Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Taken from my Livejournal sekret blog to confirm that I can be too funny (to myself):
I have a panel in my head much like the UN or the senate... or the board of executives.

They have arguments over such executive decisions as 'Pee now or pee later?' and 'Cake?'

Well for a few weeks now This argument has been discussed copious amounts of times. It's at the top of the agenda pile and is summarised as 'To exercise?'

The real answer is 'Yes,' but obviously the motion is bombarded by 'but's and if making excuses to not exercise was an Olympic sport it would be a huge irony and I would've won the gold medal... thrice... on the same day.

My biggest excuse is that the stationary bicycle is the devil and I'd rather spend some money on a treadmill, a top of the line one.

Things I have learnt about myself (but never managed to compile):
- I HATE wet toilets and bathrooms.

Things I have to do today:
- Go open savings account in bank and transfer money to tunemoney.
- Read book (will start soon)
- Package chocolates to give to grandmum and aunts for taste test (forgot)
- Go to grandmums house with materials for Spaydrotherapy Machine (ended up just going for dinner)
- Do Urgent Evoke task 2, or at least think about it very carefully. (Finished all the quests instead)

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