Sunday, February 28, 2010

How do you define the line between Gods and Demons?
A friend of mine said that the line is human but sadly he missed the whole idea posed by the question.
One man's meat is another man's poison is what I'm getting at.

How do we know that the Gods we worship now weren't the Demons that were once feared?
How do we know that the Demons we so label these days weren't worshipped on a pedestal of light?

We don't.
We have faith that whatever we do now is right.
We think that as we progress onto the newer generations we learn more, we know more but our understanding of the world, of the beauteous surroundings are so limited that in a split second we could find ourselves going from an alleged path of righteousness into the abyss of oblivion.
Do you know what it is to test the waters of belief?
Of disbelief?
I expect not.
How can one God be so defiant as to deny relief from suffering, from angst, from disillusionment, from lack of empathy and yet the same God be stated as just and all forgiving?
How can one Demon be so charitable as to aide into the path of light, teach undue wisdom, preach insurmountable acceptance and yet be called vile and destructive?
The weighing scale is never in alignment.
It's always tipped just slightly to one side, in favour of one option, off with her head.
The Lady of Justice is no more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction so we wait, the world of mortal peril.
We wait for silence to befall the Earth once more.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lack of updates so have thee my apologies.

Now, then. Finished my Restaurant Design on time we move on now to the Cafe Design Assignment. Still two more journals to be done for ARCS as well as to start the final paper AND finishing up leftovers from 3DMax. I've got me hands full. The term is also almost over.

Watched the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Roald Dahl was always a treasured writer and his books grew with me as a stumbled from the bedrocks of disaster all through to the delightfully surprising person we have now. Ever noticed that in the movie Mr. Fox does the same toothy grin I do whenever I feel like it? No? Fine, be that way.

I guess I'll have to start on my 3DMax work now. :|
Also, it turns out that I've been tasked to post some tea to morocco. Boh or Lipton?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kambing sammich for lunch and soup for dinnah.

Sandwiched between those delightful thoughts is a day full of slogging on Restaurant Design Studio where my darling lecturer put a major project in the middle of the term. I'm not sure if it's a good thing since most of the major projects ARE in the middle of the term... Well, except 3D Studio Max (for which I still need to get a good renderer).

So, Things to do (Yes, we're back to making lists):
- Restaurant Design
- Kerja-kerja tergendala for 3d Max
- Find an appropriate bathroom for a hotel for 3D Max final. (get V-ray?)
- Plan Old Folk's Home trip
- Plan ARCS Term paper, the whole nine yards. (Get Monica to find all relevant articles copied and sent to me to be read)
- Write two more journals for ARCS
- Attempt to explode Prince with my mind.
- Meeting to have George teach Stage for next term.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcome to an evening of angst and general bitch-fitting...

Item 1:
How is it that Malays are, generally, SO STUPID that they perceive EVERYTHING to be detrimental to the way Islam is practised in this country and feel THREATENED by it so much so that I couldn't even play MONOPOLY DEAL (A simple card game played with Monopoly cards created by Hasbro) in Pelita because some DIPSHIT thought it was poker cards?

Item 2:
How is it that Malaysians are SO chicken shit that they cannot WALK UP to a person they have issues with and SORT IT OUT between THEMSELVES? Instead they have to get someone else to bring up a point which is completely REDUNDANT in order to escape humiliation?

Item 3:
Why must I PMS like Dewi Kali herself and want to kill almost every other person?

All good questions which I cannot answer without a forum of 20 people and a unanimous vote. Sounds Malaysian right? Yes, well, I'm not Malay. I'm a Nusantara or Kelantanese. GET IT RIGHT.

Also wik,
If metal pisses you off...
POP bloody well pisses ME off.
I FUKKEN HATE *insert pop 'artist's name here*

Monday, February 08, 2010

I have this uncanny ability to dig my own grave.
But it's usually only when it comes to work though.
I have to be that one person who's special... no pun intended.

Life, however, doesn't have me digging my own grave because I have diplomacy powahhsssss!!!
Whooooo! Yeahhhh!!


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Deadpan Vs. Bonne

(Dark room resonating voice, two women in monochromatic colours based on their names. Toggle on radio dials emitting bits of talk shows, static and random music.)

Red: Wait, wait. Stop the dial...

Blue: What? Here?

Red: No, that's just static. I thought I heard a celebrity's head implode on itself...

Blue: *chuckles* I'm sure that really happened.

Red: You amuse me, really.

Blue: Do I? I amuse myself frequently.

Red sighs as the dials continue turning. Sound of explosions enter the dial and Blue stops playing with the dials.

Blue: Deep in thought now are we?

Red: I contemplate.

Blue: You always are contemplating... What is it this time?

Red: Bombs.

Blue: You can't say that word in planes.

Red: Well aware but what if I wanted to say 'Bons'?

Blue: Like, Bon-bons or Ricky Martin bons?

Red: 'Bonne Nuit'... Who know's one day we'll be on a plane and I wanted to bid you good night?

Blue: Hardly.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Deadpan Vs. Need

(Young woman speaking to herself and sitting in front of a large mirror leaning against the wall.)

Red: No, Blue. No, you may not have it.

Blue: Why not? I'm not going to do anything anyway...

Red: Not? Going to do anything? 'Pining over it' would probably be classified under 'doing anything'.

Blue: In which alienable book would that be in?

Red: None of mine, obviously.

Blue: Even if it were, you wouldn't say it. It would thus be alienable and therefore... Mine.

Red: Technically if it's mine it would be yours as well, and by no means of acquisition...

Blue: Touché and I may so have what I want.

Red: Wrong, again. You may not.

Blue: I don't understand you.

Red: You don't understand you, can you be expected to understand anyone else?

Blue: I take offence to that.

Red: Funny since you're on the fence with everything else.

Blue: That's not what I meant but since you brought it up, you have a zit under your nose.

Red: Well aware, thank you. It's about to be more pronounced. I'll give it a few days.

Blue: If it were about to be more pronounced shouldn't you at least give it a few more vowels?

Red: Ha, I forget that you're a comedienne.

Blue: Much obliged.

*silence for 2 minutes*

Blue: What should I do?

Red: About it? Nothing.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I realise that this is Christian Bale but I Love this kind of hair.
And the chinhair too...