Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm staring at a screen for an hour

Oh, joy.

Supposed to see Ms. V today on her order...
Turns out she's on MC.
Sialan or not?

Aaaaaaaaaaand since I really don't have anything better to do here's a 2 week recap of my life.
(Has it been 2 weeks? Bah!)

Oh yea, Results.
Pass, Pass, Fail.
I thought I was gonna flunk Criminal cos I swear to the big G I did so badly times.
Braced myself for all that is unholy and shitty as hell and upon seeing my results...
I. Failed. Contract.

Last chance.
Ms. Mala says that First Year is the most annoying year ever.
1. You're a fresher
2. The horrible fresher 15
3. The contract lecturer HATES YOU.

I'm reminded by Nadiah sayang saying that 1st year is definitely harder.
It's your hurdle.
The thing you throw sheep over.

So anyway,
Mich and I went touristing in our own lovely country.
Visit Malaysia Year!!!
We went to the Asian Arts Museum in University Malaya and to the National Arts Gallery in Titiwangsa.
The former sucked righteous ass. The exhibits were very nice but the pedistole they were put it on is terribly unimpressive. Like hello, You dont cram it up into a cupboard on the wall. The lighting is WRONG! Someone get a professional curator before I explode!
The latter was nice. Impressive. I has have (it's cutesy to have grammatical error but it's also hella annoying) pictures of this wonderful artwork. I forgot who's it by but props to her. I'll put it up as soon as I get home and the internet stops being the shit.
Moving on.

Birthday Birthdays!
Ee, sorry I couldn't make it to Chillis. Blame the car... BLAME THE CAR!
Mo, Your KFC will be on Monday 'cos Mich cannot neglect Mum-Sundays.
I so want KFC... or Maggi goreng.

I'm NOT flying to the Jolly Old cos I haven't passed my contract.
The Good:
I get to see my sayang in April. YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!
The Bad:
I waste one year waiting for May. Well, not waste per say la. I will get a job at a firm... Attachment-like shindig. If i don't attach myself to a respectable - or not- firm then I'll get a job. Moola commeth! With moola comes DIVING LICENCE *throws flowers* amongst other things.
The Ugly Fugs:
Insane, INSANE guilt trip...
I swear it's the worst feeling ever.
And my grandfather. Oh dear God.

What else?
Sad's in HELP doing Law.
Saw Mark, Mabs and Leeturt on Friday at DELIcious. Mabs left me with the two momkeys... how could she............. *sob*

Is that it?
Wow, that's lame.

Loves the sayang.
Loves everyone else too.

Celebrated Merdeka eve with Danny, Junes, Judde and Mich at a new sheysha place. Danny made friends with the Odey the owner. Awesome sialan.

We wanted to see the fireworks but takde. ish.

Anyway, pictures of the Merdeka Eve is HERE. (Junes, can I have the rest of the photos please?)
Pictures of the Art touristing is HERE and HERE.
And pictures of Min and May's first sheysha experiance + Birthday things is HERE.

That'll be all for today.


Unknown said...

where's peektures of meee?
and no merdeka post, ay? too bored of jude kikiki.

Anonymous said...

oh yea... merdeka post...
