Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Here's an example of the infographic I created of the cafe for Syn class and one of the reasons why I didn't sleep last night.

It's a good thing I didn't print out these things because the cikgu was ill and this became not so important.

Had a conversation with the other cikgu about my end of the year Syn project and it had resulted in a conversation about learning to harness and control lightning, electricity and electrical charges. Which meant I needed super mutant powers. ORRRRRR... I needed to do some more research about taking the idea and extrapolating it

Nikola Tesla and his magic tesla things (Yes, I have tesla envy).
Lightning fields.
Earth Works (With reference to James Turrell).

While doing some research, I quickly segwayed into explodey awesomeness.

So, aside from exploding awesome lightbulb, there was also burny-burny metal things. :|
Why has no one attempted to microwave a leech? I wanted to do that but everyone said no.

Tesla Coil amagahds!

Homemade plasma globe!

French Oral test tomorrow... better go study. :(

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