Saturday, February 02, 2008


I went to Lala Land to scout down options for operation Monster.

Turns out they dont ink West Malaysia Muslims, yes not even Spags, for fear of license revocation. BOOOOO!
So now I have to find a Sabahan name, bah. Tolong sikit boleh?

And I think it's cheaper to get the microdermals done in UK.

Oh, and by the way, Ronnie from Spec Body Art KECOMELAN MACAM BEARRR!!!
And the tattooist is whom we call the pretty boy, Zicho.

Wong said he'll ask Frankie about the Monstering me up (Wong also said that the micros are gonna cost me 300 a piece).
Ronnie and Zicho don't mind at all and quoted RM1K.
Kok is an absolute bastard so I'm not gonna go to dragon blaze EVARR (and he quoted RM1.2K).

Bummer much,
Prioritise says Shar.
Okay, said I.
I guess I have to sober up abit for the monster anyway.


butterfly said...

omg u've got to be kidding me?they actually check that stuff??ima kill those B's...good luck on that tho! teehee :P

Sha said...

hehehehehe... yea they do... gila stress okay... *crinkles nose*

thanks for the luck, im getting a tiny one first though, dragon can wait.