Wednesday, May 02, 2012

It's six degrees and I'm huddled in a jumper and an electric blanket.

I've decided to blog because I just had a really good steak with a lovely Pinot Noir at The Squire Loft and it's cold and I'm procrastinating and it's too early to sleep. I could do work early tomorrow.

I went to sleep early last night thinking that I was going to wake up at a decent hour but lo, the sun did not wake me and the skies were moot and cloudy. The air was chill and everytime my eyes did peak, I thought it was still 7am. When I finally checked my phone to see who loved me and left texts, I realised it was 1:30PM. Or, in French it would sound like "Il est tres heures trente". Jumped out of the bed and had a long, hot shower.

The French oral test was fine. I have a lovely teacher so she didn't mind as much. I really need to practice the etre and avoirs. Ah, language. So complicating.

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