Friday, November 02, 2012

As I sit here, half doing my 3D, half blogging, a quarter waiting for the food to get done, a third worried about when the housemate is going to deposit his cash in my account (because I'm at a deficit starting this morning -- Oh, rent, so expensive), and not really focused on doing much, I have realised that I'm getting a cat upon my return next year. It's set. My brain has made up her mind and I'll be visiting pounds before semester starts.

Things left to do:
1. Tech folio
-- 3D: Mezz facing North, Mezz looking down the stairs to see the kitchen and decking, Living/Kitchen/Dining from whichever direction fits best, WIW to Bathroom,  (I can definitely split this up into two seperate spaces)
 -- All 2D cad (especially the detailing)
 -- specification sheets: materials only, no furniture -- table of contents
2. Move out to new place with joyous glee.

Anyone has any idea on how to train cats to not hunt/dismember/eat pet birds?

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