Sunday, October 01, 2006

oh dear god.


Never ever tell a girl that she reminds you of your ex. It's just wrong.

But bergayut sampai pukul 4 pagi is okay and I'm 100% sure my phone bill just skyrocketed this month.

Btw *muka serious*, something happened last night that proved to me how sad ones existance can be. One might think that ones family is sane and all that jazz but the reality is there will be one who will wreck the wonderful sonority of life and bring shittism a new meaning. First of all: It's embarassing. Second of all: It's hateful.
My dear, dear Prasad... It's not about you okay. jangan perasan.

Moving on... here be pichas of the trip to Ng Shan Mau & Co. (the auction place lah)

Yea yea... so it's only one picture... I'll upload the rest as soon as i can. Was fiddling with the new program I signed myself onto... some photo program lah, don't be such a jackass.

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