Thursday, February 04, 2010

Deadpan Vs. Bonne

(Dark room resonating voice, two women in monochromatic colours based on their names. Toggle on radio dials emitting bits of talk shows, static and random music.)

Red: Wait, wait. Stop the dial...

Blue: What? Here?

Red: No, that's just static. I thought I heard a celebrity's head implode on itself...

Blue: *chuckles* I'm sure that really happened.

Red: You amuse me, really.

Blue: Do I? I amuse myself frequently.

Red sighs as the dials continue turning. Sound of explosions enter the dial and Blue stops playing with the dials.

Blue: Deep in thought now are we?

Red: I contemplate.

Blue: You always are contemplating... What is it this time?

Red: Bombs.

Blue: You can't say that word in planes.

Red: Well aware but what if I wanted to say 'Bons'?

Blue: Like, Bon-bons or Ricky Martin bons?

Red: 'Bonne Nuit'... Who know's one day we'll be on a plane and I wanted to bid you good night?

Blue: Hardly.

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