Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How to annoy your sibling

The objective:
To annoy/harass younger sibling

The Tools:
Door and loved furry animal

Safety Precaution(s):
Keep the door LOCKED at all times until you wish the madness to end.

Make sure the cat is close enough to touch from the small gap at the bottom of the door. Space at the bottom of the door must only allow fingers to go through for ample Kitty safety. Sibling would result in saying a bunch of stuff to make you open the door. Believe NONE.
"Come on... open the door... I won't take the cat, I promise!!! Please, please, please... PLEASE LAH..."
Kitty will undeniably move away from annoying hands and stare at you.
"Human, why are you doing this to me? I'm hungry..."
When you finally decide to open the door because you have better things to do, Sibling would attack poor furry animal with much fury. Cat will stare at you somemore.
"Whosascutewiddleanimal... Youracutewiddleanimal!!!"
And It's all YOUR fault. AHAHAHAHA!!!
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Monday, December 25, 2006

Let's defame the government.

Here's a bunch more 2 cents worth of thought:

-Get rid of CRONYISM. We don't really need monkeys scratching the asses of PMs so that they can get some free money. this is directed to the MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK!

-Get rid of Samy Velu. He's litterally on valium if he thinks that Malaysians can take more of his bullshit. I suggest that the tolls in his bloodvessels cease to work so he can retire... and i dont mean GRACEFULLY.

-Kick lazy Bumis in the arse, especially the ones in PENANG who asked for housing in PRIME AREAS cos they couldn't afford it... OH BOO-FUCKIN-HOO! There's a bloody good reason for it to be called PRIME LAND you fucktards! THIS MEANS YOU ACCUMULATE WEALTH WITH YOUR OWN SWEAT AND BLOOD AND THEN BUY IT! We don't need low cost housing for pathetic miscreants who cannot support themselves in a Prime location.

- Castrate all the facist muslim leaders so that they may never procreate and breed for fear off more facism infecting the world. I don't fucking care if there's a debate on following sunnis or shiites or whatever. I'm a fucking muslim, I believe in the ONE GOD and that's all there is to it.

-Reformat our government because, clearly, there is no seperation of powers whatsoever. Dicey's Laws have so fare been disobeyed and NOTHING is done about it. We don't need the Senate when the Senate is picking shit out of they're own ass. We don't need the House of Commons when they're busy watching their backs from being sacked and whatnot. WHAT WE NEED ARE TRUE REPRESENTATIVES OF OUR OWN PEOPLE.

-We need to kill the cencorship board too. What? Do they think Malaysians are so innocent we'd not hear swear words being thrown around on the streets? Do they think Malaysians are so innocent as to not know the facts of life in sex? Do they not know that everyone woman has tits?
I conclude this ranting with a simple note of reverance to anyone who thinks people should think for themselves. Bumi's should get off their fat ass and start doing work. I'm a Bumi and I'm pissed off with my own kind.

Disclaimer: This happens everywhere else as well. I love Malaysia. I just REALLY LOATHE AND DESPISE THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT.

And Singapore is no better. They've pretty much turned the Prime Ministerial ROle into that of a Monarch. To be given to the oldest son.

Reminder: I'm a Bumi AS WELL AS A Muslim living in Malaysia.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy X'mas!

You know what I find funny? The fact that most Muslims in Malaysia (and it may be rampant in other countries as well) turns a deaf ear and a blind eye to Christmas.

What is Christmas?
It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Notwithstanding we get presents, sing like angles, have Christmas dinners and dress up Christmas trees.

As of right, Islam actually acknowledges the existance of the other prophets (even for the Jews, Christians, etc...) which brings to a point that, true enough, Jesus IS one of the Prophets of God. Therefore, this should mean we should also rejoice the birth of baby Jesus simply as to acknowledge his existance... Otherwise aren't we going against out beliefs of God's Prophets?

See what little but thoughtful my understanding of things that I have. The only reason why, in Malaysia, people are not allowed, scared, or dissuaded to go into other houses of worship or to celebrate other religious fairs is because the people who sit in the government do not want to acknowledge anyone else. I think it's because Malays (and I am one) are so content with whatever the Malaysian government is spoonfeeding us that we cannot even rely on our own reasoning to see what's wrong with anything, because we are so stuck in our ways that we cannot move forward, because we are such facists that we rarely see beyond our asses and finally because we are so incompetent of the world outside that is moving faster than even we can comprehend.

I find that the faster we grasp the true meaning of being MALAYSIAN (and I don't mean 24 hour eating) the faster we stop having an infiority compex and try to incarcerate anyone with a decent enough mind to think with. Malaysia should reverbrate with unity, understanding and acceptence and not bigotry, corruption and facism.

Its amazing how many things you think of when shampooing your hair.
Merry Christmas everyone! Don't have too much eggnog cos we still have New Years' Eve Parties to attend!

Love, Sha.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

say whaaaaaat?!

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Ladies and gents, I don't know who wakes up at 4am to catch a movie in KLCC at 5am but if it's listed then apparently someone does.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to for as it is, I'm too busy snoring.
FYI: Go join Facebook. It's most exciting.

Monday, December 18, 2006

oh your depictions of horror

Mo, i scrimmaged through your blog again... (with your incessant lack of tagboards) I must say... you are truly profound and my god you're not gonna blink and realise you're 39 woman so stop halucinating.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Yesterday... all my toubles seem to far away... and etc...

Yang semestinya,
Bumped into Jibbers at RSGC of all places. And get this: He is second cousins with my fellow Law student, Faisal, who Ezzy is undoubtedly (but trying too get over it) fixated with.

Note: Must get Jibbers to join for a new years' eve sheysha session.

RSGC Teen Party needs a theme next year. Moral of the story: Put me in the comm and you get a smashing good time. Put some MORE thought into it.
Thinking again... I would cease to be a teen. I'll be twenty...
The beginning of the adult-like years. I must retain my moronicism.

My pig, Baz, gila syok main guitar. I condone his behavious even if he did warp my santa hat with that big head of his.

No gambars from the Party. No Gambar with the Jibbers. My Camera temporarily out of order.
"Camera temporarily stoned"

I'm composing a song called 'Tea with Lemon/Honey'.
I'm not that great but bear with me laa...

AAAAAAAAAAAAnd... I have a mini flu of a sorts.

Miss my Bear and Mr. Smile Lines.
Miss my Neenatoots.
They will not be returning to the tanah air for holidays. Rindu to the TAHAP MAKSIMA!

Happy Birthday to DD! I HEART you. But you already know that don't you sweetie??


Thursday, December 14, 2006



Add on: Backdated pictures

There seems to be a backlog of photos... So I think I'll just post a few... not in chronological order and captionise it for reference. Hehehehe...

Self Explanatory.

I now know how Thais create names for their foodstuffs... if its a shit filter... name it a shit filter. If its something your kids hate... name it after the expression you shriek if we force you to do something you dont want to.

Me and Mich at Delicious Posted by Picasa

Adrian's "special" socks for formal days

Dyl, Sara and I. And in my mouth is my own candycane pacifier.

Whatthemelon versions of Ms. Vijaya, Ms. Kay Mi, Mr. Mark Goh and Mr. Kitson Posted by Picasa
Ms. Kay Mi: Oh my lord... I have a ribbon on my whatthemelon head...

Ms. Viji: I... *sob* I don't know what to say... *snorts*

Mr. Mark: Smile laaa... Waa... I'm so round ah?

We vent on Kay Mi's melon head... death to her evil time tests... Posted by Picasa
Mr. Kitson: I will show you people GBH (grevious bodily harm)... WAH-CHAA!!!

Me, my pacifier and huge melons. HAHAHAHAH!!!

We know my Dancing Monkey (Adrian) LOVES his lecturers...

This 500 different levels of wrong... Posted by Picasa

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My overdue pictures of CandyCaine and the amp.

Candi Comics
Taken from a very talented comic artist: Starline X Hodge
And Jessca... I'm not poking fun at you... I swear to god!
I guess thats all I could dish up so far...
Next batch of pichas will be from the December birthday gathering at Bukit Bintang.
Sha Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 's her El Juans to teensy Little bits.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I sit here feeling a teensy but smug.

Macam tu laa when you stuff into your pets face that you have an electric and he doesn't.

Just got Incubus's new album Light Grenades yesterday.
It's a lot less bouncy and alot more meaningful compared to the last 3.
It's their SOP to change it up every so often.
I think it's brilliant.
Songs to look up into is Dig and Anna Molly (pronounced anomaly).
Chun gila.

I can play the first riff and still figuring out the second riff for Anna Molly.

I HEART Mike Einziger. His riffs are good... and his poofy hair is cute too...
But these people don't exist in the real world do they.

*slaps self back into the real world*

Here I am thinking about the thought provoking meaning of life, which isn't 42 by the way. It's something to learn when you pick up good quotes from a song and you live by it like you read it out of the holy books. It's real life biting you in the ass if you start sputtering streams of teary eyed poetry from the deepest parts of your soul. It's amazing that as you do you feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise. Cold sweat and shivers. The things you usually put a stop to before it enflames and engulfs you in the sheer mass of possibility amountable only if you had put your best foot forward instead of being so half-assed.

Zen brain farts attack you in the waking hours of the night or before you close your eyes to sleep. Brain farts that make the world of sense to you at that time but you forget as soon as you wake up the next day with the sun on your face. You never wanted to be in any position that may remotely be severing your hopes of true living but it happens to the best of us. It happens to the worst of us. It happens to us. It's perfectly fine to drift around in your wellbeing but know that every good thing comes to an end.


Sidenote: Today was ever so interesting. I shall write about it tomorrow before I go to Planet Hollywood since I haven't yet got the pictures from michelle.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Deus Ex Machina

My new baby, the IBANEZ SAS32FM-TL, needs a name. It's navy blue (almost black) and has mother of pearl inlays. I'm so happy and i lovelovelove my grandfather for spending on me...

The amp is an Ibanez too.

HEY RAI!!! Have fun spending x'mas in Russia... kita di sini filled up with rindu tau!

I did the Negaraku (M'sia's national anthem) in crunch and you have nooooo idea how bleeding cool it sounds...

Off to play more stuff! Bye~!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Dah Habis?

It's 15 minutes to 1 in the am. I had a cup of mocha which jennifer made that had a very debatable taste. She workd in Alexis by the way. Nice to see the face of an old friend.

So like this lah, dah drink the coffee and now I can't sleep. kind of stupid cos I drank it so I could stay awake into the wee hours of the morning to do my Criminal Law Assignment. I finished it at around 12-ish. Not so wee in the morning hours so I'm feeling quite redundant.

Coffee makes me annoying. Really.

Sid's band's demo cd just arrived on monday and he's so happy. It's good stuff. How amazing it is when you put your mind up to something you really want to do... I'm proud of him. His band is called Bleak Investment.

They have a myspace profile...
Go and check em out.

Sidenote: I know you think that Bleak is trully what it is... It's not. Don't be a shit.

FYI: This isn't a video... It's just a song... hahahah!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

This is Baz.
He is my pig.
Oink, Baz... Oink.

This is his picture,
His picture is great,
I guess...

He is not gay.
He just looks it...
Cos his picture is great?

Baz... you know I heart you kan?
I also heart Larry.
And I know you're like damn bangang hearing about it too...
*smirks* Posted by Picasa

Add on: Gembiraness

I am so blardy GEMBIRA.
But I have to go back to reading Law Commission bleeding Reports and the Justice's Response.
Damn assignments are a frecking kill-joy sial...
But the above picture is the reason why I'm so happy for the moment.
Sin, you Dipwad... BE HAPPY FOR ME!!!
And Phil... I know you're just trying to 'help'...

Don't you think it's funny how some people's friends become those people's friend's better friends?
Don't worry... In a few weeks this post will be completely confusing to me too.
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And the guy who Baz told me to see at Bentleys for some help is gila babi hot. His name is Larry. Sabahan guy. Sungguh hot... and get this, he's 22!
If you tak caya... go to Bentleys and ask for Larry.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

sponsor comm!!!

Radies and Gentermannn...

If you are outspoken, sociable, business minded and knows how to work in a team without completely neglecting your uni assignments here is a job for YOU!

Sponsorship Committee members needed.

Please email me (Aishah Roose) at hantuayer@hotmail.com

It helps indefinitely if you have viable contacts.

I need a:
Secretary to do minutes and write letters
Possibly a treasurer of some sort to keep track of every check we get to cash in
and MOST IMPORTANTLY people to run around with me meeting potential sponsors.

For those who don't want to join but may have a list of potential sponsors that I should look at, please don't be scared. Tell me!


P/S: If we get this thing running, your beautiful posts will be on your, now, very flattering CV. And you will have contacts for future reference.

Friday, December 01, 2006

A Life of a Child

This is for Ezzy and her lost niece.


Rain drops on her head,
Sun shone on her face,
Swimming though the woumb,
She'll never touch the surface.

So long the wait of eternity,
Never to feel another human being,
The unjust, the unfair,
It's not without continuity.

The passing, the death,
The heavenly assent,
She will not be forgotten,
Never the first child's breath.

You'll have to get the story off of her. It's not my place to speak of it.
Condolences to the family.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

no name post 2

*golek golek on the floor*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

no name post 1


I'm pretty sure I fudgiggedy'd up my Legal Method time test... got lah for about 3 questions I wrote bullshit... Lyddat lyddat lah...

As what Mr. Mark Goh says...
"These UK clowns ah... very the terrer-menerrer one..."
Thought you should know.
His lingo-melingo is awesome.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And I absolutely forgot what I was gonna say.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
... *thinks*
I remember!!!
I was gonna say say how much I Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Emir for passing me his seniors notes for law...


Saturday, November 25, 2006

that time of month...


Yes... something on that time of month...

MSN Conversations:

Sha *TAZPIC/FUYOH Council™* {Sugar Tyrant} says:
its about that time of the month hence spaced...

Shrav says:
ah good

Sha *TAZPIC/FUYOH Council™* {Sugar Tyrant} says:
what's good about that being the time of month? it sucks okay!!!
i feel like the life's been sucked out of me and im running around in circles all the time and then i fall of a cliff and stay in mid fall only to find that im about to be thrown to the other side of the room
...its not supposed to make sense

Shrav says:
so your having fun eh?

Sha *TAZPIC/FUYOH Council™* {Sugar Tyrant} says:

Shrav says:
it's ok yesterday was fun enough

Sha *TAZPIC/FUYOH Council™* {Sugar Tyrant} says:
if you think utter chaos and being in semi depression is fun then whoopeee!
oh yea
yesterday rocks!

So now you know why i made plenty missed jokes, felt like a cow on platform heels, spaced out in the midst of an arguement or just plain spazzed for the day. Excuse me if you begin to stare as if I just burped the ABC's. You're forgiven.

Add on:


Happy Birthday to Kynatoots and Usaid!!! You're all old! HAHAHAHA!!!

Went to inhale sheysha again last night with the guys... *smiles*
When you say bonding sessions with your old classmates, nothing makes it better amplified by sitting in some overdressed arab place which had an old James Bond movie playing (pretty sure it was Octopussy kot...) and a sheysha pot being hoarded by yours truly. And thanks Vegeman for footing my bill!!! *smiles even more*

I have in my hand the "To Kill A Mockingbird" book. Just bought it a week ago. Haven't actually started to read it. To be honest, I've been stalling. Serious ass malasing session this week...

I've kind of started my Criminal Law assignment. Sounds kind of open ended, the question... But I shall persist! It's mostly about the whole homicide shindig.

Oh! Lemme tell you what happened 3 days before I had to give in my Contract Assignment...
Pasang-ed the computer, clicked my thumbdrive icon, had loads of junk in it cos of media player's auto sync (stupid miscreant thing!) deleted the extra music files.
Realised that had accidentally deleted Assignment along with it after much searching through files and swearing a shit load.
Swore some more at stupid mistake.
Looked through computer for helpful back-up file. None found. Damn.
Had panic attack and swore alot more.
Whimpered and panicked.
Stopped panicking, shrugged and went to sleep.
Next morning, did rangka for the whole assignment and did a shoddy one day workfull with video games stuck in between.
Hope it's good cos I realised Kay Mi is my tutor.
The end.

Let's see what fun and amazing events happen for my Criminal!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

contract is done done done


Whoopsy! Was reminded by that peetree thing from Land Before Time ke hapa tah.
Tell me you remember Land Before Time... OMGWTFBBQ!!!

Okay, so that's the end of contract assignment. Next up is the Criminal assignment which I promise to get a head start on. Cross my heart hope to choke on spaghetti. I take that back. It's a scary thought.

Fahmy is putting me through the guilt trip... *cries*
He's making me go watch departed... I dont wanna watch departed. I wanna watch Kaki Gembira! Vege boy called it gay. I'm girl. It's okay for me to like cute things. But moving on!!!

I had forsaken Huzzy for the day cos I was so bummed out when I did the assignent and too relived to care after that. Huah! Sugguh bersyok sekarang!

Anyhows, If anyone knows of good Hotels with high ceilings and can fit around 350 ppl... Please please please tell me!

Love you all!

Sunday, November 19, 2006



Apparently not. So says two out of six, or something as small, people who did my poll... I guess they were just being mean and much prefer the boring old blog that simply says what one had to eat that particular day.

I had maggie for dinner and several other types of food for lunch as I went to yet another open house today. See how mundane that sounds without all the swearing and dirt kicking on subject matter?

One thing I hope I will be able to do though, is wright sensibly and comically enough to get noticed as a blog which is trully noteworth, or blogworthy... whatever. There are many whom I absolutely adore when they write. Nothings ever dull in their ranting sessions or mundane drawlings. It always sounds like a hell of alot more fun then what I'm doing even if all they're doing is having marmite on toast. I hate marmite.

Speaking of writing, I have a spot of writers block going on... all i can see on my contratc paper is some definitions and that annoying line thing that kees blinking and blinking as if it's saying "come ooooooooon jackasss... Write something before I give up and start messing around with your head by making the computer go haywire..."

Yea. Scary stuff that blinking thing.

Things done this week:
-Pissed off Kay Mi again and I wasn't the oooonly one....
-Watched the babes play futsal in PeeJay which made me wish I could play as well...
-Gone to more open houses which begins to irk me
-Made friends with alot of people and got their cell phone numbers
-Gone to the gym
-Done about 1000 words into my assignment
-Goyang-ed kaki, watched TV, lepaked, played sims and slept
-Shopped for shoes, bags and books
-Had Curry Laksa
-Got duit raya
and finally...
-Lost my sunday.

Yes. I lost my Sunday. I woke up from a nap at around 5pm and wondered if today was Saturday so I aimlessly walked around the house in search of the newspaper to find out the day and decided to just check my phone. On further inspection, It IS Sunday and I effectively lost it. Don't ask me how. I spent an hour trying to figure that out and gave up.

You know what? I think I'll force some thought into the assignment and hopefully have guilt free sleep.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

ke tahap maksima


Referring to how i still am disturbingly loathing my contract assignment and how i'm disturbingly almost broke ass.

But! Happier note:
-Ate at Penang cafe. Had Mee Kari. Absolutely yummy after a week-long craving period.
-Shopped with Mo. Bought 3 books (Tom Holt's Open Sesame, To Kill A Mockingbird, Hide this french book 101)
-Went back with parentals to KLCC and bought my 'mooting' shoes (i.e.: Sensible and professional looking adult-like flats... It's got RIBBONS!) AND a really nice bag to shove all my things in... It's got compartments that make pigeon holes look rediculous. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Naf Adds in:
Ahahahahhaha.... im filling in for my sister. She has sum Big business to do... *hints* anyway.... okok... i sound lame. Not as sophisticated as my sister laaaa... Shah bought sort of ballet shoes ish looking like thing with a ribbon on it... Im repeating wot she wrote aha... But it's a big thing laa.. i mean like u know. She never sorta wore these kinda shoes. I never thought she'd actually think of buying shoes like those. I'ts very feminine. She's the sort that does... erk that's so gay and would never be seen in skirts cept for when she's in her raya clothes or at the beach wearing the beach tie up thing. Dunt really knoe whatsit called kk. And! Probably she would erase this. Or not. Aha. Shit! tHAT was 1 minute!! Who does big business that fast!! Im off!

End Naf's add-ins.

Sakit perut maa...

But back to topic tadi...
Consideration is when I put my foot up whiteman's crack.
100% marks!!! YAY!! YAY!!! tipu.
My first part of the Ass is still on paper all scribbly and shittus.

\______/ \_______/


piece of shits... *shakes head* must clorox your brain ady. Until PUTIH!

Coffee punya pasal.


Add on:

Oui... fils de pute. fils de pute fils de pute fils de pute!

Salut! Doui de neuf? neuf le fils de pute... Il a me gonfles.
Oui, oui...

A tout mon chou!

Sedih kan? I've drivelled all my sanity into the contract paper and left my brain in the hands of a french phrase book thing. Anyone wanna go do french classes on saturday at Allianz France?

By the by... fils de pute means sonoffabitch. What a fantastic way to start french classes.

And I'm feeling sooooooo lethargic and le tragic...

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006




Can someone PLEASE get me the facts for the McFarlane case and the White Case... I'm damn malas. I have the judgements though... and it may be worth a shit but rite now, I'm buggered if I have to read it.

Hang on, I think I found it... Nevermind then.

* * *
I have spoken to the fockwit. Further investigation is needed and no lucrative evidence backs up claims but I trust my boys to not be criminals and lie to me. Therefore, I shall treck on my search for the truth!

* * *
Star trek...

* * *
Hey look! An american version of the White v. White case... and it's about the internet!!!

* * *
*yawns and scurries off somewhere*
*returns with stuff*

* * *
Finally, I'm amazed that some people cannot spot a hint even if it slapped them in the face... and she thinks other people are weird. I pity Jess abit.
Trully, I do!

Love you but hates work,

Sunday, November 12, 2006

quotes to think about


"So who went out and joined us for the Democratic National Convention? I've never seen so many fucking police in my whole life. It's like everybody knows when everybody went out there, the only thing we were out there to do is express how much we hate both the Democrats and Republicans because they sold this fucking country out. And by expressing our rights to resist, what do they do, they open fire on the crowd. I don't care what fucking television station said the violence was caused by the people at the concert, those motherfuckers unloaded on this crowd. And I think it's ridiculous, considering none of us had rubber bullets, none of us had M16s, none of us had clubs, none of us had face shields. All we had was our fists, our voices, our microphones, our guitar, our drums and our bass. And anytime we get beaten in the streets for protesting, we take it to the court system, and the court system don't wanna hear it. Look what happened to Amadou Diallo in New York, they shot that brother 41 times and let all four officers go. It's time for a new type of action in this country."
-Zack De La Rocha formerly of RAtM-

Me: You know the system is screwed when your rights to life arre being infringed upon little by little. It's happening now but it's so minute that we pass it by without even a whimper of rebuttal. It starts now and soon we will become mindless free working slaves in the gist of believing that, once, we were the free and unpredictable forces of nature. Never more.

"Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized."
-Adolf Hitler-

Me: Therein lies the beginning of the epitomisation of truth and perfection. The death of free thinking and imagination.

"I like the dynamics of life, ... I like it when it rains, and suddenly the sun comes out, and I like it when it's really silent and then a loud booming noise comes through. Or vice-versa."
-Serj Tankian of System Of A Down-

Me: It's amazing that we still have some very wonderful thinking people. It's not often that people stop to appreciate the little things in life like the calm before a storm.

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
-Oscar Wilde-

Me: That goes for alot of other countries for which no asian countries mingle with and for that... We Asians should be proud for what civilisation we had before 'they' took it from us.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
-Mahatma Gandhi-

Me: It's quite a shame that we can substitute the word Muslims and Allah with Christians and Christ respectively.

That Ladies and gents is from the noisy woman's mouth. If you don't like it. Nobody cares. My opinions stand resolute against all matters of brainwashing.

Judge me then,
Sha of the Noisy Mouths

Friday, November 10, 2006

three to go


So ja... Consti&admin assignment is done ady... Next one to haunt me is Contract. The dryest piece of work I'll ever have to do...

-Prasad... When's your last paper for the A's?
-Huzzy... What's this about a guitar?

Back to contract...
Cases to read who's names i remember but have no idea why: White v. White
I haven't read the question yet. HAhahahaha!!!

Watched Prestige. Not my cup of tea... long winded revenge-ish kind of movie... haish... Don't watch. What I DO wanna watch, though, is Happy Feet.

Jess's birthday coming up :D

Many things are shocking. But I'm not in liberty to tell you.
Sorrey... S'not my rules...

I'm le tired now... cheers

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

breakfast at dinner


It's about 2 days away from the due date of my Constitution and Administrative Law assignment. Exact time of handing it over would be Friday between 10am to 12pm.
*In guffaw*

I'm about midway through my last thousand words and it's all over... hang on abit, I'll get to the point after a longwinded narrative! Keep your pants on!

Where was I? Ah, yes.
As you all know, I'm have a frightfully short attention span for things relating to assignments and studying. Now I wished i finished it a week ago. BOO!

Fine, I'll skip to the punchline if you insist. Now, would you stop making such inherent and horrid noise while I'm trying to talk?!

Because the constitution of countries like the UK and Malaysia are so long winded, unresponsive... hang on a bit, It's not the constitution that's the problem really... It's the persons working in the false pretext of serving his/her nation. From what my learned collegue had pointed out to me a few days ago, the constitution is actually quite wonderful. Almost to the extent that one might call utopian-like.
*further guffaw*

No, utopia is not a country somewhere in Africa... You're thinking of Ethiopia. Twit.

Anyway, my point is that if we weren't governed by scared, shrivelled up, cowering old men
(or false pretexted government servant-monkeys, whatever makes you happy...) our nation would be undoubtedly happy, healthy and all that jazz.

And my point? My brain is on the fritz because I have to make sense of all these disillusioned rules and regulations so far fucked up by our "superiors" (apes).

Therefore, Fritziness equals disability to function coherently thereby causing myself to make pancakes with MY special peach sauce, which is a breakfast food to be eaten in the morning, at 8pm, PEE EMM which means post meridian (or something like that) and in orang biasa terms: Night, malam, noche, eh... what's 'night' in chinese?

Don't you all feel hungry now? *smirks*

Sha of the Brain Fritzicality.

-If there were a word making class. I would be teaching it. HAHAHAH!!!
-I still hadn't gotten around to speaking english with the fockwit. Must do it soon. In hopes that he checks his damn email.

Monday, November 06, 2006

i smell a rat


... and it happens to be on you.

Word of the week: Fockwit {Don't ask}

Catchphrase for the day: Use as a shield and not as a sword {See Promassory Estoppel}

Overused phrase of the month: Open the floodgates of litigation {We all gonna dieded}

Exam Killed: Criminal Law classes/tutorials for 2 weeks. {Kitson has exams}

I say: Go kill Legal skills you fockwits! {Cos it's wasting my time}

Donuts: are funky foods {With the hole in the middle}

Rediculous: like this post {It's a phase}

It's no wonder the Fockcwit is a fockwit. What I hear of him isn't very pleasant. Of course, this to be clarified further with the babenesses I haven't chatted about him with.

There maybe reasons...

a) The babenesses are thoroughly jealous of the Fockwit.
b) The fockwit deserves the fockwit title because he is indeed a fockwit with fockwiticality stapled all over his ass.

But everyone agrees that the fockwit is kind of cute.

Sidenote: Consti assignment is asswhooping me!!! *cries*

Thoughtable Thought: I wish I could write well enough to have the ISA riding up my grill, don't you? *smirks*


Ladies and Gents! We 'ave Pictoors from Pluck!

Kynz, Tati and I in our seats.

Viola and violin signing stuff.

Roland with Pluck!

Tati named them for us...
Friend #1 is Yog Lai
Friend #2 is Roland
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

avast ye! hallowe'en be over arr!!


Ladies and gentleman, I return with STUFF!

They say that pictures are worth a thousand (maybe more) words... I say put a caption and it's the parsley on the spaghetti... *beams*

There it is... the thing that greets you as you enter the 7th Floor.

There's a focken line! You monkeys ACTUALLY KNOW how to queue up!
{Ms. Vasantha in the withc getup. So awesome.}

Hoodlum/Terrorist on the 7th floor.

Vasantha's kid wants to be part of scary movie 5 eyh?
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Me with the face paint a'la Heavy Metal Band (nothing to do with black metal you know...), my hand covering Alina's face, next to Alina is Dylan 'Wan Kenobi', Li anne with the flower on the head, an injured Greater Goh and the icing on the cake... GHANDI Gene.

You know how much I fucking love you all!
Dylan at the back, Adrian 'Lactate Boy' as the very morose mime, Li anne and Greater Goh.

An eerie haallway with a mime that makes you piss your pants... laughing.

Look! It's Ms. Vasantha, Gary 'Meow' and Midget Scream!
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Encik Amir with a kidnapped witch hat... I have no clue where it came from.

Aric in his evil ugly-as-sin face fix doctor from hell... and he holds a butter knife. WATCH OUT!

Lisa and 'dude with big hair.
Quote Unquote Lisa:
I can be anything you want. Secret agent ke, Alias ke, porn star ke...

Li anne, Greater Goh and Sarah 'Devil'
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Another eerie hallway with ghosts and gouls to spice up your evening.

Judge 'Hangman' Pickels meets his match: Judge Pumpkin. Jengjengjeng!!!

Trick or Treaters

Michelle 'Copper', Charlaine 'Gypsy', Me 'Heavy Metalfest-er', Sin Yew 'Clown/Joker/Jester', Adrian 'Mime', Arch 'Sexy Witch', Zaharah 'Hantu cina' and Dylan 'Jedi Knight' without full outfit which was left on table while picha taking. *smirks*
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Last door of the haunted house: Sin Yew and the Big Bad Pavan!

Doesn't this scare you? It didn't I...

You know who's being the most awesome bunch of peoples ever!!!
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Andrew 'Frankenstein', Noel and the dude that I don't hang out often with.

You'll neva catch me coppas... hwahwahwa!!!

"These lines are killing me!!! I must fatten them... I must!!!" Grimaced Grace before we all popped by with the camera and attacked her smiling face with our evil flash.

"Hang on a bit... We don't want to ruin you're pretty face now do we? Yes we do! NYAHAHAHA!!!"
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Highlight of the event: Adrian poked me with Dylan's light'stabber' thing and i attacked him with my pinches of FURY!!! Leaving Adrian mime-ing cowardice at the corner on the floor. HA-fockein-HA!

Alaa... there's loads more pichas HERE. Pichas from the whole affair that I didn't get because I had to rush off home and mandi and rush off again to Bangsar Shopping Complex to watch PLUCK! which, might I add, is most AWESOME!!! Everyone should go watch it before they leave! There's just waaaaaaaaaaay too much to tell and becasue we weren't allowed to take pics during the show, I cannot show you anything... so too bad! *smirks*
But we did take pichas with the cast AFTERWARDS... =D
