Tuesday, January 29, 2008

summer plans

There is intent to do a whole load of stuff for summer.
Scuba Certification - May
Perhentian scuba trip - July
Genting day trip - August
Penang food fest - August
Combined Themed Birthday Bash - August planned in June

Okay, okay,
scuba trip is just me doing a min of 1 dive...
If i have enough money
But basically the Perhentian Besar trip is for sun, sand, friends, snorkelling and getting fed 4 times daily

Planning, planning, planning WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I think I'll buy McD's to spite that insensitive bint I call my mother.

Is it possible to denounce mother status?
How about denounce daughter status?

I know for sure I want to denounce myself from her side of the family and more specifically any ties to her since the concept of her family is based on superficiality, bias and favouritism.

I know, from now on she is not mother. She will henceforth be known as Female DNA Donor or FDD for short.

And this is why my father's side is absolutely peachy keen.

If there was a God, He hates me. There's no other explanation.

I'm getting that tattoo.

Friday, January 25, 2008

it ends

Friends, Romans, Women of this holy senate,

I vote an end to IT in March.

All in favour, say 'I'.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

nookleah whores

In my opinion, Iranian President should not back down with his nuclear ideas. I say go for it. What’s the big deal anyway? Assuming they did have nukes, the mighty United Conglomerates of America has them too so when they spout out so much this and that about how Iran might develop nuclear weapons under the guise of using such as a power source it is completely hypocritical.

If the States wants to shut down Iran’s nuclear core they would have to get rid of their nukes as well, an eye for an eye if I may. Yes, it’s very possible to ‘solve’ whatever it is the all-mighty conglomerates think needs solving by diplomacy but it has to be a mutual thing. I get rid of nukes and you get rid of nukes. Send them to the sun or something I don't care.

Honestly, If North America thinks Iran would back down just because they say so, they're seriously still living in la-la land.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the internet is teh fun

I google my name regularly and in different aliases and lookie what i found!

’she had a sharoose on him’ Pardon moi?

Click it...
Gila gelak semacam. XD

You know, it wouldn't matter if HE or SHE had a sharoose on HIM or HER... it's cool if they're yummy though.

Linking Nadia to the clogged up wall of linkies and random webbies.
Hit her up.

By the groans of zombie Jeebus can January got on any slower???

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Yarp (adj)
A german guy saying 'Yup' and burping at the same time.
Submitted by Ex-vegeman bin Papadam

Okay kids,
I'm finally super excited cos The Voice is coming back.

You kids have an arduous task at hand.
Good cop, bad cop.
Interrogate the bastard.

camping... hahahahah...

Ooooo... look look! This is teh funnies!

How To Have A Long Distance Relationship

Thursday, January 17, 2008


changing the colour scheme so that its not so terpesong on different sized screens.
And I will do this in Feb. Work makes me sleepeh.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

kid's leaving

Huzzy's leaving for the states in less than 24 hours from now. A bunch of us had sheysha and drinks together as a farewell thing. It's not much of a shocker if it weren't for the fact I had forgotten he was going to leave. He told me a few weeks, or was it a month, back.

It's definitely not going to be the same without him. I can hardly believe he's made his mind about it too. No more monkey fights with the rest of the kids. It's devastating.

I was sent home in his friends car. The friend's name is Zaid or something. I can't quite recall, I'm gonna have to ask him about it later (and get that boy's phone number for future reference too). It was all fine and dandy up until I had to get OUT of the car. Oh, the horror, I couldn't get myself out. He was the Knight in Shining Armour for that night (and on many other occasions) and literally lifted me out of the car and deposited me on the bench on my veranda. (with Zaid* following not far behind)
~<333 =D

Most of you know how phobic I am with people carrying me around anywhere. Bad memories et al, but well, I trust him enough and he didn't drop me so it's cool.
(Zaid's* a sweetheart too, such a nice guy)

He sent me a text saying that my perfume rubbed off on his shirt but he promised there was no questionable afterthought. I'm sure. After the many times his perfume rubbed off on my shirt, I swear part of the perfume making process includes the addition of pheromones. He always smells nice.

But no, there's nothing more than an intense adoration for him as, if one may say, a darling brother. I know that I won't be seeing him for the next 5 years unless I got lucky and struck a pot of gold with enough money for me to go visit. Instant messaging is always there but people lose touch quickly though they're not forgotten. I don't just want to be remembered, I want to be there for him of anything goes wrong. I'd love to be there and hear him brag about his achievements.

This is getting to be too long, emo much now... :(

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

random monday

I realised I'm more of a piercing kind of person...

Must get moar of them.

This is what they insert into your skin for microdermals:

Some really cool anchors.

Da, to get some, my life would finally be completed!!
No, not really.

Conversation between me and the girl sibling:

Me: I want my cafe before I turn 40.
Naf: and if you don't?
Me: I'll kill myself
Naf: Noooo!!! I'll give you moneys!!! No kill self!

Conversation between me and the boy sibling's friend:

Me: Put the scooter back
Daniel: But...
Me: Put it back before I commence with the hair-pulling...
Daniel: Awwwwww...

Packer's in Dubai transit bored to tears.
Cinnamartyr's in Yookeh busy already.

I are misses them both. :(


Saturday, January 12, 2008

i wait


BYEEEEE~! I await your return for out summer vacay!

Friday, January 11, 2008


That's what I have started doing.

To want to figure out
what I just
said and what language
it is,
try looking up
texts on
The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Musings for the coming Summer
(ya, I know it's still MONTHS away shattap)

Belated 21st + Mich's 20th - Pirate themed
Penang Road Trip
Scuba License
Perhetian Kecil

That is all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I want to go to the zoo and get colourful stuff from the wizard they call Gandalf... eh salah pulak cerita. I meant Frankie.

Microdermal piercings, Neena Has It

And I want it. and some others tooh.

I will go scouting the area...

More relevant updates when I feel like it, back to you Stan.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

i'z demam

After so long I finally am ill.
cirit-birit too.

Takpe, later after loonch I take Panadol.

I've paid for the cupcakes and now I wait (im)patiently for the end of the month to come by so that:
a) I can finally move back to my non-work sleeping patterns (waking up past noon)
b) I can pick up the cupcakes and give it to the office as thanks
c) it's finally February and The Voice hits the tanah air (and mauling can ensue)
d) I would not be ingesting any more sammiches
e) I can get bored

23rd is my 6-month Anniv... : /
how lyddat?

Monday, January 07, 2008

road trips

skejap lemme do some work first.
I'z at teh ofis.


Went to Melaka with Sharil (designated driver of big car), Michelle, Liza, Soon Seng (designated driver of little car), Usaid and Jean yesterday. Now I'm ass tired but need to shake tail.

Neeeeeeed to shaaaake taaaaaaail.
But one does not shake tail in the office. One just doesn't. It's not how it works.

The trip...
Left at 3-something, arrived at... i forgot, went to Kota A'Famosa and it was closed but we went to the stuff selling area and took pictures there.

Err moment #1: STADHUYS upon glance can look like TANDAS. Was I high? No...

So many photos there. Went to the tempat makan to look for the loo. Loo is a squatting one. How 'bout no. Told... ASKED Shar nicely to drive us to Holiday Inn touse the loo there.

On the way, we stopped at some funky, I mean sejarahy looking ship and took more pictures there. Touristy. hahaha... Usaid said that there's toilets where we stopped. Michelle and I glared at him. I forgot who said this but...
"Oh my god, the toilets here might have AIDS,"
"YA YA! NOT MIGHT! They DO have AIDS."
So, as asinine as that sounded, we didn't go there.
Holiday Inn has nice toilets.

Then we went to makaaaan...
No, no chicken rice balls. Malas nak cari. We tried out some hawker stall area that reminds me of Hartamas Square a little bit. After dinner Mich needed to go to the loo.
The plot thickens...
"How long does it take for Michelle to be done?"
"I dunno... Never timed her,"
"Lets move somewhere so she cannot find us,"
"Like behind a pillar?"
"yea, like Aishah's scooter can hide behind a pillar too"
*insert funny mental picture*
"We can go there! *point*"
"Near the Walls Ice Cream freezer, we can see her but she'll never see us... mwahahaha..."
"Let's go,"
"I want ice cream."

So we left and found out there's MORE FOOD YONDER ICE CREAM FREEZER... but it wasn't halal so non bummer bummer moment with a stab of envy, they have more stalls. Noffair.
And then Mich found us and ran after me... Aaaaaarghhh!!! Cantthisthinggoanyfaster?! No, it cant. Demmit.

Err moment #2: I forgot to buy Pao *palmhead*

Left that place for the night stalls and some mall that I saw from the food place via scooterku. I give you pictures later I promise. Walked ahead with SS cos everyone else was kinda full from teh foods
"How do I get there?"
"Dunno, you could try the car entrance, can you fit?"
"Of course I can,"
"You sure?"
"Yea, I am."
"Oh yea, It's quite a big space,"
Went through the boom gates and from afar, Michelle yelled "HEY YOU FORGOT TO TAKE YOUR TICKET!"
I forgot about that, would've been fun to see too.
Bought Ice cream at Baskin Robbins, phwoar what a rip-off. Nevar akaint!
Chased Usaid around the mall cos it was fun and moved closer to 'night market'.
It was so not a night market... tourist buying stuff je. ish.
Gave up and went to play at the Playground and that is a story to tell in pictures.

I cant sing the Cranberries
Sexual Innuendo is loved by all
Malaysia has ZERO hot guys

Ah, but fond memories.

Friday, January 04, 2008

sorry tade update

Takde masa la nak update update everyday. Also wik, my life is the boring much.
The seasons festivities will resume in Summer...
And the occational public holiday.

Work ends of January yay~!

I'm testing out Cuppacakes end of January yay~!

Hoi... toddler cerrzenku got facebook. HE'S NOT EVEN 10 YET!!!
What the heck is wrong with the world. What happened to being a happy kid playing in the mud eh? *shakes head in dismay*

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Yes it is ladies and gents,
The new year is upon us so get your little doggie bags and tapau the rest of your residual sanity and brace yourselves for another humdrum year of studies, lame tv shows and the never ending rat race.

A visual recap of PART OF the year and quotes from the ever getting older blog. Oh and by the way. Blog is now a year older, rejoice!


This was the end after everyone left and me and Mich were layaning sheysha pot.


Hero of the night: Fahms
Dude of the grill.

Tati, Mich, me and Kyn

Shravan Shravaning. tsssk.

Makaning and Durian on the 22nd

The food spread

The Durian binging afterwords

The cats making noisy catsex under Sharil's car.

Pizza Day with the girls

Pizza Dough

May, Min and me


Finished DIY pizza.

Lazers Charged.

Raya Eid Mubarak 2007

Michael, me and Shawn

Raya is for happy eating congregations

Ayah in the brown shirt

Me, Baby Gabby and Naf

"Brainfart: Mr. Mark Goh is kinda like Foamy... he talks really fast, really randomly and rants alot."

"What in the name of all that is holy made the creators of DOTA think up of DOTA. They must have been on drugs."

"Funny how you can make British PM's name abbreviations into something that presents them...kinda like...
Margaret Thatcher = MT = Major Turd
Tony Blair = TB = Total Bullshit.
Oh, well..."

"Ilyas: No I dont want anymore wedges....
Ayah: What? You want a wedgie???"

"i have to study...damn ground control 2...hahahahaha!!!"

So many quotes so lazy me, I guess you'll have to go through it all yourself!

Oh yea and I'm kinda looking forward to contract paper in May.