So, I'll not.
And feel completely guilty because I usually do what I say I'll do which includes going out unless the parentals memberontak.
I would like to move out.
IF I were to move out you can be sure that I would inevitably lose a few stones from being too not bothered to cook or I'll end up cooking something that would last me a week and get bored of it. Or I might gain a few stones because getting bored of food results in overdosing on roti and Nutella. The jury's still out on that one.
I'm going to let this be a brainfart post.
Whatever so happens to lumber into my mind shall pour out ubiquitously (I have no idea what that word means it just popped into my head and I wrote it down -- It means omnipresent... HAH!)... Like a child with a crumbly cake munching around the house. Oh, the mice shall be pleased.
On to... my cat who is actually a footstool, vacuum cleaner hybrid that has gained sentience.
Did I mention I speak to it as if taking cue from the Ursonate?
A series of growls, chirrups, squeaks and other nonsensical noises.
If cat were a turd with teeth it would look like Domo kun.
I have here a picture of Domo kun simply because I find the dancing turd rather captivating.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Mindless brainfarting.
I got that word from Incubus actually and it stuck.
Fiddle dee dee fibibbidy booo...
If you did the two above lines you can expect your screen to be covered in saliva.
Please don't.
Here's another picture of Domo kun because I can and I have...
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto...
Whatever happened to Otto and his amazing stick-men stickstravaganza?
Ow, my stomach muscles hurt.
Stop stabbing me with the invisible pencil, invisible Stan!
.......... Kwii ee! Brrrrrrrrumph!
But seriously, what's the deal with people nowdays?
They're getting really commercial.
Everywhere I turn around people are trying to hug it out like they're best friends with Steve Buscemi. No, not hugging it out... They're buying random shit they don't need is more like.
Hot Topic is not Punk Rock.
Punk Rock is dead.
I dislike whatever they're playing on popular radio.
BFM wins.
ding-ding 89.9 bitchis... In Kuala Lumpur la.
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