Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Picking dates to leave for Melbourne,
Between 14th (Lol, Valentines' Day) and 19th Feb cos there's some hot shit deals going on right now, and my Visa is being processed as we speak. Yay! It should be done before end of Jan.
Lodging, lodging, lodging...
We've picked a few, and Aunty Winnie's son, Richard, too is helping with the apartment hunt. He's a good bloke. Always eager to help. We've also got a few helpful hints for when we get there. It's exciting. I haven't started packing, I haven't even started planning to pack. Oh, my god, I can imagine the lists...

I'm talking errantly now while I collect the words to finish my Internship report. Recollecting those 2 months is kind of nice.


We're still figuring out where to go for the January quick trip and I have to stop looking at hiking pictures, it's making me sad because I cannae go hiking. :(
This also includes climbing, paintball and lasertag. You lucky lucky people, you.

I had to Grammar Nazi this and make it into a badge without telling the person who wrote it... because it's my new favourite Engrish Fail...

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