Saturday, July 26, 2008

Should I go cubatry voice acting?

Details are here.

So basically it's a local company about to delve into the world of 3D (Say 'hello' to the pioneer Final Fantasy, Kaena and Titan AE a'la Malaysia). I wish them luck because so far the 3 movie's I've stated above had crap storylines and are sci-fi based... I'm not saying that their endeavours will be bad, I'm just saying that I hope they come up with some good shit to be proud of... ORRRRR... go ask for movie rights of some webcomic out there as it seems to me that alot of people are doing just that (Last Blood and Marry Me). It would be gila awesome if the ministry didn't butt in and let them do stuff from the supernatural... Yes, I'm a supernatural buff.

I don't think it's a question of 'should I' but more of a question of 'shy-shy lah'... Give me strength o invisible man in the sky!!! (Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster, whoever makes you happy).

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