kg, give or take point five, after a week so let's see if it holds true.

I start off with a weight of 63.4kg. (height of 154cm, yeah, short and round)

Actually, what makes it easier is that my parents are on it as well so I won't have to grumble while the family eats wholesome delicious foodstuffs while I have... unimaginative naturefodder.

There is a possibility that my metabolism will go on strike because of the two days of rabbit food but as with all fruit and veg cleansing, it happens. Thank goodness for teh spa machine. mwahahahaha...

So, wish me luck.
And I haven't had a fast food burger since I said no more McD's. Go me!

Sucker punch in my imaginary lunch though,
Tuesday = kareoke which means all you can eat buffet but alls I can eat is rabbit food.
Friday Night = Naf prolly wants to eat Sushi but it's steak day... :(
I'm not sure what my weekends are like atm. Will update as necessary.

Off to class, now. Cheeries!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Let it be known that if the Zombie Apocalypse cometh, I shall make my way to the Islamic Art Museum to procure for myself some swords and a mallet. Oh and some funkeh clothes. hahahahaha...

You may come if you wish.


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Awrite, everyone knows I am a giant dork pretending to be human so what's another dorky foray?

Psiballs. Yeah, like the Hadouken.
Sounds soooooo awesome... hahahahahahha...

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 12

Week 12 (3MAY2010)

- Nothing much has changed.
- Well, cept I lost a few stones AND herr dokterr said that I look fitter. Go me!
Hung out with Meerrrsss...
Had fun tokkok-ing and made a new acquaintance!

Okay, I admit I'm not a very shy sort of person but I can be very apprehensive in a crowd of more than 7.

Also, if I'm asked to shake mah groove thang.
Because honestly...
My grove thang shakes even if it's not asked to.

Jiggly butt... jiggly wiggley wiggley butt.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Wan's birthday coming up
We're doing a big thing since she's turning 80.

Wow, 80.

Cousins are doing a 10 - 15 minute thing...
Audience participation would be nice too.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

I had a cuddle dream... so strange...
(I'm not telling who with)

That said,
I do miss cuddles.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Obligatory food update: I'm eating maggi goreng.

Now, I don't understand why there is such a pressing need for mothers to want to marry their daughters off. I don't understand the point of nuptials anyway.

I don't see why life has to be circled solely around getting married when there's so many other things to do. You should of course know who this post is about. It's a rant and it starts now.

Just the other night I came home after watching Iron Man 2 at 4AM. I was sent home by the good grace and speedy car of a friend whom had also been asked to send another friend home.

Let me explain the circumstrances...
1. I, when watching movies, don't usually follow the whims of the movie-ticket buyer. I usually request that I the movie end early enough so that I be back home before 1AM. This time though, the ticket buying was a surprise and I took the chance to go watch a movie with 12 other people. People whom, most, I trust with my life.
2. Understandably, some of my friends are working so the movie has to be a night movie because honestly, who has the time to watch movies anymore?
3. We had our usual fajita dinner the same night and we were cooking since 4PM. There were 13 of us.

So, yes, I came home at 4AM, tired, hungry and in no mood to fight and I get yelled at for even coming home.
Sial la.

On a less grumpy note,
If my parents don't spoil me, it's okay because my friends do. hahahahah...

Things I have learnt about myself thus far:
- I most of the time love my friends more than my immediate family because they treat me like a human being and not some expensive burden they have to live with.