I made chocolate eclairs... yay me!!! i have no pichas because I ate it all.
*squints and laughs loudly*
Kidding... It's not very pretty but it tastes DEVINE...
Now then... I have a new hoodie!!! yay!! yay!!! i think i'll take pichas...
*runs away to take pichas and returns with a smug grin*
I also took some of the NEW law books that i bought. Cost the parentals a whopping nine hundred something... ouchies. Why are books so expensive?
The pattern on my hoodie... Why laa would i take a picha of a hoodie. You know what it looks like. Looks like a standard hoodie laa... lerrrr...
My law books...
Here's a picha of the bulan. Enda told us there was gonna be an eclipse. We came out too late... damnit.
Here's Azman and his ollie.
Yea laa, yea laa... So that is all...
-Alexis On Fire is some good shit.
-My minions miss me... Poor things. LOL!!!
P/S: Why do people keep calling me the DEVIL????
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