Sunday, September 07, 2008


I was still in bed but the knock on the door and my mom's voice made me fall out all too quickly for me to think about snuggling back into the covers. I heard her say "Aishah, can you go on the internet and get me the recipe for Mein Kampf?"

Surely she had said something else but that's what I heard and before I could reply to her worrying request she had picked up her phone and started gossiping. Ah, the trials and tribulations of being my mothers daughter.

In my head I had concocted the recipe for Mein Kampf: One part cynicism, three parts bigotry, one part holier-than-thou, 10 parts tak-sedar-diri and three-fourths part water. Hitler could've done better. Who'm I kidding? He was the source!

Anyway, turns out my mom just wanted the recipe for miang kam so here I am, on the net and sorely disappointed that my mom hadn't shown her true self... Nazi Hitleress.

Mo chirped up an impromptu catchphrase post read and it says...
"Cooking your empire, Mother?"

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