Friday, September 29, 2006

black coffee


I look at myself in the mirror every morning while brushing my teeth and I think... I'm one of those people you have to actually like to want to get to know forever and ever. Like that black coffee you see your father drink every day and when you take a sip your eyes fall out just because you're not used to the bitter taste. I fear that the ones i've only come to know for a little while may one day become sick of me and I start to wonder that one day I would become sick of them too.

I stop and ponder. Who are these people who are able to jump into any social clique without a care in the world and have people automatically fall in love with them? Personally, I do think I'd have a problem if everyone happened to fall in love with my personality but its enviable nonetheless.

I revel in the fact that luck menifests itself in something so unimaginably horrid that you think it's unlucky and then, as everything unfolds like pieces of origami swans on a beatiful placid lake you smile as everything may not be as bad after all. The lake may be placid but the crocodiles that live under will never fathom to ever hurt you. For fact, you may be the luckiest person alive even if you dont have everything everyone else has. I smile as I realise that my life is indeed wonderful and all that comes with it is truly a blessing.

I may not believe in love, or rather, the love spoken by man and woman is this day and age but I do indeed believe in friendship and the bonds it creates with my fellow people.

I now live in constant sunlight even if it may seem like a cloud without a silver lining had, at that moment, only cast a shadow... a mere shadow of doubt. I can live.

On a less serious note:

The Kelantanese accent is AWESOME!!! One day, when we're all working adults, I wish to go out and have a spot of coffee with everyone and start talking in that wonderful pantai timur accent. Its so lahflyyyyyyyy!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... I still want a tattoo.

An 'Aishah Goes Zen' production. *grins wide*

Thursday, September 28, 2006

minumlah redbull!


I'm hungry and ill. I must remind myself to make my lemon-honey tea later beefore i go to bed... I have neglected to do so since the flu started attacking my sistem. Damn communist flu bug... LEAVE MY PEACEFUL WHITE BLOOD CELLS BE!!!

Anyway, I said I'd write article for the Ed board regarding the Auction trip. I've done it and i hope they like it. *hopehopehope*

I put myself up for as the MC of the Halloween party too... what am i getting myself into? Haiyooooo!!!

Anyway, Mich G, pass me them Auction Pichas!!!

The Assignment Commeth and there is hell to pay. Ahahahaha... shit... one month to complete everything lerr...

I'm gonna have a nap. My head hurts.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

are in order...


Congratts to my darling Michelle G and Nadia for winning President and Secretary respectively. I'm so proud of you guys even if i didn't do much...

Another funny article...

Yes... ending the world... one erection at a time... LOL!

Amazinf what people come up witt... i just wished i had thought of it first.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006



Here... click the link below... you'll understand.,9865,1432991,00.html

Therein lies 10 different kinds of nasty.

Spoke to Mark. He's having fun NOT getting hammered in his campus's night life...

Quote Unquote:

"It was noisy outside all evening... music talking etc...
but then at 11 something i heard really loud screaming and shouting
so i looked out of the window and i saw a guy running across the courtyard without a shirt
then i noticed he was also without any other item of clothing...
there were abt 5 or 6 of them running butt naked across the courtyard... must have been really stoned... "

Now the reality of frat boys come into play... HEY! Lets all go get HAMMERED and then run around the courtyard in the freezing british darkness and yell outl loud like apes! LETS!!!

Tomorrow is the law department election... Good luck to those who are running. I love you all but I have to pick only ONE in the end... sorry to the rest of you regardless of how touching your speech is.

I look forward to calling the new Prersident 'Mon Capitan.'

Good god... i'm supposed to knock out now... damnit... Cheers then...

Oh, yea... Kay Mi brought the T2's to an auction for defaulted property... much fun! Will put up pichas as soon as i get them from Mich G.

Love, love!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Donut boy


hahahhaa... inside joke with Mo. It's got to do with teeth... hahahahaha!!!

*runs off to feed fish* OMG... my fish tengah berak.

Gab's girlfriend is pretty. Cursessssssss... *stab of envy*

Kena marahed by Kay Mi... actually the whole class did. We didn't memorise ALL the bleeding cases. Very good. Now I feel shitty.

Sha's CD Review:

Joe Satriani's Super Colossal...
The Album Cover
My father doesn't like his style of guitar playing in the last album and taking that into consideration, this one is MUCH better. It's got a different groove to it, I guess. Joe kept to basics and used the piano for a less compact feeling for some of his songs in this album. Songs to take note of would definitely be 'Super Colossal', 'Theme for a Strange World' and 'Made of Tears'... but i guess it's subject to the listener.

Dengar masa reading my law books... good company might i add... lol!

Audioslave's Revelations...
The Album Cover
Audioslave... *smiles wide* Is there anything to complain about with this band? They HAVE delivered a funkified album this time. Fortified with yummy tasty goodness. So far, it's still playing in my player. Much like its predecessors, it pretty much keeps you rocking out and jazzed up the whole time...

Songs to take note of would be ALL... hahaha!! err... seriously, it would be 'Nothing Left But to say Goodbye' and 'Broken City' for the funk and 'Original Fire' for the rock that they wonderfully presented with the amazing fusion of a little bit of soul jazzing, and watch out for Morello's AMAZING guitar solo... sounds like something from Batman at first then you go 'Oh...'

Now then, I have to do the scurrying as it is almost buka puasa time and yah... later kena study. hahhaha!!! damnit.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

set topic


Midsummer Nights' Dream + Steve Zissou = One weird combination of some Shakespearean proportions.

Lady Titania... would probably have wild aqua coloured hair and lots of seashells... and bits of pasta... i mean... seaweed stuck in it too... and maybe end up calling herself 'Sabastian' before she goes for naptime...

The Ass (Nick Bottom)... would be an Ass-fish (not buttfish). And his lines are as follows (even when he sings): Blub-blub-blub-heehaw-blub-blub...

Puck... rhymes with fu-nevermind. Let's just turn him into a squid with pink ink.

Oberon... sounds like a walrus... or a turtle... anyway... this powerful guy will be swallowed by something in the end only to be spat out as he find the indian boy or whatsits that's in the actual play. And because the king of fairies tastes like wasabe.

And turn the 4 quarrelling lovers (Demetrius, Helena, Hermia, and Lysander) into sea slugs just because. *grins*

Should be interesting if i actually bothered to write something for the script. But it's not my show kan Michelle? Miss you so so so so much! *sits in the corner to wait for winter hols*

The End.
P/S: For Mich HELP: Click the archives for this month for the pictures. Love ya!

Friday, September 22, 2006

It's kinda sad


I never realised how significant a certain incividual can be. Expecially is said person is actually blood relations. I always lament to my friends how i despise people who make a claim and go back on their own word. Goes to show that they absolutely cannot be trusted to keep a promise.

I told myself years back: I shall never smoke a fag ever in my whole life or start being a serious alcohol consumer and I have never done any since. It's good to keep your own word. There's no feeling that you have betrayed yourself or shown the world what a big hypocrit you are...

Here i am, stuck with a dilemma that someone i know (and at this point do not love as much) has betrayed her/himself. I cannot say who. Let's just call this person Spot for ambiguity's sake. Don't we all seem to have a Spot in our lives that we wish would stick to their word. Makes you lose a large amount of faith, really.

Well, If you make it a point to quit something like, hypothetically, TO FAG. Keep to it. Don't do it just because you have an insane need to show people that you trully are able to stop. In my eyes, the minute you pick it up again... You have a problem.


Add in:

A conversation with Vege Boy about god and his weird ways...

{Unincluded is the part where we talk in ye old english about god and the stupid flu bug.}
Shravan: so how did you come to conclusion that god wears spandex?
Me: errr...
well devil wears prada and you know how god is so virtuous and well... cheap... hahaha
Shravan: is he fashion concious?
Me: *sorry god for this blaspheme...*
Shravan: must be the thign with the frilly robe and harp shit
sorry thinking bout zeus for some reason
isn't it always that way
beard frilly robe harp
Shravan: hahahaha true
wonder why god was given such a wussy image by christians
prolly cos he was born poor?
and well...
you know
jews thought he was a bit nuts
Shravan: hahahahahahahaha
that just made my day nice one
*sorry again god for blaspheming one of your wonderful prophets*
Shravan: mine?
Me:not yours
Shravan: sorry didn't see god there
Me: you dont have prophets...
Shravan: yeah true but we got profits
specially around the waist
well... see... i think thats why muslims dont know what theyre god looks like
Shravan: hahahahahahaha yeah true t
smart of them can't criticise him in anyway
Me: haahahahah
Shravan: hahaha another productive and fulfilling conversation on the mysteries that work this world ( though this is the ultimate mystery of he who is called i am) with you
Me: interesting
and its just wonderful how the conversation ends up as vague as it started
Shravan: yep very true

Forgive my blaspheme... I couldn't help it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006



Here's some pichas i got from today... all from uni.

The guys were playing Scrabble and thats the only thing they thought up of? Posted by Picasa

BORED Scrabble playing boys who cannot find the pingpong table Posted by Picasa

more classmates playing Taboo. The smart kids lerr... Posted by Picasa

Checking out Mich's Bahasa Indonesia paper from UCLA... hahahah!!! Posted by Picasa

We're all a bunch of criminals at heart. Posted by Picasa

nooooo!!! you cannot see my wonderful stick drawing!!! hahahaha!!! (crim law lect)Posted by Picasa

This will not be the last.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



The Kitson Mental Block... laugh but tak faham cos its 9am. Ha.

Saya rindu semua di UK (not ulu klang goddamnit!)... Semua sudah belah.
MICHELLEH! COME ONLINE!!! (but tell me when)

To Do's:
1. Read all ONEHUNDREDSOMETHING cases before month over and commit some to memory
2. Read up Consti/Contract/Method/Criminal ASAP
3. Meet up with Kyn and Tati over buka puasa
4. Go to lunch with the Uni-mates in Bangsar.

WTF is playing on channel [V]?! bunyi macam budak kecik... no actually it sounds like a crappy version of Goldfrap

And dear God, Why does the world revolve around the opposite sex and money? It's so drama lah

Monday, September 18, 2006




Why does the answer always sound worse than your actual problem?

Why does life like to give you lemons but you can almost never find the sugar and ice for the lemonade until the 11th hour?

Why can't we all just get along?


How can one be so smiley yet be so defunct on the inside?

How do you not like who you are but wish for who you will be?

How to count chickens before the eggs hatch?


When will everyone learn?

When do you know that you've made it?

When will people stand up and give a damn?


Who gives a shit?

Who is He to makes our destinies?

Who's your daddy?


Where has the cheese gone?

Where are you when i need you?

Where's my car?

Now then... Next hot topic is quirkyness and oddities of my lecturers. The horrors that lie within.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Chocolate Eclairs


I made chocolate eclairs... yay me!!! i have no pichas because I ate it all.
*squints and laughs loudly*
Kidding... It's not very pretty but it tastes DEVINE...

Yummmm... Posted by Picasa

..mmmyyyyyyyyy... Posted by Picasa

Now then... I have a new hoodie!!! yay!! yay!!! i think i'll take pichas...
*runs away to take pichas and returns with a smug grin*
I also took some of the NEW law books that i bought. Cost the parentals a whopping nine hundred something... ouchies. Why are books so expensive?

The pattern on my hoodie... Posted by Picasa Why laa would i take a picha of a hoodie. You know what it looks like. Looks like a standard hoodie laa... lerrrr...

My law books... Posted by Picasa

Here's a picha of the bulan. Enda told us there was gonna be an eclipse. We came out too late... damnit.

Aroooooooo... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Posted by Picasa

Here's Azman and his ollie.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Posted by Picasa

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Posted by Picasa

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPosted by Picasa

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Posted by Picasa

Yea laa, yea laa... So that is all...

-Alexis On Fire is some good shit.
-My minions miss me... Poor things. LOL!!!
P/S: Why do people keep calling me the DEVIL????

Thursday, September 14, 2006

maximum fun chamber


What is that? Nevermind. I want that built into my loft for future miscreant torture.

Now then, Presentation brought forward to next week. I'm in group 2 for tutorial class. Week 2 is over. Aaaaand I still haven't got all my books. Great.

I want to do a skit like in Actorlympics as a way to raise charity funds. Should be fun. We all can think on our feet. It's no problem for me... But then, we're not professionals...

Alright, forget this shit. I have nothing to write about. God...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006



If you wake me up before i am ready to move, I move really really slowly. Slow motion resulted by lackadaisical attitude towards... look, hey, i don't like people waking me up when i'm nicely drooling over my nap okay.

Now then. I have 2 things to do for Constitution/Admin Law. Tutorial about United Kingdom's poxy Constitution and Government and an assignment comparing poxy UK and Malaysia. How fun.

Who invented feet? People should've come with wheels and monkeys, wings... Fly my pretties!! FLY!!!

I have to read chapter ONE of my criminal law book. I barely made it to page 5... when do i get to learn how to get away with murder? When ah Mr. Kitson?

I have to buy more law books. I have to pick up old law books from my grandfather's office. I have to do so many things. I have to sleep. I have to blablabla...

I gave Andrew my secret to taking pichas of lightning... damnit. I'm too nice.

Monday, September 11, 2006

smack your what?


I apologise for the lack of depth and enginuity in my blog post in the past week. It's just that i have nothing to write about at the moment. In fact, I may not have much to write about for a few more moments as I have just started my degree in law. You may ask 'Whaaaat? Aishah doing law? What, she gila-ah? ishhh...' but it doesn't really matter as there is nothing you can do to change that.

Now then. What's up with the formalities? I have a presentation on Thursday. I've been practicing and therefore, the apparent retardation of my horrible english speaking ways.

What is new you ask? Or, for the rest of you... Wassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap?! I reply with a nothing much. Perhaps the sky or ceiling or the ceiling lights and the fan... It's not very amusing for me to answer your mundane questions. Perhaps if you'd have asked me what my feelings were on the current situation between Israel/America and the rest of the world, I would have much more to say then a simple grunt or two. It may, if you're lucky, come out as a complicated grunt and whine or three. I would like, though, to have a nonsensical communion before everyone else leaves for U.K. (not possibly meaning Ulu Kelang).

If you read this, I can only wonder why...

Currently Massively Feeling Anal,
Sha a.k.a Phat a.k.a Toots a.k.a Turdle a.k.a Hurry-up-lah.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A day in a life of a


Undervalued social service representative. On occation. But what's that got to do with today's post? Absolutely nothing.

Oi! Oii!! According to Afdlin's bloggie, there will be an actorlympics run on NTV7 soon-ish... They start recording with a live audience (like WLIIA) end of this month. Awesome...

And yes, i watched Actorlympics again. This time, Sid came along and he recorded like, half of the show i think... curse the 512mb memory card... cursessssssssss...

Now then, my advice to you: Go read the papers.

Friday, September 08, 2006



We only serve to READ the bloody law... Now go die.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

in uni


First day: Boring nak mampus. I got sorted... not like harry potterlah...okay, not sorted. STUFFED into my class batch. L2.
Full of reserved people and well, dogs. Tall brown pariahs.
How to cope, how to cope?

Second day: Shifted to L1... the people there are more fun and I guess it's because most of them are kinda new there... Hwaheeheeehohoheh... They're fantastico!
Got my first assignment. Well, not exactly. More like, something to do til the real shit starts.
Makan at the 'Carpark mamak' with Nads, Shrav, Pei Yi and someone else I can't remember.
Found a long lost grade one classmate. Forgot her name too but she recognises me. I'm sorry.
Must be all black and white when i go for legal skills classes. The teacher's name (Ms. Vijaya) sounds odd. Everytime she says it, it sounds like "You can call me Ms. Vagina," and i'm all like wutuhfeck?!

{Hang on... *goes to pee* Rushes back.}

New Amigs: Michelle, Nadia, Iz, Shravan, alah... can't remember all. I think I should do like Mich and make me a stalker list... Oh, isn't it fantastic that they all have the names of my Mutiara butties?

Tomorrow: Finish all my mundane stuff and off to meet the rest of the monkeys for Actorlympics.

Now that you know my plans. If you stalk me, I'll stab you with a spork. Fear the spork or fear nothing!
P/S: I'm sorry, Rai, for ditching you!!! It was unavoidable!!! *bawls for forgiveness*
P/S/S: I dunno what planet you can bawl for forgiveness but there it is!
P/S/S/S: Sorry Mo, I DON'T have new pichas of my new frens. Not until i have more time with them... har-dee-harhar!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

aishah the boy killer


I'm kidding. Yan's persandingan was this morning. Banyak hal je... Pening pening and have to walk around in the heat for no reason. Wake up early summore...
Because of that, My 'wedding' is gonna be so small. Nikah and dinner for the few people i have known all my life. Skip persandingan and too bad for the rest of you. No need to spend so much money. Buat susah orang je.

Mich left for Ink-land today. A bunch of other ppl are leaving soon. Three months before they come back for winter.

I start Uni this Monday...

Random: I hate skirts.

Robin Hood: Men In Tights is fookein AWESOME!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

nobody's girl


Yea. But let me assure you that the title is not something to lament about. Its a fact. I was telling a fren of mine how it's not very nice to go flirt around with another persons significant other. I mean, betul what? It's almost like home wrecking!!! *falls down and dies*

Personal rule: Don't flirt/crush on with someone elses boyfee... it's not healthy.

Aishah has gotten over GABE!!! 2 Words: Damn Awesome.