Thursday, January 24, 2008

nookleah whores

In my opinion, Iranian President should not back down with his nuclear ideas. I say go for it. What’s the big deal anyway? Assuming they did have nukes, the mighty United Conglomerates of America has them too so when they spout out so much this and that about how Iran might develop nuclear weapons under the guise of using such as a power source it is completely hypocritical.

If the States wants to shut down Iran’s nuclear core they would have to get rid of their nukes as well, an eye for an eye if I may. Yes, it’s very possible to ‘solve’ whatever it is the all-mighty conglomerates think needs solving by diplomacy but it has to be a mutual thing. I get rid of nukes and you get rid of nukes. Send them to the sun or something I don't care.

Honestly, If North America thinks Iran would back down just because they say so, they're seriously still living in la-la land.

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