Sunday, December 11, 2011

My hair that once had blond streaks is now in the process of becoming red. Hells yeah!

There are several things that are driving me crazy at the moment, a few of which will be written down in my ranty secret blog of ranty-bloggyness because well, I can.

10 minutes before I wash the gunk off my head to reveal some sort of red hue. I'm not quite sure yet what to expect aside from it being red. Trivial. Consider this a random update post to tell you that I'm doing well here in KL. Spoke to Zi and she pretty much convinced me to go register for the RSGC membership as a long term investment and free-time killer. Ordinary membership in one of the most prestigious golf clubs in the heart of KL. Rubbing shoulders with the other bigwigs will be a daily occurrence. And three generations of my family already being members since the end of the world wars. AND and that the hall of fame already has several names I am overly familiar with. I grew up there and made lifetime friends there therefore I want my kids to do the same. I love RSGC. Everybody is somebody there so there's no brown-nosing or no-class OKBs, just friendly faces everywhere.

Add on after lunch:
Went for a year-end prize giving ceremony lunch thing at the Fairway. Didn't get to eat at the Rotunda cos Zi was still sleeping. Oh,well.

My hair is red :D

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