Sunday, January 02, 2011


Starts slow, as usual, as I recouperate and recalibrate -- at least the brain has rebooted, no viruses found and all software is in working order, I'm aware that we're talking about the insides of my head. It's the second day. The parents' 25th Anniversary. Why did my parents get married on 2nd January? Originally, they wanted to get married on the first, you know, New Year's day! But... My dad realised that more than half his friends would be hungover from the celebrations. My parents FTW!

May and I have started thinking of what to pack for Melby, the list is inconclusive as of yet but it will be. Just give us (me) a week to sort out everything else. Oh, and she came over with Chesticles yesterday with some froyo (Passionfruit&Raspberry w/ Nata de Coco&Peanuts!) for Monopoly, how is it that I always get my ass whooped in that game? Goddamnit.

I finally opened the new tabletop calendar and organiser for the new year. Rerwiting all the important birthdays and lists of things to do for this year, making plans and plans and plans... I've one last report to hand up, Visa sent in tomorrow morning,  Also, I wont be able to make any sort of countdown to until I get my Visa sorted out as well as the dates for the flight.

Things I HAVE to do while in Australia:
- Massive road trip during summer across the continent.
- Great Barrier Reefing.
- The Zoos
- Sydney Mardi Gras.
- Music Festivals.

Making Masak Darat chicken because my brother is a ponce but YAY FOR POTATOES!
Who wants a giant fucking lolly? PLEASE?

Oh, and I jsut realised I have discount vouchers for rooms in the Mutiara JB. Should we go there to lepak for a night instead? Slow drive down to JB.

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