Sunday, February 28, 2010

How do you define the line between Gods and Demons?
A friend of mine said that the line is human but sadly he missed the whole idea posed by the question.
One man's meat is another man's poison is what I'm getting at.

How do we know that the Gods we worship now weren't the Demons that were once feared?
How do we know that the Demons we so label these days weren't worshipped on a pedestal of light?

We don't.
We have faith that whatever we do now is right.
We think that as we progress onto the newer generations we learn more, we know more but our understanding of the world, of the beauteous surroundings are so limited that in a split second we could find ourselves going from an alleged path of righteousness into the abyss of oblivion.
Do you know what it is to test the waters of belief?
Of disbelief?
I expect not.
How can one God be so defiant as to deny relief from suffering, from angst, from disillusionment, from lack of empathy and yet the same God be stated as just and all forgiving?
How can one Demon be so charitable as to aide into the path of light, teach undue wisdom, preach insurmountable acceptance and yet be called vile and destructive?
The weighing scale is never in alignment.
It's always tipped just slightly to one side, in favour of one option, off with her head.
The Lady of Justice is no more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction so we wait, the world of mortal peril.
We wait for silence to befall the Earth once more.

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