Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pavlovian Mind Control

Today, a friend of mind got the tail end of an inspirational pep-talk gone sour.
Naturally, she became disheartened and I'm pretty sure she cried a river too.

Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to remind you that life is nothing short of a miracle. In other words, it sucks balls but you live through it because really, you have nothing better to do and death is totally out of the question. So, every day you wake up forcing happy thoughts into your mind -- which is what I do anyway -- because happy thoughts create good vibes even if you made it up. Playing pretend has it's drawbacks though as people don't expect you to be happy all the time. I mean, how could you smile when someone says that they have cancer? Insensitive jerk!

Wake up. Life isn't peachy. Life isn't magical -- but it could be. Life is DEFINITELY NOT all it's cracked up to be. Life is one big accident. Deal with it. Make yourself better because other people cannot do it for you. They can give you a shoulder to cry on and give you a positive pep talk though.

I should stop giving positive pep talks because sometimes it's a lie but googly eyes segway people from the truth faster than I salivate to the word 'steak'.

I'm hungry and salivating because I said 'steak' and this is not a rant.


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