Friday, February 03, 2006


i think like a guy: you threaten me, i threaten you and i screw up your life because you started it and because i can.
Isn't that true members of the male society? Well, maybe for a majority... but up and coming are the level-headed panic-driven let's-think-about-it-for-a-second kinda guys. So... difficult to comprehend.
I'm taking a break from studying chem right now... I really really really hate/loathe/abhor this whole studying thing... i think my best friend would be powerpoint if i had the choice. All this sucking up and spewing out selected information is really taking up a huge chunk of my brain... And what's worse is that the exams that i'm going to take will actually determine my whole life. Talk about wasted.
The next generation will be soooooooooo fucked. They'd have to come up with another grade of smart. They need to come up with something higher than a PhD...
I shall stop ranting now... Nazdrovia!

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