Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcome to an evening of angst and general bitch-fitting...

Item 1:
How is it that Malays are, generally, SO STUPID that they perceive EVERYTHING to be detrimental to the way Islam is practised in this country and feel THREATENED by it so much so that I couldn't even play MONOPOLY DEAL (A simple card game played with Monopoly cards created by Hasbro) in Pelita because some DIPSHIT thought it was poker cards?

Item 2:
How is it that Malaysians are SO chicken shit that they cannot WALK UP to a person they have issues with and SORT IT OUT between THEMSELVES? Instead they have to get someone else to bring up a point which is completely REDUNDANT in order to escape humiliation?

Item 3:
Why must I PMS like Dewi Kali herself and want to kill almost every other person?

All good questions which I cannot answer without a forum of 20 people and a unanimous vote. Sounds Malaysian right? Yes, well, I'm not Malay. I'm a Nusantara or Kelantanese. GET IT RIGHT.

Also wik,
If metal pisses you off...
POP bloody well pisses ME off.
I FUKKEN HATE *insert pop 'artist's name here*

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