Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is for the dirty politicians running around in their panties in Parliament.

You think that you're dumb. I think you're smart. No, wait, I lied. I think you're dumb.
Get it?

Monday, March 30, 2009

To buy:
- Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law (All Seasons DVD Box Set)
- Invader Zim (All Seasons DVD Box Set)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

4 things I fear 2 things I kind of am terrified of but not so much I shit my pants:
- Marriage
- Children

Yes. Those two scare me somewhat.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another strange dream that will not be reiterated. EVER.

I'll be turning 22 in April and I'm not sure whether I wanna do another barbeque.
Two others with April birthdays wanna go Kareoke.
I can't go jamming because I cant find a drummer I like.

I've got artworks to submit before the 27th.
Ivan's left so I'm not sure who'll be lecturing us on Presentation Drawing 2.
Aaaaaaaaand, the genius scheduled all my classes on full for third term.

Babi la genius tu... babi babi babi...

I'm not complaining! It's just that the monkeys have stolen all the pies and I'm hungry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Good morning, kids.

Gifs from Genting.









So there we go.
Fun on a hill.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The world seems to be throwing me younger guys.
Apa ni?


Saturday, March 14, 2009

The sudden realisation that anything a 10th or a 5th of it's actual size is 'cute.'

But it doesn't apply to weiners.
Sorry, boys.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is it about really strange dreams??

On one hand, it's brilliant like Stanley Kubrick.

On the other hand, it's waking up with insane WTFWTFWTFWTF?!

A brief summary of last night's episode:
- Driving
- Two small girls with me in car
- Flood
- Car sinking
- Girls and I escape but stranded on treetops, and itt's really high
- Moving from the top of jungles all the way to safe ground
- Finding a 'tribe' of stupid men who don't understand the meaning of "two-children-are-stuck-in-trees-we-must-help"
- Being topless and not caring
- Being angry and trying to injure stupid men with ball-crush-of-death
- Must be fake balls because male did not even flinch. Giggled even.
- Left in a huff
- Hitchiking
- parents living in a different house and again not caring that "two-children-are-stuck-in-trees-we-must-help"
- rain, again.
- don't remember at what point I stopped being topless
- at the back of Sri Inai Senior school hall
- baju kurung
- male classmates from gradeschool whom I haven't seen for YEAAAAAAAARS
- Wan's house
- Pretending to leave when actually you're just going to walk around the house because you don't find some people worth your time anymore
- Soirees
- Great grand uncles and aunties
- Snubbing selected individuals

And then I don't remember/woke up.
Let me put a few things in perspective:
  • I love rain. It's one of those things that bring me comfort. The harder the rain becomes the happier I feel.
  • I hate taking walks.
  • Being topless scares me half to death.
  • Ball-crush-of-death will always make boys cry.
Kepelikan teramat sangat!
Perhaps I need to learn to lucid dream?

I like Jason Boyd and Audiovent.
'stoo bad they broke up in 2004.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It seems that alot of the kids I know have been afflicted with the fresher's 15... or 20... or 30... 

including me.

Which only means 2 things:
(screams in horror at the hour spent atop a stationary bicycle with really bad seats)
cutting down the food intake
(Screams in horror just because the food is always glorious and now I have to cut portions in half)

chances are, I'd do neither.
Because I'd risk the eventual heart attack before I give up la dolce vita.

I guess that'll be on my eventual tombstone then:
"La dolce vita better than a heart attack she said"

Nudder dream post up in teh sekret blog.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Aaaaaaaand I often think outside the box.
Waaaaaaaaaay outside.
Sampai kotak jadi ball.


Saturday, March 07, 2009

Check out these websites.

and a little spot o coincidence?

They don't know each other by the way.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

The fatherling checked into the hospital for a serious case of tonsillitis last night so today I crammed myself into slight discomfort and stayed there for 12 hours.

Sungguh berdedikasi? or berbodek daddy?

Anyway, as usual, he took 3 days to go and see a GP and another day to figure out that pain when swallowing and a swollen neck means not-awesome and by then, the tonsils were a flourishing farm of strep-throat bacteria. This afternoon though, and after some soup -- ech, hospital food, the pus finally fell off and now his throat is raw. No swallowing anything so he's on the drip and on some painkillers.

I wont be a pest at the hospital tomorrow though, due to the fact that I might go to the MIFF thing again for the other half of the shindig.

Things I hate include 'Commercialites'. Oh, yessirreee...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Here Come the Yuppies!
-Both good reads for laughs!

So I'm prolly gonna spend a small amount of money and my disability discount card to buy a slummy place and turn it into casa de awesomesauce.
Because it's always been just me, me and me.
Maybe some friends...
But most of the time just me.

Prolly in the heart of KL.
Preferably on the ground floor.

I wonder how much them low-cost apartment shitholes cost anyway?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This is just too funny...
To me anyway...

A says:
oh right
never catch full episodes

B says:
leeetleee weeetlee teeensy weeensy sha
*pinches your cheeks
A  says:
okay that calls for a small im back session
okay brb again

B says:

A  says:
k back
whats with the cheek pinchies!
nothing warranted cheek pinchies!!!

B says:
but your little wittle cheeky weekys deserve some pinchy winchy by meey weey

A  says:
im gonna hurt you if you do that for realsy

B says:
hahaha try me

B  says:
right down on your weenie peenie

B says:
my peenie ain't weenie

A  says:
it will be if you try cheek pinchie

And it's obviously an MSN conversation between a friend and I.
it... rhymes... GOOD GOD!

Sunday, March 01, 2009