Monday, October 22, 2007

tired and depraved

Perhaps the inside of my head looks like this
*points down*

Which is a non issue I wish to address to the public at large.
Perhaps a creation of a more discreet blog is in the works for something less public and more rant-like for someone with such a mind as to promote a disorganised self image to the rest of the world.

Which really literally means I wan't to blow some people/places up.
Doesn't say much about my sanity either.

It's been on like this for several weeks now. Perhaps an adverse effect of being in an enclosed room with cigarette smoke for a month or just PMS in a sort of 'post' instead of the usual 'pre' sense.

I sit here in stupor as to how I had just stopped making sense even to myself. I half think it's got something to do with the disease schitzophrenia which is just medical jargon for saying a split or multiple personality disorder quickly effecting half of the worlds' population but we don't notice it since we practice it on a daily basis.

An example?
Aishah at work beats Aishah at home
or Aishah's behaviour with her parents contrasting with Aishah's behaviour with her friends.

I think that would just make it a total of already 4 different personalities.

I would very much love to speak with someone who wouldn't pass judgement on my current state of affairs but nobody seems to be nice enough to bear with me relinquishing the burden of my heart and soul. It does seem like a daunting task to the average person if you think about it that way but really, it isn't!

A malady of discontent if it were put in such a short and eloquent way. In a fit of unprecedence it seems as if I had just jumped into a bonfire and burned away with such passion like only Cirano may whisper of.

Passion. Such a word brings a scowl to my face. Such a crude and demeaning suggestion in this age. There is no more passion. There is no more acceptance. Merely a tolerance and a want to keep up with society, to stay away from its distaste, its imposed guilt.

To end it all? There is no end.

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